Manth – ‘Vow’
Please contact Steven with any feedback, updates or suggestions on his collated work. Manth'Elh'Nar – ‘Place of Pride’s Fall’
Auglathla – ‘Winterbreeze’ Gray Richardson (Thanks for the amazing help) Mahri – ‘Mage Fiend’
Adoness - ‘Peacekeeper’ ir su aravel tu elvaral Elv.".
Where will you go, little one For girls' names, I have added the feminine suffixes "iel" and "wen" to most of them, making a translation of the name Adele (meaning Noble) "Arwen" (Noble Maiden). Arkhdrauth – ‘Willful, Wanton, Care-for-Nothing Destruction’ This document is also available for download as PDF.
Al Hond Ebrath, Uol Tath Shantar En Tath Lalala Ol Hond Ebrath – ‘A True Friend, As The Trees And The Water Are True Friends’ Ar'N'Ehalaer - ‘Great Staff that is Not’ Elven is made of several distinct dialects. Wherever you shall go. Ara ma'nedan ashir Ar’Selu’Tel’Quess - ‘Great High Art of the People’ (High Magic) Lost to me in sleep? Aravae - ‘Great Happiness/Joy’
Wutheh – ‘Find/Seek’ (Eastern Lythari Dialect). The purpose of this name list is to give you a close Elvish translation of your name, without being long, unpronouncable, or "non-Elvish-sounding". Your mind journeys, Pyesigen - ‘Four Snows’ (Collective Term for Four Years) *Interchangeable with Aeloulaev, Walaxyrvaan – ‘Lynx of Approaching Dusk’ Athkaraye – ‘Friend of the Elves’ (Eastern Lythari Dialect)
We/it lost eternity or the ruined tree of the People Akh’Aegis – ‘Duty of Protection’ Elven is made of several distinct dialects. The elven language as used in the games is actually a cipher. Mala taren aravas Dirthara lothlenan'as Although this dictionary shares some words with the Tolkien versions of the Elven Language, it is "NOT" a Tolkien Elven Dictionary. Arrn - ‘Storm’ A’Su’Nys - ‘Niece’ (From Sister) [121], Elgara vallas, da'len
"[109], Melava inan enansal
Elf name generator - Dungeons & Dragons This name generator will give you 10 names that will generally fit the elves in the Dungeons & Dragons universe. Aleiryid – ‘Rapport’ (Life-Mate Only)
-Mr. Ed Greenwood and Mrs. Elaine Cunningham for creating the Realms and Elves we all love! Armathora – ‘Great Defenders’ In addition, every elf bears a family name, typically a combination of other Elvish words.
Akh – ‘Need’ A’Su’Tan - ‘Niece’ (From Brother)
A small number of English names are Elvish words themselves; translations for those Elvish words are given in the form of "tr. Anilessa – ‘Nefarious’ Aril'Tel'Quessir - ‘Avariel Elves’ I have not copied Ardalambion's name database at all, and have only used Council of Elrond's name database for the English translations of a few names (not the Elvish ones). Download Donate to author . Arshaalth – ‘Great Axe’ Aradoness - ‘Great Peacekeeper’Arael'lia – ‘Heart Oak’ Ar – ‘Sun’ -Everyone on the WotC Boards, especially: Bloodtide_the_Red (Thanks for the amazing help)
Lythari Elves,
Ai Armiel Telere Maenen Hir – ‘You Hold My Heart Forever’ Agatha - ‘Winterbreeze’ Spoken by a Dalish Inquisitor to Solas with low approval in conversation with Solas.
Take spirit from the long ago Athil - ‘Bane’ (Suffix) Armathor – ‘Great Defender’ be the joy it once was, A traditional Dalish Lullaby found in the children's book "The Seer's Yarn", collected by Seer Agata. Changes to original name translation are noted where possible (in the form of "lit. Ir tela las ir Fen halam, vir am’tela’elvahen.
By Steven Sypa . Never fear, little one, The Elven Language. Aleirin – ‘Rapport’
Be certain in need, Alurlyath – ‘Best of the Temple’ Akhrasut Neth – ‘Mother’s Bed’ (Eastern Lythari Dialect) I will call you home.
Ar’Selu’Taar - ‘High Mages of Cormanthyr’ Chosen of Bane (Thanks for the contributions) A small number of English names are Elvish< words themselves; translations for those Elvish words are given in the form of "tr. Akh'Velahrn - ‘Soldier’Alae – ‘Fortunate Meeting’ Araegisess - ‘Great Protector’ Moon Runes by Morten Bek ... Elven Common Speak by Nancy Lorenz 299,845 downloads (15 yesterday) 2 comments 100% Free. (Thanks for the contributions), A’A’Sum – ‘Grandaughter’ (Daughter of Daughter) Arvandor - ‘The High Forest’ Stone Runes by Grabstein
work contained on the following pages is the property and copyright of Steven Sypa (Dagnirion) and is used with permission.
Elf names in Dungeons & Dragons are D&D Elf Names. Arfaern – ‘Great Wizard’ (Archmage)
Ivarrius (Thanks for getting this all started) Davek by Pixel Sagas 32,631 downloads (15 yesterday) Free for personal use - 4 font files. Little distinction exists between male names and female names; the groupings here reflect only general tendencies. Type a space after an elvehn sentence and it will translate it. Ary’Faern’Kerym – ‘Noble Sorcerer’s Sword’ (The Artblade) Ado – ‘Peaceful’ Arakhora – ‘Those Who Protect The Forest/Tree Wardens’ A differentiating factor between Elvish and other languages in Thedas—particularly as regards aspects like names—is the avoidance of hard consonants.
A’Tel’Quessir – ‘Almost People’ (Half-Elves) An elven version of a lullaby local to Denerim and nearby villages to the south.[122]. Melava somniar Arael’Sha – ‘Heart Friend’ English-Elvish Translator. Arcorar - ‘The Great King Forest’ Arakhor – ‘One Who Protects The Forest/Tree Warden’ (Grandfather Tree) I will call you home. See also, Steven's Elven Names document.
Mah – ‘Having to do with Magic’ Arael – ‘Heart’ Seek truth in a forgotten land Arkerym - ‘Great Sword’ Alet – ‘Come’ (Eastern Lythari Dialect)
Arael’Vae – ‘Heart Son’ To the inevitable and troubling freedom we are committed.
A’E’Sum - ‘Granddaughter’ (Daughter of Son) Time to dream Wild Elves and (Gah-lahth-wehn; Low-ray; Low-reen-ah [rhymes with ow]). Tel’enara bellana bana’vhenadahl, Aryvandaar – ‘Noble Woodland Home’
'[literal translation]'").
This list includes the dialects of the Aquatic Elves, Avariel Elves, Lythari Elves, Moon Elves, Sun Elves, Wild Elves and Wood Elves.. Special Thanks To: -Mr. Ed Greenwood and Mrs. Elaine Cunningham for creating the Realms and Elves we all love!
Adofaer – ‘Peaceful Magic’ Avariel Elves, In some cases I have added meaningless letters to "Elvish-ize" the names, the most common being "dh" and "th" (Cuguwen [Dove Maiden] doesn't sound quite Elvish, but Cugedhiel does). But I will hold you here. and the path will emerge Pye – ‘Four’
but long journeys are made longer Arkerynsuoress - ‘Great Holy Warrior’ Pramas, Chris. Each elf’s adult name is a unique creation, though it might reflect the names of respected individuals or other family members.