Also known as the rebound. See Examples and Observations below.
Also, a pun can be homophonic i.e, it can be formed with two words that sound alike. The first ‘groove’ refers to the record grooves that the needles of records run through to create sound. The Washington Post worked on people’s fear of missing out the news by coining the slogan “If you don’t get it, you don’t get it.”. Playing with just two words, he … Those who are not fired with enthusiasm, will be fired, with enthusiasm. The classic slogan of Coca Cola “People on the go . . In Henry V, the clownish Ancient Pistol declares: “To England will I steal, and there I’ll steal.” In the first usage, steal refers to sneak away and in the second, to an act of theft. Lyrics from “Blueberry Hill” by Fats Domino. The second refers to a private jet while the last PJ refers to pyjamas. The world of advertising is filled with examples of antanaclasis. This wordplay makes antanaclasis a popular choice for slogans and maxims, especially in the advertising world.
“The long cigarette that’s long on flavour” was the eye-catching slogan of Pall Mall Cigarettes. The first ‘hang’ means ‘stay’ or ‘stand’, while the second time it refers to being ‘hanged’ or ‘executed’. Antanaclasis is when a single word is repeated multiple times, but each time with a different meaning. Antanaclasis lends itself beautifully to chorus or refrain of songs because of its witty repetition. 4.
The bard uses this literary device again in Othello. Playwright William Shakespeare had a particular fondness for antanaclasis. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Word Play: Having Fun With the Sounds and Meanings of Words, Snap, Crackle, Pop: Definition and Examples of Onomatopoeia, Definition and Examples in Rhyme in Prose and Poetry, Scheme (Rhetoric): Definition and Examples, Words at Play: An Introduction to Recreational Linguistics, Ph.D., Rhetoric and English, University of Georgia, M.A., Modern English and American Literature, University of Leicester, B.A., English, State University of New York, "And there's bars on the corners and bars on the heart. Antanaclasis is also a type of pun, although not all puns are antanaclasis. Put out the light, and then put out the light.”. Antanaclasis cannot be homophonic; it has to be homographic, as with the different meanings of the word ‘hang’ in Benjamin Franklin’s statement. », « La culture, c'est comme la confiture, moins on en a, plus on l', « Les étudiants, c'est comme le linge, quand il fait beau, ça, « L'intelligence, c'est comme les parachutes, quand on n'en a pas, on s', « la répétition du refrain, sous un éclairage qui change constamment avec le sens, n’est qu’une application raffinée de l’antanaclase ». This particular type of wordplay makes it a common choice for slogans and sayings. The second time it refers to making people dance. « Les chansons sont comme la guillotine ; elles coupent indifféremment, aujourd'hui cette tête-ci, demain celle-là.
go for Coke” meant that busy and successful people buy Coca Cola. Ce n'est qu'une variante. c. American football coach Vince Lombardi Antanaclasis appears often in aphorisms, such as "If we don't hang together, we shall surely hang separately.". a. He used it with equal adeptness for comedy and tragedy. Home; News; Rankings. For the Diplomats, the popularity of it likely began with Cam'ron, the leading member of Dipset, who started his career rapping alongside Mase. "Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana" - popular pun of unknown origin, which relies on an instance of antanaclasis to create a second kind of wordplay, the "garden path sentence," which "tricks" the reader into expecting something else or confusing meaning in the second half of the sentence. L'antanaclase, du grec anti et anaklasis, est une figure de style qui consiste en une répétition d'un mot ou d'une expression en lui donnant une autre signification également reçue mais toujours de sens propre. Also see: EtymologyFrom the Greek "antanáklasis," meaning "reflection, bending, breaking against" (anti, "against,"; ana, "up"; klásis, "breaking"). Match the following examples of antanaclasis with the person who said or wrote them: 1. Othello says: “Yet she must die, else she’ll betray more men. Interestingly, even the music genre of rap uses antanaclasis to create impact.
Here, the first PJ stands for pineapple juice. Although we’re apart, you’re still a part of me. Derived from the Greek word, antanáklasis which literally translates as reflection, it’s a figure of speech in which one word is used in two contrasting (and sometimes comic) meanings in one sentence. For instance in the song Sir Duke by Stevie Wonder, the lines: “Just because a record has a groove, Don’t make it in the groove.”. Antanaclasis is a figure of speech wherein the same word is used in two contrasting meanings in one sentence. Your argument is sound… all sound. Puns don’t require either. I’m not a business man, I am a business, man! Il existe l'antanaclase elliptique qui est une … La dernière modification de cette page a été faite le 8 octobre 2019 à 22:16. A candle burns in her bedroom. d. Jay-Z, EW India Budget Private School Rankings 2020, EW India Higher Education Rankings 2020-21, Karnataka: Reopening of colleges postponed, Supreme Court refuses to hear parents’ plea for school fees waiver, School reopening status across states from September 21 & FAQs, Impact of online learning on school education, The importance of school education in child development. ", "If you aren't fired with enthusiasm, you will be fired with enthusiasm. Dr. Richard Nordquist is professor emeritus of rhetoric and English at Georgia Southern University and the author of several university-level grammar and composition textbooks. In short, all antanaclasis are puns, but not all puns are antanaclasis. Synecdoque. This dual use of a word or phrase where it means something different each time it appears in a sentence is known as antanaclasis. Towards the end of the play, Othello enters Desdemona’s chamber with the intention to kill her because he is convinced that she is unfaithful to him. 2. For instance the song Iggy SZN by Australian recording artist Iggy Azalea has this sentence: “I’m drinking PJ on a PJ in my PJs”. . C'est une figure de la polysémie qui vise un effet humoristique, proche du jeu de mots. Menu. Site de l'Académie française, index des mots supprimés :,,, Portail:Sciences humaines et sociales/Articles liés, licence Creative Commons attribution, partage dans les mêmes conditions, comment citer les auteurs et mentionner la licence.
To qualify as antanaclasis, the word must be repeated within the same sentence.
Puns can also be homographic — formed by words with different meanings, but spelt the same. 3. ", "For every woman growing anxious about thinning hair, there are thousands growing it back. EW India Budget Private School Rankings 2020; EW India Higher Education Rankings 2020-21; EW India School Rankings 2019-20; EW India Preschool Rankings 2019-20; Gallery. Antanaclasis is a figure of speech wherein the same word is used in two contrasting meanings in one sentence – Roopa Banerjee. ", "At first glance, Shirley Polykoff's slogan--'If I've only one life, let me live it as a blonde!'
b. Benjamin Franklin Philosopher-politician and one of the founding fathers of the United States of America, Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) famously said: “We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately.” This statement is striking because of the ingenious use of the word ‘hang’ to convey two different meanings within the same sentence. --seems like merely another example of a superficial and irritating rhetorical trope (. Elle est très proche de la paronomase et surtout de la syllepse de sens. Antanaclasis is a rhetorical term for a type of verbal play in which one word is used in two contrasting (and often comic) senses—a type of homonymic pun. Consider the following lines off one of his mix-tape releases: 'I flip China White,/my dishes white china/from China.' Obviously, the first ‘light’ refers to the candle, while the second to Desdemona’s life. EWISRA 2019-20 Day 1 ; EWISRA 2019-20 DAY 2; EWECE 2020; EWIPHERA 2019-20; EWBPS …