Manitoba Indian Education Association Inc. 3 Church Street Provide to the Board comments and recommendations relevant to issues identified during the review process for applications. Work cooperatively with stakeholders to resolve outstanding issues expeditiously when possible. Department of Social Policy Responsible for social and cultural policy and programming, the Qikiqtani Truth Commission, youth programs and community-based research initiatives.
Confirm the type of authorizations that should be issued (approvals without a licence, Type “B” or Type “A” Licence) for applications related to activities and undertakings associated with projects. All decisions of the NIRB are decided by a majority of votes cast and are required to have a quorum of members (generally 5 members). Head Office Review the ecosystemic and socio-economic impacts of project proposals. Nunavut Tunngavik Incorporated collects nominations for 3 of these positions from the regional Inuit associations, 2 Board Members appointed directly by the Government of Nunavut, 2 Board Members appointed directly by the Government of Canada, 2 alternate Board Members are also appointed by the Government of Canada on nomination by Makivik Corporation, the designated Inuit organization for Nunavik (Northern Quebec). Avataq Cultural Institute Their success is a win for the community, for Nunavut, and for Canada." Aluki KotierkPresident of Nunavut Tunngavik Incorporated. Reaching agreement on this long outstanding treaty obligation is a testament to what the parties can achieve when they work together, collaboratively, to reach mutual implementation goals.
Department of Executive Management Responsible for Board and Executive relations and overseeing the work of all QIA departments. From: Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada. In the coming months, Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC) will develop new procurement and leasing guides and tools, and will provide government-wide training sessions to support the successful implementation of the Directive. British Columbia Association of Aboriginal friendship Centres Department of Finance Responsible for the financial aspects of running the organization. Join the conversation about Indigenous peoples in Canada:Twitter: GovCan – IndigenousFacebook: GovCan – Indigenous PeoplesInstagram: @gcIndigenousYou can subscribe to receive our news releases and speeches via RSS feeds.
QIA is one of three Regional Inuit Associations affiliated with Nunavut Tunngavik Inc . In parallel, Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada (CIRNAC) will be holding training sessions to inform and assist Inuit businesses who wish to participate in Government of Canada contracting opportunities. The Directive becomes effective in December 2019. Box 1250 Yukon. Site internet: Toll free: 1-800-990-2432 Incorporate relevant recommendations, where appropriate, into decisions related to authorizations that the Board issues. August 15, 2019 — Ottawa, ON — Government of CanadaCreating more economic opportunities for Inuit firms and increasing the representation of Inuit in the workforce will contribute to larger and stronger northern communities.The Government of Canada is introducing a new directive designed to increase the participation of Inuit firms in the bidding process for government contracts and business opportunities in the Nunavut Settlement Area (NSA).Arising from Article 24 of the Nunavut Land Claims Agreement (NLCA), the Directive on Government Contracts, Including Real Property Leases, in the Nunavut Settlement Area represents Canada's commitment to fulfill its obligation to establish procurement policies that respect Inuit firms for all Government contracts and leases in the NSA, and implement measures to build capacity among Inuit firms to compete for government contracts in the local economy. Lake Manitoba First Nation MB R0C 3K0, British Columbia Abide by the terms and conditions of all authorization issued by the Board for particular undertakings and activities associated with projects. 2 alternate Board Members are also appointed by the Government of Canada on nomination by Makivik Corporation, the designated Inuit organization for Nunavik (Northern Quebec). As the Legacy Fund grows, the Benefits Fund grows., Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/84.0.4147.89 Safari/537.36.
The Revenue Policy created two new funds: The Legacy Fund revenues come from numerous sources such as payments from Inuit Impact and Benefit Agreements (IIBA), revenues received from Nunavut Tunngavik Inc., from mining of Inuit Owned Minerals, revenues received from sand and gravel projects on Inuit Owned Land, dividends from the Qikiqtaaluk Corporation and Nunasi Corporation, and Legacy Fund investment revenues. P.O. Kakivak Association is the non-profit community economic development organization and small business arm of QIA. #6 Westmount QC H3Z 2Y5 Fax: 514-989-8789, Atlantic Victoria BC V8T 1E1 Article 1 1.1.1 "Designated Inuit Organization" (DIO) means (a) the Tungavik, or (b) in respect of a function under the Agreement, any organizations that have been designated under Section 39.1.3 as responsible for that function Article 8 8.4.8 Where Government intends to contract for the establishment, operation or maintenance of park facilities in the Nunavut … Whitehorse YT Y1A 1C1
9700 Jasper Avenue Iqaluit NU X0A 0H0 Suite 360 This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Indigenous Services Canada Designated Inuit Organization (DIO) Participate fully in the review process for applications distributed publicly by the Board for review. QIA is the Regional Inuit Association for the Qikiqtani Region of Nunavut, representing 51 per cent of Inuit living in the territory located in the Canadian Arctic. Regina SK S4P 2S9 Phone: 514-361-5029 Although they rely upon their Government and Inuit Organization partners for advice and for technical assistance, the members of the NIRB make their decisions on behalf of Nunavumiut (public of Nunavut) and the rest of Canada, and not as agents of their appointing bodies. Identify concerns and issues relevant to the DIO in the particular region (Kitikmeot, Kivalliq, and Qikiqtani) in which the undertaking or activity would be carried out. QIA is one of three Regional Inuit Associations affiliated with Nunavut Tunngavik Inc.; the other associations include the Kitikmeot Inuit Association and the Kivalliq Inuit Association. Fax: 905-768-7311 Foster alternative dispute resolution mechanism, where and when justified, to resolve water compensation issues between proponent and respective DIOs. Nunavut Tunngavik Incorporated (NTI) is the designated Inuit organization for the Nunavut Land Claims Agreement (NLCA) working in close consultation with the Government of Canada to develop and maintain this procurement directive on behalf of the Inuit of Nunavut. DIO stands for Designated Inuit Organization (also Data Input-Output and 105 more)