According to one theory, it may come from "Fugger," the name of a successful family of 15th- and 16th-century German merchants and financiers. It is said that there are about 171.000 words in modern English dictionaries. I'll be bound, for Charles he's been seein' to the poor fellow, here these milksops sit as if 'were nailed to the stools 'cause they're got a wife, would'nt give 'um for a squadron o'ye, how do'st 'do Charles did'st give the poor fellow something to put 'um comfortable?—Anne Newport Royall, The Tennessean, 1827.
mobile app. ratoon. The matter of whether smellfungus is properly pluralized with an -i or an es has never been established. Pervenche is the French word for periwinkle, which came to be used in English in the 19th century as another name for the rich purplish-blue color of periwinkle flowers.
Biden gives aside during debate. Meaning: “God’s body.” Quite the irony in a post revolving around words and what they express. Subscribe to America's largest dictionary and get thousands more definitions and advanced search—ad free! Both forms are found in occasional use, and you should employ whichever suits your fancy. Nobody really knows where it came from though.
Also a few cockolorum sentiments. Another sense is that of “simpleton.”, Thou Mercury very Ridiculous, Thou Bloxford flye,Thou Moon calfe, born that very hour, on that very dismall fifth day of the moneth (you remember the Gun-powder Treason) when thy brother G. Faux was caught with a dark Lanthorne....—John Booker, A Rope for a Parret, 1644, Definition - a mountebank; a person who sells quack medicines from a platform. ), there are some that would fit right back into our modern lives. When he was corrected, the priest replied that he would not change his old mumpsimus for his critic's new sumpsimus.
A 17th century variant of “zounds!”, which was an expression of surprise or indignation. Both saltimbanco and mountebank involve climbing, or jumping up onto a bench. Supposedly, this insult originated with an illiterate priest who said mumpsimus rather than sumpsimus ("we have taken" in Latin) during mass.
The earliest known use of the word comes from a 1540 translation of Gulielmus Gnaphaeus's The Comedye of Acolastus, in which it is used in an attributive sense, referring to young men's "hobledehoye tyme" (further explained as "the yeres that one is neyther a man nor a boye, at which yeres our voyce changeth"). I am absolutely in love with words.
The word ninny is probably a shortening and alteration of "an innocent" (with the "n" from "an" getting transferred to the noun) and "hammer" adds punch.
It has never gone out of style, even if some words have come and gone.
We have bootlicker, toadeater, ass-kisser, apple-polisher, and fart-catcher … wait, scratch that last one; a fart-catcher is a footman. It’s used informally for genetically modified (GM) foods. Learn a new word every day. ), 17 Jan. 1977, Definition - a fawning subordinate; a suck-up.
Its origin is unknown, although theories about its ancestry include hobble and hob (a term for "a clownish lout”). that they haue not a charge of their bodies but the cure and care of their soules and as Midwiues to discerne the moone calfe from the perfect fruite of weomen so Preachers should not bring forth moone calues.—Ralph Tyler, Five Godlie Sermons, 1602, Mooncalf then grew a number of additional senses outside the womb. Saltimbanco comes from the Italian word of the same spelling, which literally means “one that jumps upon a bench,” and mountebank comes from the Italian montimbanco (montare, “to mount” & in, “in” & banca “bench”). Quacks (also known as quacksalvers) were a bit nimbler several hundred years ago, if the etymology behind some of the words for them is any indication. If is weren’t business I’d have soaked the tar out of him. Innocent hammer, while a fine choice of name for your Metallica polka cover band, did not have quite what it takes to make it in English as a fixed phrase. Nobody knows (Ah, ah-ah, ah, ah, ah) Nobody knows (Ah-ah, ah, ah, ah) Nobody knows (Ah, ah-ah, ah, ah, ah) Nobody knows (Ah, ah-ah) Ah, yeah, ah, oh I think I know where we goin' now Say she wanna ride me into the town But does she really know what she wants?
Frankenfood (ˈfraŋk(ə)nfuːd) Very new when compared to all the others on the list, the word Frankenfood (noun) came into existence in the 1990’s. A word from the early 20th century meaning “to spray poo upon.”, Search for a topic, destination or article, We use cookies to understand how you use our site and to improve your experience. In the case of smellfungus, however, we not only know who coined the word (Laurence Sterne), we also know who it is supposed to represent (Tobias Smollett). There is much that we do not know about snollygoster: where the word comes from, whether it is connected to snallygaster (“a mythical nocturnal creature that is reported chiefly from rural Maryland, is reputed to be part reptile and part bird, and is said to prey on poultry and children”), and whether this is the sort of word that one should avoid putting on a resume. There is a season-ticket holder at Southampton to whom every referee will always be a “daft pillock.”—The Guardian (London, Eng. Should you have need of an adjective meaning “resembling or of the nature of a milksop” you are in luck, as English has two such words, milksoppy and milksopping. 14. For more information on how we use cookies consult our revised, 30 awesome Japanese idioms we should start using in English, 7 picture-perfect Irish villages we want to escape to, 7 small towns and cities that celebrate Mexico’s quieter side, 20 of the funniest idioms for people learning English, The world’s 5 most beautiful alphabets you’ll never learn to read, Find yourself again: A solo road trip in Idaho, 19 amazing English words we’ve totally forgotten about, See 11 more amazing forgotten curse words on page 2 >>, How to say ‘cheers’ and ‘Happy New Year’ in 30 countries, How to survive Japan without speaking Japanese, Watch these Parisians attempt to pronounce tough English words. 15. Gadsbudlikins! Wanna see how many of them you recognize fellow lazy penguins? 17 Funny Google Translate Tricks To Make Google Say Hilarious Things. SWEARING IS ONE OF MANKIND’S FAVORITE pasttimes. And now, seing his auntient and opposite enimie the Pope, hath foysted in among us Petifoggers, who (like sheete stealers, tinckers, or Connyskin buyers) creepe in corners to utter their trash,.—Henri Estienne, The Stage of Popish Toyes, 1581, Definition - a foolish or absentminded person. What we do know is that snollygoster was first used in the nasty politics of 19th century America. The word has been used since the 1800’s. This includes personalizing content and advertising.