human development report 2020 upsc

India has been ranked at the 116th position in the latest edition of the World Bank’s annual Human Capital Index that benchmarks key components of human capital across countries. The use of PISA and TIMSS scores is the methodology for testing is largely controlled by non UN agencies.

The analysis shows that pre-pandemic, most countries had made steady progress in building the human capital of children, with the biggest strides made in low-income countries. The larger political class and process simply have not been able to establish relevance for young people.

It is based on multiple-choice questions answered in exam conditions. Examine the importance of the three art forms, Hindustani Music evolution, features, and, Carnatic Music evolution, features, and impact, Hindustani and Carnatic music differences, Architectural Style of Harappan Civilisation, Cultural development during the Gupta Age, The emergence of Nalanda as a center of learning, The theme of paintings in the Medieval period, The theme of decorative paintings in India, Factors that led to the industrial revolution, The American Revolutionary War and its impact, The Great Depression- an economic perspective, Rise of Fascism in Italy & Nazism in Germany, The relevance of capitalism in the present era, Sources of Information about the Interior, Solar Radiation, Heat Balance and Temperature, Atmospheric Circulation and Weather Systems, Air Mass, Fronts, Cyclones and Jet Stream, Tertiary, Quaternary and Quinary Activities, Various Revolutions in Agriculture Sector, Marketing (Promotion and Facilitating) Act (APLM), 2017, Contract Farming: Benefits and Challenges, Role of infrastructural and institutional, Various Industries: Location, Prospects and, Industrial Regions and its Characteristics, location pattern of automobile industry in India, Major Issues in Transport and Communication, Various Organisation Related to International, Changing Pattern of India’s foreign trade, Factors affecting the distribution of Population, Secularism and Forced Conversion in India, Regionalism, Communalism, Fundamentalism and communal Violence, Social Justice & Empowerment of Scheduled Caste & Scheduled Tribes, The Scheduled Castes: From Untouchable to Dalit, Identify Political Implications on Dalits, Destruction of the Forest Environment and the, Suggestions for Improving the Social Security, Recommendations of the Rangarajan Committee, Status of Service Delivery and Governance, Gender Discrimination in Corporate Sector, Issues of women entry to the place of worship, India’s Maternity Laws need Serious Tweaking, India’s Family Planning Programme: Critical, Inadequacies in existing Human Trafficking, Transgender Bill passed in Lok Sabha with, Allied Health Care Professions Bill, 2018, Ahead on Malaria: On reduction in cases in, TB Status in India and Bedaquiline Patent, Capacity Building for Primary Health Care, NITI Aayog on Privatisation of Urban Health, Online political advertising and challenge for, Critical Analysis of Stand Up India Scheme, 10. International relations syllabus for UPSC: Read here. However, for inequality-adjusted HDI (IHDI), India’s position drops by one position to 130, losing nearly half the progress (.647 to .477) made in the past 30 years. The Planning Commission used to release data on infrastructural investment, but we have had none since its demise. They are too distracted and lack commitment. There were only 7.6 physicians per 10,000 people in the period 2007-17 EDB, HDI and EPI, in a brief manner. Only after successfully qualifying in the prelims exam would the candidates be allowed to write the IAS Mains. The HCP programme is claimed to be a program of advocacy, measurement, and analytical work to raise awareness and increase demand for interventions to build human capital. Refer to political leaders from various fields and ask the youngsters to talk of their stand on some topical issues. Germany is placed The Civil Services Examination is widely considered as one of the toughest and the most prestigious examinations conducted in India. A/C Name: APEIROGON TECHNOLOGIES PVT. We cannot ignore Young India if we care about our democracy. Those Indian Forest Service aspirants who may eventually clear the first stage of the exam, they have to write the separate exam in place of ias mains examination for their Mains Indian Forest Service examination. In the late 1990s and early 2000s, Tripura embarked on a unique path to peace, It was not dependent solely on security measures but involved investment in human development and people’s participation in the implementation of socio-political and economic policy as well, More than a decade later, the human development consequences of peace have been remarkable, Economic and social investments and people’s involvement are essential components of the peace process in the State, There is now a palpable atmosphere of peace and personal safety in the State, even in its most remote reserved-forest settlements, The progress achieved over the last 10 years in several indicators of human development — especially in education, health, and employment — is the State’s peace dividend, Literacy has been described as being “the basic personal skill that underlies the whole modernizing sequence.”, Separatist militancy in Tripura was an obstacle to the spread of literacy and schooling, According to the Census, the share of literate persons above the age of seven years rose from 73% to 87% between 2001 and 2011, Peace and security enable the expansion of employment and livelihoods, A labour force, by definition, includes those in work and seeking work, For the last five to six years, Tripura has ranked first among the States of India with respect to the implementation of the, An important feature of Tripura’s economy over the last decade has been a rise in labour force participation and work force participation, particularly among women, This is in marked contrast to India as a whole, where data show a decline in female labour force participation and work force participation over time, An important factor in the dramatic rise in work participation rates, especially among women, has been the improvement in the security environment, which encouraged women to enter the labour force in much larger numbers than before, The rise in work and labour force participation rates, particularly among women, is both a positive achievement and a challenge, The challenge is to generate adequate employment opportunities to absorb the increasing number of women who will join the work force, Tripura’s path of development is one that respects administrative autonomy for regions where people of the Scheduled Tribes are predominant in the population, and the principle of unity of its diverse people, An inclusive path of development, one that encompasses the poorest in the population and the most far-flung of forest-based human settlements, is a precious legacy, Within the region of South Asia, Afghanistan tops the list with the value of 1.89 for 1990-2014 followed by Bangladesh (1.64), Nepal (1.49) and, India loses over one-fourth of its HDI value, when, Workforce participation rates for women have.
The Human Development Report (HDR) for 2019 has been released by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).

