how to remember italian prepositions

Di can be used to show “ownership,” as frequently accomplished by the apostrophe + s in English. Di can specify the part of the day or the season.

“It’s the accordion of Francesca.”). Sei più bello di lui. Examples:Ho comprato i fiori per te.I bought flowers for you. However, there are two cases where they appear together: con + il becomes col and con + i becomes coi.

- Level 1, Rocket Italian 1. — I’m going to São Paulo. We will learn about that later in the article.

Use a for talking about being at or going to specific, pointed locations or times. Get started here.

— Those are diversions for another day. We’ll also not tackle prepositions that get tacked onto certain verbs (in any case, I recommend learning those prepositions at the same time you learn the verbs in question).

Mangio delle caramelle.I eat some candies.

Siamo in Catalogna. In this post, we’ll try to untangle the mess of Italian prepositions in a way that’ll make them easier to understand. Position in space. — It’s devastating to be among these enemies. Andiamo con le biciclette. È straziante stare fra questi nemici. 4. Prepositions are those short words that let us link ideas. Sei la più bella del mondo!You are the most beautiful in the world!

Ripeti per 5 minuti.Repeat for 5 minutes. Con is relatively straightforward compared to the other prepositions; it frequently translates to “with.” It does not generally combine with articles, though some speakers may use: 1. It is used to indicate: The Italian preposition a means at. Esco di casa alle 19:00. = I am in the kitchen; In estate, non andiamo a scuola. It’s absolutely worth closely studying your prepositions from time to time, but then you’ll need to ease up and do fun things with Italian (FluentU videos, anyone?) 4. Examples:La Divina Commedia è stata scritta da Dante Alighieri.The Divine Comedy was written by Dante Alighieri.

Italian is different from English in that it includes two distinct classes of prepositions: simple prepositions (those that appear alone), and articulated prepositions (those that are combined with the definite article of the nouns that follow them). However, the very best bet is to carefully learn and practice all major uses of each. — I’ve been studying Italian for two years. — The play is written by Dario Fo.

The preposition a is often used like “in,” “to” or “at” in English. — I’m sending the mobile phone to Francesca. L’ho letto in un giorno.I read it in one day. Ti invio un regalo per posta.I send you a present by mail. Lavoro dalle 8:00 alle 17:00.I work from 8:00 a.m. till 5:00 p.m.

As you do so, the prepositions will seep in. English also has this preposition, although sometimes its use is different.

— I’m going to the doctor’s. Siamo da Raffaella. It can be a bit tricky to keep these three prepositions straight when you’re talking about where or when something is happening. 2. (This is Matthew’s book.) — We’re at Raffaella’s. Possiamo rimandare la scadenza a lunedì? For example: Questo è il libro di Matteo.

Con, per, tra, fra can also be followed by an article, but in this case the two words remain separate. I’m back to working on our Italian Grammar Lessons series, a never-ending task it seems! Sometimes prepositions are followed by a definite article. — Mix the mussels with the spaghetti. NOTE: Italians use prepositions and articles with names of countries at the plural form (ex. Parliamo degli affari di cuore. Thousands of people have had great success with mastering a new language with Rocket Languages. You use di to talk about a specific time of the day or of the year. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. That something is placed above something else.

— We’re going by bicycle. — The floor has white paint stains. Time. Per can be used to make expressions of duration. 6.

With numbers it expresses an approximate amount. Italian prepositions are nine: in, con, su, per, tra, fra, a, da, di.

It can translate the English prepositions. Usually, the article is not linked to the preposition con. Consiglio “Che cosa vogliono le donne” di Daniel Bergner. Una romantica notte d’estate — A romantic summer night. 5.

This page introduces the use of in and a when used as place prepositions (preposizioni di luogo), that is when they are used to determine the place or position of a person or thing.

Prepositions are those short words that let us link ideas. They do not combine with definite articles. (Download). — I would like a wooden awning. Examples:Mi piace il gelato al pistacchio.I like pistachio ice cream. Here we’ll take on only the major (and most troubling) prepositions, so for now we won’t have much discussion of lovely little words like fuori (outside) or fino a (until).


(Level 2), Rocket Italian Da can stand on its own if it’s not followed by the article meaning “the”. The bank is between the school and the bar. Italian simple prepositions are eight, usually taught in the following order : DI – A- DA- IN- CON -SU -PER -TRA/FRA The role of prepositions in a sentence is to introduce some information to a verb or a noun, and explain their function, in the form of a “complemento”. Il pavimento è tutto macchiato di vernice bianca.

