You have excellent detail orientation, and have a great work ethic. With Cancer on the cusp of your 7th house, you tend to attract sensitive, needy, emotional partners. They tend to be partnership oriented, and think about “we”, instead of “me”. If the progressed ascendant is in the third decanate of Capricorn (20 degrees to 29 degrees and 59 minutes), the general interpretation for Progressed Ascendant in Capricorn applies, as well as this: This will make the native very practical and adaptable in his ambitions, causing the latter, however, to be tempered by a discriminative and critical frame of mind. Oh my, relationships are never easy, with this position. You love animals.
You are a great listener, and are sympathetic to the plight of others. Ascendant Capricorn people show a great sense of responsibility and duty.
You micromanage, critique other people’s ideas and work, and impose on what everyone else is doing. Travelling is a good outlet for this kind of energy.
On the one hand, you want to be reliable, competent and serious, even at the risk of sometimes passing for someone cold because the sector concerning the relationship is under the aegis of the severe Saturn. All you want to do is dance, laugh, and have fun. You want someone who is loyal, and is not afraid of commitment. You can set your address, phone number, email and site description in the settings tab.Link to read me page with more information.
You are also afraid of being rejected, which reminds you of that childhood moment, when your mother left you in the dark and you had to learn to overcome your weaknesses. You are a fast walker. But you also love to learn about culture, philosophy, society, and people, and so you spend a lot of time travelling in your head. That's why you keep your Leo AC where you can see it, and throw your Aquarius DC behind you, where you don't. You can't stand to have your imagination or creativity limited in this way. When people meet you, the first thing they notice is how quiet and guarded you are. Maybe it is your sunny disposition, the warmth in your welcome, the undying friendliness that you approach the world with. In addition, the Saturn-ruled Descendant makes you both distant, suspicious, and demanding. The Descendant is located exactly opposite your Ascendant. This AC is an expression of what you see when you look at yourself: an individual who stands out from the rest, who gets lumped in with the weirdos, the freaks, and the crazies, for daring to be different from everyone else. But they will still get confused and think you are mean, grumpy, rude, or that you don't like them, simply because you do not come across as particularly cheerful. For you, engaging with the other - for example, for the purpose of founding a home or for common interests - is already a big step. Are they going to be selfless, or selfish? Your AC is a mask you climb into that you've made for yourself; the identity you've made out of qualities you like and admire most. With Capricorn Descendant, you may attract people who are ambitious, practical, and focused. You have your own sense of style, and tend not to follow the crowd. They are afraid of vulnerability but desperately want to trust you, so your relationships are bound to be filled with pushing back and forth. As long as it is new and exciting for you, you love to participate! Gemini is symbolized by the “twins,” which indicates that you might have more than one marriage. One of the main risks of this position lies in a hostility that does not go to breaking point, because the other clings but gives nothing. Combination Descendant Scorpio and Ascendant Taurus to discover, © Copyright 2006-2020 - Free Personal Horoscope - All Rights Reserved. People find you witty and charming. You identify as a caregiver, sensitive to the needs of others, warm, understanding, gentle with children and animals. You see people through this lens as two-faced liars. You appear steady, responsible, and stubborn. In this axis, your lucidity can lead you to flee, unless the excessive plasticity of your partner actually reveals softness. Born with Capricorn rising (or on the Ascendant), you may notice a duality in your nature between someone who is, on the one hand, serious, organized and capable, and on the other, uncertain about their ability to achieve all the things they want. Palmistry: Your destiny is in your own [...], Be Successful at Your Job Interview You are loud, confident, and talkative. In love, you are faithful and romantic, but need a lot of attention from your partner. You get stuck with all kinds of labels - all of which a reflections on them, not an insight into who you really are as a person. Understand your Descendant in Virgo If you have an Aquarius AC, you make your mark by being different. You are likely to be set in your ways, careful, and practical. Partners are often ambitious, conventional and traditional, as well as responsible and loyal. Governed by Saturn, you are austere enough. Capricorn Descendant searches for partners that are secured, strong and stable. Learn about Descendant Capricorn Ascendant Cancer Not only do you lead yourself (setting goals, and then mapping out how to achieve them), but you can take charge of a group and lead everyone else as well. But for pride, you refuse to show it. Everything about your look is unique, from the way you wear your hair and do your make-up, to your clothes, your sense of style, and the way you carry yourself. You see things coming a mile away - a skill you developed early on in your family home, where you had to learn to predict the unpredictable in order to keep yourself safe from the flurry of extreme emotions, anger, abuse, manipulative, addiction, alcoholism, and psychic energy surrounding you. You may Like the Taurus symbol, you portray yourself as easygoing, unemotional, slow-moving, and stubborn, wanting nothing more than a plate of hot food, your family nearby, and a simple home in the countryside. Read all about the effect of Pluto's transit on the other slow-moving planets [...], Descendant Cancer and Ascendant Capricorn.
