criminal case when in rome

And she gave me coins and gifts, riches for a humble slave... He's on fire! Jack: It sounds like Scorpius! (Prerequisite: Scorpius interrogated; Clue: Party Supplies), Examine Party Supplies. Jack: Wait, Brutus is still alive?!

We came to Rome looking for the gold Octavian got from Gaul, only to find a woman dead in his Circus Maximus lounge.

The hours leading up to the murder must've been pretty intense, !

Jack: And it looks like anger and pain are always relevant, no matter when we are in time. Let's not risk you running out of battery!

Claudia: Banished?!

Jack: The guards and the crowd are outta here!

(07:00:00; Attribute: The killer eats pizza), Examine Faded Card. They could provide a clue! Jack: Okay, let's go cheer Zara on!

Jack: But you're right, , there's also some graffiti... mentioning our victim!

Jack: Scorpius, you said your relationship with Flavia was platonic, but we know you attended her orgy and engaged in some... adventurous activities!

Jack: We can't avoid it, .

Theo: Astro, activate energy-saving mode. All because I was in love! Jack: It must have been very stressful to have Flavia blackmail you with this information. Isn't it the same as what the victim was wearing? Jack: Sounds pretty saucy, I agree! Jack: And remember to pretend to be loyal Roman soldiers when we ask Octavian about the victim!

Jack (searching through his tablet): Apparently it's a bulla: a pendant parents gave their children! (18:00:00; Attribute: The killer knows knot tying), Examine Wooden Crate. Jack: Let's send the sample you got from the victim's earring to Theo, ! Zara: I hope you feel better soon! Claudia: My love for Octavian opened my eyes! (Result: Scorpius' Fingerprints), Question Scorpius about his relationship with the victim.

Jack: And after dealing with Octavian, AND nearly getting eaten by a lion, a good time is exactly what the doctor ordered! As the team reconvened by the Amore canals, they were informed by local police officer Vito Panzica that someone had been spotted disposing of objects in the canal. I wouldn't want to bore you with them! (Prerequisite: Balbina interrogated; Clue: Helmet), Examine Helmet. Jack (holding a pepper spray bottle): Look!

Amy: I just heard about that. Balbina: Flavia thought she was superior to me.

ROAR! Jack: There's some powder on it, let's vacuum a sample! Well, half her, half a donkey! Jack: I have a feeling we're closing in on our killer, ! Jack: We are honored to serve you, O Consul, as mighty as you are cunning!

She had to die!

Zara: Thanks, Kai, you're the best! Zara: You think Balbina might be able to help us?

Penelope then confessed that she knew what the symbol was, saying it was a crest belonging to the Nicola family of Athens. Orlando: The writing on it says, "Fugimus politica, stultus mulier!" Your killer is the one who left this fresh sample! I saw some in the emergency supply closet. We deserve to have some fun... You know, to keep our spirits up! Nebet: Cleopatra kept some wild beasts in her palace, so I've been around them... but this one was terrifying! Jack: At least someone made the most of our little layover in Ancient Rome. Janis: , did you cross paths with Nebet on your way in? Help! (Prerequisite: Circus Maximus Box investigated; New Crime Scene Unlocked: Roman Fountain), Investigate Roman Fountain. (Kai collapses.) We found out where to find a helmet, without revealing that I'd actually be replacing Scorpius in the race! Octavian is good. Analyze Diary. Zara: Got it.

But one day, while baking Vesta's offering, I snapped! It's inspired me for one of my stories! Zara: I'm kind of taking part in a chariot race and I- Jack: Well, we already knew that Octavian resented Flavia's involvement in politics because she supported Mark Antony's bid for power instead of his.

I'm not surprised that woman got herself killed. The team then took her to Octavian, who banished her from Rome. Later, aboard the time machine...

Zara: It was such a thrill, ! Jack: So Flavia's parties served a double purpose! Jack: Okay, let's get them to that party lady. (07:00:00; Attribute: The killer has blonde hair), Go to Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust (1/5). Let's reveal the fingerprints! Examine Bloody Pillow. The treaty was adopted at a diplomatic conference in Rome on 17 July 1998 and went into effect on 1 July 2002.

