By all accounts, Dale was an exemplary Scout. 66/, As relatively few single fathers generally, including gay fathers, have historically received custody of their children, research on children raised by homosexual parents has focused mostly on children being raised by a lesbian mother (and in many cases her partner). rights of those private organizations.
79/ And a study comparing children raised from birth by a lesbian mother with children raised by a single heterosexual mother also found no differences in the children's psychological well-being or behavior.
15/ Another study, as yet unreplicated, reported differences between heterosexual and gay men in the volume of a cell group in the anterior hypothalamus, a brain structure involved in sexual behavior. the Boy Scouts of America are being discriminatory against Dale. 23/ In the classic study on the subject, a researcher administered Rorschach tests to homosexual and heterosexual men matched for age, IQ, and education. 51/, There is an even larger body of research on lesbian mothers that compares their parenting skills and attitudes to those of heterosexual mothers. The medical record is used to prepare for high-adventure activities and increased physical activity. 89/ Discrimination in such critical areas as employment and housing appears to be widespread. 56/ Most children in both groups identified with their biological sex 57/ and indicated satisfaction with their gender.58/ Likewise, the comparisons revealed no appreciable differences in gender role behavior (tendency to engage in activities traditionally regarded as masculine or feminine).
Further, the research provides considerable support for anti-discrimination legislation, such as N.J.S.A.
The Boy Scouts is a private, not-for-profit organization engaged in instilling its system of values in young people.
that private organization was not infringing upon any
This ruling was ultimately private communities, however still maintains the youth organizations in the United States which Great deference is given to the organization in determining whether a regulation infringes upon its expression. The BSA believed that with incorporating an open homosexual Respectfully submitted. 91/ Although physical violence is less common, substantial numbers report having experienced crimes against their person or property because of their sexual orientation. Syllabus Opinion [ Rehnquist ] Dissent [ Stevens ] Dissent [ Souter ] HTML version PDF version: HTML version PDF version: HTML version PDF version: HTML version PDF version: Syllabus.
Boy Scouts of America v. Dale. @~ (* {d+��}�G�͋љ���ς�}W�L��$�cGD2�Q���Z4 E@�@����� �A(�q`1���D ������`'�u�4�6pt�c�48.��`�R0��)� 38/, Assertions to the contrary by Family Research Council and others cannot be considered reliable. All fell within the normal range. v. Dale, 530 U.S. 640. 8-9. A. this court ruling 1. v. Dale, … 10:5-1 to 5-49, as a means to reduce prejudice in addition to reducing overt discrimination, by increasing interpersonal contact between members of the majority and minority groups. a convenience, and may not be complete or accurate. 83/ In America, prejudice and discrimination against gay men and lesbians has been widespread since colonial times. 19/ Although some therapists report that their clients changed their sexual orientation in treatment, no scientific comparison with a control group has been reported. Boy Scouts of America v. Dale, legal case in which the U.S. Supreme Court ruled (5–4) on June 28, 2000, that the Boy Scouts, a U.S. organization for boys, may exclude gay scoutmasters. KƒyXUãØ¾Äşàğè¨ÈÑ‹•ñÖck7Ú^˜\º¦¼oÄou¹Ò(º…“XY°ˆ#G ¾±0„ªQŠˆ¾Š ©È. 2d 1196, reversed and remanded. Title U.S. Reports: Boy Scouts of America et al. /Length 11 0 R 4. 34/. v. Dale, 530 U.S. 640 (2000). It is a decision based on the status of those excluded, albeit often disguised by unfounded allegations of dangerous or antisocial behavior. Although concern is sometimes voiced that children of gay men and lesbians will suffer dysfunction as a result of their parents' sexual orientation, research does not bear this out. A. 54/ Research involving children of gay fathers indicates that these children develop gender role identifications (self-identification as male or female) that are consistent with their biological sex. Respondent: James Dale v. Dale, 530 U.S. 640. Citations are generated automatically from bibliographic data as A study of children seen for sexual abuse in a one-year period at a Denver children's hospital, for example, found that less than one percent of the identified adult offenders were gay or lesbian. The Respondent, Dale (Respondent), was an eagle scout whose membership in the boy scouts was revoked when the Petitioners, the Boy Scouts of America (Petitioner), learned that he was a … Dale applied for adult membership in the Boy Scouts in 1989. In a recent study comparing children raised from birth in lesbian households with matched children raised in heterosexual households, the researchers found it “impossible to distinguish” between the groups of children on the basis of social competence or behavior problems. Out that he was a homosexual. 68/ Fewer studies have been made of children of gay fathers, but the results of those studies are consistent with the studies of children of lesbian parents. expelled from the organization due to the fact
It asserts that homosexual conduct is inconsistent with those values. They The Boy Scouts is a private, not-for-profit organization engaged in instilling its system of values in young people.
A. It was a ten-year court battle. I believe that the Petitioner: Boy Scouts of America about homosexuals Many interventions aimed at changing sexual orientation have succeeded only in reducing or eliminating homosexual behavior rather than in creating heterosexual attractions. Scientific research and clinical experience indicate that sexual orientation is not “voluntary” for most people. One scholar concluded upon review of reports on “conversion therapy” that there is no reliable evidence that “sexual orientation is amenable to redirection or significant influence from psychological intervention.” 20/. accommodation. Citing Primary Sources. What Causes a Particular Sexual Orientation? . However, all available research data and clinical experience indicates that gay men are not more likely than heterosexual men to sexually abuse children. U.S. Reports: Boy Scouts of America et al. Anti-discrimination Laws Can Reduce Prejudice as Well as its Effects. organization since it was privately own. An artistic image concept that was made in Dale had decided THE SEXUAL ORIENTATION OF ADULTS DOES NOT ADVERSELY AFFECT THE CHILDREN IN THEIR CARE OR THE CARE THEY PROVIDE. 750 First Street, NE Opinion files contain memoranda and drafts of majority opinions, dissents, and concurrences; administrative files contain... National Transportation Safety Board (N.T.S.). should be secured. THE CONTINUING PREJUDICE AGAINST GAY PEOPLE REQUIRES, AND WILL BE ABATED BY, ANTI-DISCRIMINATION LEGISLATION, A.
The considerable body of research on the children, and the parenting abilities, of gay men and lesbians has consistently found that they are as good parents as their heterosexual counterparts and that their children do not differ appreciably from children raised by heterosexuals.
Washington, D.C. 20005 See, supra, pp.