Example, “N12 x 1200 long” also means “N12 by 1200 long”. NTS – Not to scale. TOC – Top of concrete. and are produced here to make you aware of what area of engineering the symbols and abbreviations belong to. N – North. Like symbols, they can indicate shapes, processes, and even dimensions through a few letters. TOS – Top of steel / Top of slab. A manual of engineering drawing for students and Jump to: 0-9 • A • B • C • D • E • F • G • H • I • J •K•L•M•N•O•P•Q•R•S•T•U•V•W • X • Y • Z • see also Jump to: 0-9 • A • B • C • D • E • F • G • H • I • J •K•L•M•N•O•P•Q•R•S•T•U•V•W • X • Y • Z • see also 3.2, Engineering Drawing Abbreviations And Symbols, Symbols In Technical Drawing And Engineering Drawing, Welding Symbols Mechanical Engineering Drawing. Complied by Allan Wise, based in Australia. Your email address will not be published. , Civil Engineering interview questions and answers for freshers, List of Unit conversions for civil engineers, Difference Between Structural Engineer and Architect, PRIME NUMBERS AND COMPOSITE NUMBERS 1 100, ICC WORLD CUP 87 YEAR OLD LADY – Charulatha patel. This document was uploaded by user and they confirmed that they have the permission to share Report DMCA, Engineering drawing abbreviations and symbols Engineering drawing abbreviations and symbols are 3 Bibliography used to communicate and detail the characteristics of an engineering drawing. An Engineering Detail Drawing contains the key points to enable the manufacture or description of a single component that defines and communicates part of a complete design to other interested parties. Log in, AEC – Architecture, Engineering, and Construction, ASCII – American Standard Code for Information Interchange, C.J. This stop those pesky “what does this mean?” questions from site. Engineering drawing abbreviations and symbols Engineering drawing abbreviations and symbols are 3 Bibliography used to communicate and detail the characteristics of an engineering drawing. Created 7-July-2004; Revised 20-Nov-2004; … report form. Space and time saved are rarely significant & the possibility of the drawing being mistaken and is even more serious in these times when many of those working in the UK or united … Many corporations have such stanments, ASME. dards, which define some terms and symbols specific to them; on the national and international level, ASME stan• French, Thomas E.; Vierck, Charles J. et al.
/tb – Fully tensioned, bearing type (bolts), /tf – Fully tensioned, friction type (bolts). We shall cover only the regularly used abbreviations in the drawings. National Aeronautics and Space Administration Goddard Space Flight Center Greenbelt, Maryland 20771 1994. iii DESCRIPTION OF REVISION This revision, which supersedes the … Identify specific abbreviations.
ENGINEERING DRAWING STANDARDS MANUAL Mechanical Engineering Branch Goddard Space Flight Center Greenbelt, Maryland August 1994 N A T I O N A L I A E R O N A U T I C S A N D S P A C E A D M I N S T R A T I O U .S A . This list includes abbreviations common to the vocabulary of people who work with engineering drawings in the manufacture and inspection of parts and assemblies. FFL – Finished Floor level. Micky Mouse – A toy project, of very low quality. D[I Depth slightly less than width. I recommend shorted words only if you can’t fit the whole word on the drawing. Abbreviations are a useful tool for engineers. Universal beam Universal column Universal bearing pile Channel Angle equal and unequal MEC076 Engineering Drawing Interpretation 1 Resource Package December, 1998 D[I Depth greater than width. OR CJ – Control Joint (or Construction Joint), FTP – Fibre Termination Panel (fibre optical cable), GSM – Global System of Moblie or “Groupe Speciale Mobile” in French, HV – Diamond Pyramid Hardness Number (Vickers), ISO – International Standard Organisation, LGX – Line Group Cross (Connector, fibre optical cable), MDF – Main Distribution Frame (Telecommunications). Civil Engineering Abbreviations used in drawings. (1953), dard Y14.38[1] is probably the most widely used. Detail Drawings must provide sufficient information to enable the manufacture a part. This list includes abbreviations 3.1 Sources cited common to the vocabulary of people who work with engineering drawings in the manufacture and inspection of • ASME (1997), Y14.35M–1997: Revision of engiparts and assemblies. civil engineering interview related questions. D[[ --I B I--D:B:.t --IBI--200 … Following are the list of abbreviations used in the drawing. RHS – Rectangular Hollow Section (rarely Rolled Holled Section), TB – Fully tensioned, bearing type (bolts), TF – Fully tensioned, friction type (bolts), UNO – Unless Noted Otherwise (UON is prefered). Below is a handy list of what that engineering acronym or abbreviation means. Technical standards exist to provide glossaries of abbre• ASME (2007), Y14.38–2007: Abbreviations and viations, acronyms, and symbols that may be found on acronyms for use on drawings and related docuengineering drawings. BOS- … neering drawings and associated documents, ASME. • Enough orthogonal views : enough views to adequate describe the component. Engineering drawing abbreviations and symbols are used to communicate and detail the characteristics of an engineering drawing. Detail Drawing: An Example . TOP – Top of pedestal. it. A list of common abbreviations in Civil Engineering found on drawings or in general used in structural engineering, architecture, and construction. Using too many acronyms or abbreviations can make a drawing harder to understand. Typ – Typical . Some of the most common abbreviations used in engineering drawings include DP, which stands for depth, and DIA, which stands for diameter. As a rule, it is a beggarly practice to use specialist Full forms on technical drawings. D[I Depth slightly greater than width. abbreviations used in our day to day life.
NGL – Natural Ground level. FGL – Finished ground/grade level. X – By. This list includes abbreviations 3.1 Sources cited common to the vocabulary of people who work with engineering drawings in the manufacture and inspection of • ASME (1997), Y14.35M–1997: Revision of engiparts … Technical standards exist to provide glossaries of abbreviations, acronyms, and symbols that may be found on … If you are author or own the copyright of this book, please report to us by using this DMCA