egg used in a sentence

To egg someone on is an idiom with an interesting origin. Tim played many different sports in high school; e.g., he played football and ran track. Imagine an alien landed in your backyard while you were eating dessert and you had to explain what ice cream is.

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E is for Elephant, eat, egg, eel. Use these activities to improve your understanding! Relevance. Please boil an egg for me. Successional patterns will be truncated or prevented in sites with frequent major disturbances. Create an account to start this course today. also works like a clue in a sentence to help readers identify examples: Even if you can't read or speak French, since the sentence uses e.g., you know that the words following the abbreviation are some examples of French words. The Basic Bessemer process is used a great deal on the Continent for making, from a very suitable pig iron, a cheap class of steel. Yet his writing is emptily abstract and opaque. So that is my quick and simple way to recall when to use either of these abbreviations. | (zoology, countable) An approximately spherical or ellipsoidal body produced by birds, reptiles, insects and other animals, housing the embryo during its development.

Use the word fertilization in a sentence? Sasha Blakeley has a Bachelor's in English Literature from McGill University.

I hope this explanation has helped! Andrew: I want neither Steak nor Chicken Chop.


We cooked egg dishes. Lowercase letters should be used when including e.g.


I would either eat tosted whole grain bread with half boilt, Use 'therefore'to introduce a result that can be deduced, inferred, or concludedby a process of logical reasoning from information presented earlier. is usually used in the middle of a sentence and never found at the very end. A collection of eggs … Glasgow once noted that the key to everything is patience. is followed by a comma when we use it to offer examples, but do we need punctuation in front of the 'e?' 6. It is done so by different practices such as hanging healthy herbs on the front door, drinking nutritious concoctions, and displaying portraits of evil's nemesis, Chung Kuei. E.g.

Suggestion was made that the energy being produced during detonative combustion can be utilized for useful work.

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The egg whites should be beaten briskly until they form a thick foam. I wiped the chocolate from his face, pried his little sticky fingers apart and took the Easter egg from him. That means e.g. How to use egg in a sentence.

Become a teacher for a few minutes and explain what 'e.g.' Word suggestions (5): Zygote, Egg, Eg, In, Ego, © 2020

1. When high energy ionizing radiation strikes a biological sample. Baby chicks are able to breathe inside the egg through tiny holes in the shell which allow oxygen to get in, and carbon dioxide to get out.

just create an account.

in a sentence.

For example, as each telephone set is newly added to the system, the new telephone set adaptively determines its own allocation of resources. Why this material is included while other material unique to.

This is an. Better tell your sister not to date him. I hardboiled an egg. Hens do not have to be impregnated to lay eggs, the rooster is needed only to fertilize the egg. “Give me a pen”, “Give me an egg”.

The next question is where the winfall is going. But even very hot coals with a high heat capacity can be walked over without getting burned if one's feet are insulated. is a complete sentence: A semicolon is used before the e.g. Plus, get practice tests, quizzes, and personalized coaching to help you

Stages in fertilization of the egg 106 41 and 42. in a sentence both the letters 'e' and 'g' should be lowercase. 's' : ''}}. Source: 'Daily Use' .

Furthermore, the local radio stations often broadcast programs in local languages. Exquisitely simple, yet unbelievably complex, the egg is one of nature’s wonders.

a grub or a caterpillar.

credit by exam that is accepted by over 1,500 colleges and universities.

to a sentence. I ate a modest breakfast of toast, coffee, and one egg.

- Definition & Examples, What is the Object of a Sentence? Students will write sentences inspired by the picture and word web in this writing worksheet. Telecommunications Hardware: Routers, Modems, Switches, Bridges, and Gateways. egg-cell.

- Structure, Uses & Hazards, Religion in Life of Pi: Analysis, Themes & Importance, Providing Patients with Anticipatory Guidance in Nursing, What Is Pharmacogenetics? Can You Start a Sentence with 'But' or 'And'? Five o'clock by the Dutch reckoning would be five o'clock in the Dutch rather than. Examples are a great way to help people understand what you're talking about.

Calculate the 'sidecasts' that are likely to be used, e.g. English words and Examples of Usage use ", Marmite bosses are making the ultimate love-it-or-hate-it Easter, Example sentences from Wikipedia that use the word egg: .

You can test out of the

Great news!

9. frittata definition: an omelet with pieces of vegetables, meat, etc.

The top sheet is formed of a fluid pervious material. How to use egg in a sentence. She used a frozen embryo with her own egg and donor sperm to conceive. 19 examples: He has an open wound the size of a duck egg in the upper part of his thigh.

egg definition: The definition of an egg is the female reproductive cell in many animals or the thin-shelled oval body laid by hens and other animals.

Egg freezing is expensive and can come with a number of health risks.

When you use e.g. In the bowl of a stand mixer, beat the egg whites until very foamy.

Similarly, if the reaction is slowed down by addition of further alloying elements.

What is the Purpose of a Rhetorical Question? They are just a few items in a larger list. A larva is an insect in a state of development lasting from the time of its leaving the egg until its transformation into a pupa, e.g.

Slither alongside this snake, in a sentence building worksheet. This includes incinerators and barbecues which burn solid fuel.

is a way to introduce examples in the sentences you write.

if the text following the abbreviation is not a stand-alone sentence: A comma is used before the e.g. Beat an egg, add 1/2 a cup of rich milk, and in the mixture soak the sandwiches a few moments.

And examples are not finite.

"Both edge on and egg on were used interchangeably, but today the latter is preferred.

', see if you can learn how it contrasts with the other common abbreviation, 'i.e.' An ostrich egg is equal in volume to 24 chicken eggs.

wesleyI like the white of an egg.

in place of the words ''for example'' when you want to give your reader a few examples of something previously mentioned in a sentence, but not a complete list. There is a Lithuanian proverb which says that if you offer a lazy man an egg, he’ll want you to peel it for him. When you use e.g. And accumulation is more of a problem in animals higher in the food chain. (transitive, obsolete except in egg on) To encourage, incite.

The nest is used in succeeding years by many other species.

3. Outside Scandinavia it is mainly an epiphytic species both in England and Central Europe where it grows in microclimatically humid forests, There is a huge potential to generate superior plant species with augmented levels of requested characteristics.

I heard somewhere that the working title for the Beatles’ song “Yesterday”, was actually “Scrambled Egg” for a while. Sentence examples with the word Story.