Analyze Notes.

Zara: So I got a helmet, I got an awesome chariot, and I got the flag. Jack: She also blackmailed Brutus over not behaving the way a Roman man was expected to!
Jack (searching through his tablet, blushing): Oh! I agree, Centurion , we should go there next! (Clues: Anniversary Present, Soaked Paper, Broken Wheel), Examine Anniversary Present.

Theo: The rope is indeed your murder weapon! (Available after unlocking Chapter 3; Clues: Gold Handcuffs, Broken Mosaic, Wooden Book), Examine Gold Handcuffs. My poor mother! She got him drunk and later caught him in the act! Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. (The lion eats the meat.) Jack: , what's that?

It doesn't seem like a good idea... We must focus on serious problems, like getting home! (Attribute: Amanda knows knot tying, eats pizza and has read, Ask Antonio why his rosary was broken. (Result: Scales Necklace; New Suspect: Amanda Prince), Investigate Amore Canals. I don't know how you found us, Nebet, but I'm glad you did! Revealing the name on the bulla will tell us who it belongs to! Man, this is going to be awesome! (Attribute: Lola knows knot tying and has read, Confront Adelaisa about the bill. (Clue: Gondola Booking Sheet; Reward: 20,000 Coins), Examine Gondola Booking Sheet. Kai: Who's ready to race in the best not-so-antique chariot? Claudia: I know, it was foolish of me to vent my frustration that way.

Jack: Balbina, did you know about this mosaic Centurion found of you? Thank you, Balbina! I'm seeing it in action: you got the gold! Certainly didn't expect you to pop up during an investigation! He laid out a route through which the gold would travel during a public parade. Let's inform Claudia of her mother's death. Janis: Your killer obviously had poured themselves a drink before committing the murder! It means, "Flavia, how could you do this to me!" Claudia: I'm not allowed to love! Jack: Well, blood may have already been shed on that score.

Jack: Quick, , before the guards come back! I was always the punchline to a joke.

Zara: A real race?

Jack: With a mind like that, it's no wonder he's to become the Emperor of Rome! And yet he calls himself a military man! The Rome Statute is the treaty that set up the International Criminal Court (ICC).

Brutus: Flavia would be courteous to your face but spit on your back! It is thanks to soldiers like you that I can sleep soundly at night... Comforted knowing that you will always do what is best for me. We'd love to find a helmet with his emblem to cheer him on with... Claudia may have killed her mother, but Octavian's the one who manipulated her into doing it!

Claudia: Centurion , what ill thoughts you have! I started reading Catullus again, and cleansing myself with body oil every day! Inform Claudia of her mother's death.

Your kindness knows no bounds! Which means nobody killed him for revenge! Theo: Wait, , I want to come, too!

Examine Faded Writing. She had one just last night at her villa! Theo: But I also found skin cells.

Penelope: But this curse sheet is more poetic. Orlando: Higher class citizens had to give off a certain image, you see.

Jack: What are these pieces of leather? Amy: , Chief Scott once told me, "where there's a will, there's a mushroom..." Scorpius: No need to shout, Centurions. Sweet-talk Octavian to find out where the gold is. Jack: Great Consul Octavian, it has come to our attention that you detested Flavia even more than you let on! Examine Fingerprints. Jack: She's obviously been strangled, what with those deep marks on her neck, I- Orlando: Why not use something modern? ROAR! I left to go... relieve myself somewhere private.

Race Announcer: And they're off! Those parties with tons of food, lots of naked people and other shenanigans?

The giant arena where they held the games? She describes it thoroughly in her diary.

The spoils of war will be paraded through the city, so that every citizen can witness the might of Rome! Jack: , we'd better seek another audience with Octavian! Jack: Alright, , you ready to see Zara race? Examine Broken Mosaic. Octavian: Yes.

What focus! Zara: I couldn't have done it without 's help. Examine Party Supplies.

I agree, , we should return to the crime scene!
Seems rather problematic. My mother sent me to the temple against my will when I was seven years old! Penelope: Read them? Janis: Oh, but she's a sweet girl.

Yes, Flavia did flame with carnal passion for me. My friend Flavia threw fabulous parties... if you had enough stamina!