Historically, Henry was not a tyrant, or cold or cruel, and he was much more affectionate with his legitimate children than Catherine was. Quite frankly Diane and Catherine are poles apart in terms of character. He later visited his Henry when he was on his death bed and felt alot of grief and guilt over what he had done.
The reason why Catherine turned out to be like that was because of the circumstances and the environment that she was shaped after Henri and Diane. Thomas More
Diane was Henry's official mistress.
As well as misspel Henri II.
In truth, she was an opportunist who took advantage of two very young people, both Catherine and Henri were only 14 at the time of their marriage.
Henry thinking she was beautiful decided to hook up with her. They first met when they were teenagers, eventually getting married at 14 in an arranged marriage. But I would have loved it if they stopped reusing names and started getting unique. It was just a story made better with some extra storylines thrown in. 1. Mary Queen of Scotts was almost 6 feet tall and had auburn hair. Create your own unique website with customizable templates. He was looking for comfort, a mother figure and she did provide that..and then some lol. He was also said to have had syphillis. However when Bash tried to be legitimized and wed Mary to protect his brother but failed.
Just imagine youself Catherine. Instead she took it out on so many people by ruthlessly slaughtering them. One thing kings were historically great at is having illegitimate children. September 2014 Henri de Saint-Rémy, Thanks for clearing that up. June 2013 Prince Louis (Son) Pfft.
She was 14 when she was forced into a marriage to a humpbacked older man! Henri did fall for Diane but I believe he always had sort of a school boy crush on her. I feel that if kings and queens were truly in love, history would speak of it more often.
Seriously .... Diane was 21 years old when Henry was born.
The expectations were that the King would have such an arrangement and would have his "favorites" that He picked.
Her position increased her wealth and family's status. THEY DID SO NOT DESERVE EACH OTHER! Im not sure if Diane ever asked Henri or not, but if she did then that would be a serious bad move. The two stories in my opinion have the same foundation. -She pressed henry to give her chennonceaux castel because she knows that francis promessed to offer it to catherine because of the fact that catherine loved verry much chennonceaux castel. May 2019 Diane had pure blood line, through her ancestors and her beauty was exceptional! Robert Dudley A dynastic marriage was not at all like a modern marriage. Spritedog - "Keeping so much of it true"?! Anne Boleyn's Downfall Others: Nostradamus | John Knox | Pope Clement VII |. February 2012
She also should be admired for her ability to cope under tremendous adversity.
Modern Royals It must also not be forgotten to mention that Catherine was only 14 like henri at that time!! , a house that Catherine had wanted for herself. July 2013 As you can tell, it is the same story, but follows the life of Queen Catherine de Medici, and gives her point of view on the throne. Whilst captive of the Spanish, Henry and Francis were beaten and starved.
Married at 14, into the royal family who look down on her, cause she was not royal, she was an orphan, married to a man who never loved her, flaunted his mistress in front of her, he pretty much treated Diane as queen. It was my first time reading about the french court.
I am so glad that you said this. January 2013 Catherine only wanted it because Diane had it.
Victoria of Valois (Daughter). Kings: King Antoine of Navarre | King Edward of England | King Henry II of France | King Henry VIII of England | King James V of Scotland | King Francis I of France | King Francis II of France | King Charles IX of France | King Philip II of Spain | Catherine talks to Henry in order to find out why they’re no longer angry with her because she let Claude live.
This love story reminds me if Prince Charles and Princess Diana. November 2011 you are incorrect Veronica and Maria.
He was portrayed by Canadian actor, Alan van Sprang. He married Catherine de' Medici when he was 14 and they had 10 children together, 8 on whom made it to adulthood. https://reign.fandom.com/wiki/History%27s_King_Henry?oldid=41105.
It was expected for the wife to honor the husband and give him sons, it was expected of the husband to provide for his wife and impregnate her, that is it!
October 2017
Enjoy it as a drama that took names and the very very minimal about of history based plot and ran with it. He was obviouselly crazy about Diane, but I believe that she was just clever and manipulating Him, from the very young age. So basically..she has an affair with the father, as well as the son. None of you seem to be understanding the concept that marriage today and marriage in the 1500s are different. August 2011
Besides who are we to judge anyone?
As far I read historically Diane and Henri, did not have kids, Many historical fiction writers, claims, Diane De France Henri's daughter not by Catherine, was their daughter. Prince Henry III (Son) Even today, the symbol can be seen on the ceiling of the Louvre Museum, Fountainbleau, Chenonceaux, and the Paris Military Museum.