OLLY RICHARDS PUBLISHING LTD. Examples:Voglio delle bruschette.I want some bruschette.

Examples:Parliamo per telefono.We’ll talk by phone. Per can indicate the destination or where a transport option is passing through. La ladra è entrata dalla finestra. Examples:Un libro da leggere.A book to read. It indicates someone’s or something’s origins, same as “from”, but only when you want to say what city you are from.

When they are not followed by an article, Italian prepositions are called “simple prepositions”.

Knowing which prepositions to use when is a challenge right from the beginning, and unfortunately it’s one that often lasts to even very late stages in your Italian learning process.


It tells you what something is made of. We hate SPAM and promise to keep your email address safe, Italians have their own horrors in learning English prepositions. The meaning of the two sentences is practically the same, but venire has a double use.

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Have a look at the following examples: Da has the following meanings: from, from this moment on, around, through, over, and to. Rocket Italian. Prepositions can give problems even at the higher levels, so don’t worry if you still get them wrong after months or years.

The immersive, entertaining content makes grammar and vocabulary much more memorable. For instance, you can say: The difference is quite easy: with the verb “venire” (to come) you must use “da” while with “essere” you have to use “di”. Around, about. The preposition tra/fra means between (place) or within/in (time). Con (with) is the preposition that connects the verb cucina (cooks) and the noun amore (love) establishing a relationship of mode between the two. In some cases, we need to combine di or another prepositions with the definite article. In the past the preposition "con" had tense forms, which are no more in use except for the col form. Generally, articulated prepositions are formed any time a noun following whatever preposition you’re using requires an article.

Lavoro tanto per guadagnare.I work a lot to earn money. It can describe the destiny of something when followed by an infinitive verb.

It combines with the definite articles as follows: di + il = del di + lo = dello di + l’ = dell’ di + la = della di + i = dei di + gli = degli di + le = delle Also, if di is directly followed by a vowel, it must become d’: La borsa d’Agata— Agata’s purse Here are the major uses of di. Una casa di mattoni.A house made of bricks. Usually it is used with the verbs, Length of action. Use in for talking about going to or being inside of much larger places like continents, regions and countries, as well as shops ending in -ia and familiar places. This rule is not obligatory, so sometimes people don’t link these two short words. Practice writing out and translating full sentences. Once you learn those by heart you can try to use certain tricks to make your life a bit easier.

4. The other prepositions don't have a tense form, even when matched with the article. Place Preposition “in”: When to use

Learning a language is a complex process that is different for each individual based on several different factors. 2. Examples:Vengo dall’Italia.I come from Italy. It is used to indicate: In front of the definitive articles, in and a take the following forms: (Luigi guarda in + la bottiglia) Luigi guarda nella bottiglia, (Io vado a + il cinema) io vado al cinema.
Examples:Vado da Maria.I go to Maria’s house.

They are very important and easy to remember.

3. Il nonno di Lui… It’s also used to express motion away from, out of or through a location, as well as the distance from a location. Vivo a Venezia dal 2009.I have lived in Venice since 2009.

Mando il cellulare a Francesca. In front of definitive articles, di and da take the following forms: (Io sono il figlio di + il signor Rossi) Io sono il figlio del signor Rossi, (Io vengo da + la campagna) Io vengo dalla campagna. It is not always so obvious when to use prepositions and articles, but mainly Italians use prepositions with articles every time that the noun that follows it requires the definite article. The Italian prepositions “tra” and “fra” are synonyms and you can use either one or the other.

Di shows authorship of books, songs, plays, movies, etc.

(Formal). Examples:Abito in campagna.I live in the countryside. It combines with the definite articles as follows: Also, if di is directly followed by a vowel, it must become d’: 1. (Lit. So, for instance, you will say “con il” o “con la”. Di is often needed to explain quantities in Italian where no preposition is necessary in English. Examples:Tra la farmacia e l’ospedale.In between the pharmacy and the hospital. The word di in Italian can mean “of,” “about,” “than” and “by” in English. (nel = in+il)I walk at the park.

Mi tratta da genio perché padroneggio le preposizioni. As notoriously forgiving as Italians can be of foreigners’ errors, using the wrong preposition just sounds incredibly strange to a native speaker, and it’s one of the main things they just might call you out on. It is used to say why an action is taking place. 3. Problem Areas and How to Cope With Them.

Articulated prepositions in the Italian language. And in the learning process, some find it easier to focus on the uses of da and then use di for the rest.