The IHDI indicates percentage loss in HDI due to inequalities. Global Human Development Reports Global Human Development Reports [in Hindi] Asia Pacific Human Development Reports Government of India's National Human Development Report State Human Development Reports for Indian   Responses are sought from government officials, lawyers, business consultants, accountants and other professionals involved in providing advice on legal and regulatory compliance. Yet, there is little substantive participation of our young in defining the direction of the nation. It forecasts that it may take 202 years to close the gender gap in economic opportunity — one of the three indicators of the GII.
For instance, it is increasingly clear that it is not enough simply to count how many children are in school. They will shrug. In case a candidate does not qualify in these language papers, then the marks obtained by such candidates will not be considered or counted.

While it is important to take this aspect into account, in any situation the ease of doing business is dependent upon other factors too. It is of relevance here that India’s HDI ranking has not improved despite it being the world’s fastest growing major economy in recent years. For some countries, average national scores in a particular year and in some cases in selected cities or states have been used as predictors of education potential and future economic growth. The news-card analyses India’s performance at three important indices i.e. National Institute of Public Finance and Policy, Access to Information Project - Knowledge and Networking Portal on Right to Information (RTI), Public Private Community Partnership (PPCP), © Conservation, environmental pollution, and degradation, environmental impact assessment. The gap in data and methodology overlook the initiatives taken by a country and, in turn, portray an incomplete and pre-determined picture. Post-Independence Consolidation and Re-organization, Challenges before India after Independence, Resettlement and Rehabilitation of Refugees. Welcome to Lotus Arise! Among India’s neighbours, Sri Lanka (71) and China (85) are higher up the rank scale while Bhutan (134), Bangladesh (135), Myanmar (145), Nepal (147), Pakistan (152) and Afghanistan (170) were ranked lower on the list. Besides, English and one language paper are of only qualifying nature. dances, folk music as well as folk dances in Indian culture and Challenges faced by performing arts. Integration of Princely States: Junagadh. (C) Gross negligence of important measures. India’s ranking at HDI has not altered since 2014. One of these is the availability of ‘producer services’, with electricity, water supply and waste management coming to mind. Africa Human Capital Plan Year One Progress Report : Game Changers for Investing in Africa's People (June 1, 2020) In April 2019, we launched the Africa Human Capital Plan.

This appears to have yielded fruit in terms of an improvement in the EDB index. Inclusive growth and issues arising from it. Both papers are usually held on the same day in two sessions. Economic and Social Development – Sustainable Development, Poverty, Inclusion, Demographics, Social Sector initiatives, etc. a cross-country human capital measurement metric called the Human Capital Index (HCI), a programme of measurement and research to inform policy action. Mains Paper 2: Social Justice| Issues relating to development and management of Social Sector/Services relating to Health, Education, Human Resources. Pakistani economist Mahbub ul Haq created HDI in 1990 which was further used to measure the country’s development by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP). It has been pointed out that the index combines incommensurate categories, as income, health and education are not substitutes. Calculation of the index combines four major indicators: life expectancy for health, expected years of schooling, mean of years of schooling for education and GNI per capita for standard of living. The benefit of introducing aptitude tests in the UPSC syllabus is that it assesses your logical reasoning and thinking performance. A clear picture emerges whereby the government has aggressively pursued an improvement in the business environment. Employment is not just about economics, it is also linked to one’s identity.

We want those who work with us to demonstrate “work ethic” — reliability, punctuality, diligence — but it is unclear what exactly is gained for the young person in being all these three things? United Nations Development Programme, Successful Governance Initiatives and Best Practices, Global Human Development Reports [in Hindi], Government of India's National Human Development Report, State Human Development Reports for Indian States, District Human Development Reports for Districts in India, Programme of Assistance to the Palestinian People. It provides a pre-pandemic baseline on the health and education of children, with the biggest strides made in low-income countries. are transforming human capital in India at rapid pace. Food processing and related industries in India- scope and significance, location, upstream and downstream requirements, supply chain management. The report notes that group-based inequalities persist, especially affecting women and girls and no place in the world has gender equality. The Human Development Report (HDR) for 2019 has been released by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). The Mains examination constitutes the 2nd phase of the Civil Services Examination.