You tend towards loneliness, which can lead you into the arms of unsuitable partners.
Discover your strengths and weaknesses in your couple and how to give the one in front of you the place they deserve! You are very warm and outgoing, as well as passionate and energetic. A less powerful point than your Ascendant, the Descendant determines the approach you take toward marriage and partnerships. However, avoid hiding from the one who interests your feelings the most,which is a lot. You do not need demonstrations of strength but rather someone who will enter your bubble. Your appearance is important to you, so you are fashionable and trendy.
You are stern and detached, completely contained within yourself, immune to the energies surrounding you.
So, they are sentimental people. Looking out through Virgo eyes, you see a world of mess and mistakes. It is a Sign that you argue with often, but who doesn't see your side of things, no matter how well-placed an argument you put forward. On the one hand, with Cancer as the Ascendant, governed by the Moon, you seem gentle but also moody and unpredictable.
It's an "opposites attract" sort of magnetism.
As an adult, you are eager to meet expectations. They may not be especially emotionally demonstrative, but rather cool and practical. Partners are generally analytical and intelligent, but critical and nagging.
Fire Ascendants are optimistic, enthusiastic and friendly. That is because you are a very sensitive, intuitive, and emotional person. The DC, on the other hand, begins the Seventh House of Relationships. Or you can be more subtly manipulative, using whatever tools you have at your disposal to coerce them into doing your bidding. You are a hard worker, and will sacrifice your desires in favor of success. Your destiny is in your own hands! Combination Descendant Scorpio and Ascendant Taurus to discover On the downside, you may be vain and obsessed with youth. The Ascendant and Descendent lie at two opposite ends of your Natal Chart, beginning the First and Seventh Houses, respectively. Of course, here too, with Saturn in charge of this sector, you are more than cautious. The Ascendant also describes your physical characteristics, style, and mannerisms. Sitemap | Sitemap | Contact. You might appear quite egotistical and self-absorbed to others, and dislike taking advice from people. Despite insecurities about your body image and your anxieties about money, you are very confident in your leadership abilities and how well you can manage your affairs. You love to be on the go. Through it all, you maintain a big-picture perspective, of how the mainstream society you live in is flawed and in need of change, but also how the needs of the group, or the community, or the society, is more important than the needs of the individual. You may have artistic talents, such as painting or the ability to play a musical instrument. It's the way you hold your body, the expression on your face, and the way you look out at the world. You present yourself as neat, tidy, and practical. Did you know ? It can be difficult for you to block other people’s emotions and not confuse them for your own, or to not let someone else's energy personally effect you. Libra is an air sign and Scorpio is a water sign. You are chatty, and have a great way with words. Having a Cancer Descendant and therefore an Ascendant in Capricorn, you are rather paradoxical. With Capricorn on your 7th house cusp, you might attract partners who are much older or much younger than you. Ascendant in Capricorn: You appear very serious and formal to others. You are restless, and love to be active. Often, your commitments will lead you to invest in stone - this also happens through marriage, by the way.
Capricorn Descendant individuals seek powerful partners; these people want to be part of a “power couple” dynamic regardless of gender. With Pisces on your Descendant, you tend to attract very sensitive people, or people who need help. You don’t let people close to you easily, as you enjoy your space and freedom. To you, it is better to say what you mean and stand by what you say, rather than say whatever you have to to make people like you or feel better about themselves. Without wanting to, you keep others at bay. With this position, you will not multiply weddings or serious partnerships. © Copyright 2019 by AstroXL. You have little tolerance for rude, aggressive, tactless egotism. You are a social butterfly with a wide social circle. The secret is in your natural sense of balance. It is easier for you to "swim away" from conflict and confrontation than it is for you to set boundaries and firmly plant your feet in the dirt. But take a step outside of yourself and look at your actions through the eyes of someone else, and you may realize how unlike yourself you are when you are around someone you love. Although you also possess a violent temper, short-attention span, and an offensive/combative personality, you feel no shame in these aspects of yourself, and feel they are superior to their alternatives. Fortunately, your ambitions lead you to concrete projects, which bring you benefits. They tend to grow when there's a Capricorn descendant. With this position, you do not like conflicts. You have to learn to see the other person in a daily context in order to risk yourself.
You want someone who you will be with forever, as fixed signs denote permanence. Responsibilities do not scare you, especially professional ones. Both Capricorn and Cancer prefer a less social lifestyle and enjoy time spent at home, cooking and building a wonderful nest.