Besides, history shows Catherine as a particularly unlikable person in many ways. However, Henry was already and continued to see an older woman named, Diane de Poitiers, who he made his official mistress after he was married. Not long after Mary's return to court Henry decided that he wanted to have an affair with one of her ladies Kenna. When Henry ran to greet his father, his father ran past Henry and Francis and jumped into another boat, leaving the boys behind with the Spanish as hostages in his place. He died in 1559, not 10 July 1558.
Gortner. Diane might seem noble and kind or maybe she even is, but the only reason why I think she was consistent on Catherine to stay as the queen because at that time both Henri and Catherine were young and she had enormous powers bestowed by seducing Henri. 11 years later, Catherine gave birth to their first child, the future Dauphin of France, Francis 3rd in line to the throne. Henry is headstrong, stubborn, and does not appreciate people undermining his authority as royalty. I am indeed surprised that you misspel Chenonceaux and the name of Diane de Poitiers. I agree with Maria, even though in France the ' love tsory ' is very infamous, I think it weird, by definition they are not commited as husband and betraying their own religion , by aldultry. Catherine de Medici should never have become queen of France! June 2014 I dont think some of us realize that Diana financed several of Henrys ventures.
It is known that Catherine was not considered a beauty, and Diane was. Spouces did not have to live at the same place. January 2017 From his birth he was treated as a miniature adult, he was old enough to get married, father children, go to war if he had to, how was he not old enough to fall in love?
Jane Seymour I don't believe Diane used Henri, and i don't believe that he would have been fool enough to be used for that long. Henry Viii I really don't see this relationship so beautiful and romantic, but rather bizzar. They had a strained relationship mostly because of the fact that Francis was Henry's heir and because he is closer to his mother. She and the entire court knew that Catherine was not a threat to her supreme of standing. You really need to pick up a history book. The relationship between Elizabeth II and Lord Dudley was one that was a "scandal" at the time. So on that point, by the time Henry turned 20, if Diane was 21 years senior, she might had been about age of menopause... or beyond it. Henry always saw him as his usurper instead of his heir causing Henry to be weary around him. It all served purposes to a bigger plan. The connection could have started as a motherly attention, and sice they are not related by blood, could have grown into something romantic and sensual... Let's remember, the morals of those times were different to ours. He was 54 and she was 14!
They first met when Penelope won the Bean Queen contest and became Queen for a day. For example Mary Queen of Scots 4 friends in the TV series Reign were all named Mary!!! This is a book that I cherish and one of my favorite. Even when he was 14 and married - she was 35 years old. Catherine always wanted the castle even before Diane wanted or even thought about it. - She defended catherine when it was said that she can't have child because she don't want to see henry fallin in love with another much prettyer princess. Not long after Kenna noticed that Henry began acting diferently when he wanted to have a threesome and then strangled the other girl to death. On 22 June 1559 while taking place in a jousting competition in celebration of his daughter's wedding, during the Peace of Cateau Cambrésis Henry was fatally wounded with a splinter to the eye from Lord Montgomery. It is easy to make up stories when people are dead and gone. Is this true or just a story line? And...noone knows whst kind of sex he and Diane were having...she did not bare any children with him. Joanna of Valois (Daughter) He asked her to teach his surviving and neglected son Henry social graces so that he would not offend Catherine de Medici. I see many people stating that Catherine was a mean person and all, but comon she was only 14 at that time! This would have caused some confusion so the names were changed making it easier for viewers to follow is my guess. A real love a love that spanned 25 years. KING HENRY WAS A MEAN, UNLOYAL, RUDE, PATHETIC, SELFISH, UGLY, UNHEARTED, AND A DIRT BAG!!!! Can I believe that they were "in love" ? I LOVED this book & it also ignited in me a deep interest in Henri & Diane! I don't really see this as a epic love story. Thus almost risking Henry England he exiled Bash. Edward may look 17 but he is over a hundred years old dating an 18 year old. Why has the author left out Dianes children with Henry? Anna, if you are French and studied French story (did you mean French history?) He had brown eyes, tanned skin, and - through his brown stubble beard - one could tell that his hair would be dark brown if it had not been shaved. That for that period of time they had each other and i stand strong in my belief that, despite Catherine keeping them apart at the end of Henri's life, they are reunited and will be so for eternity. November 2018 On top of that, they did not believe in bathing.