b. positively link a specific suspect with a specific evidence stain. Which of the following is not a problem with DNA evidence?
in horton v. california (1990), the supreme court eliminated which of the following plain view requirements? In United States v. Wade, the Supreme Court held that a suspect is entitled to an attorney at a lineup if that lineup is held after, the crime but before charges are filed.
A defendant whose conviction is reversed because, as a matter of law, the evidence _____, cannot be retried, because the reversal is equivalent to an acquittal.
The Supreme Court's decision invalidated those gene patents, making the genes accessible for research and for commercial genetic testing. due process in a lineup means that the lineup must not be, both a and b are correct (unfair and impermissibly suggestive). d. both positively link a specific suspect with a specific evidence stain and …
b. positively link a specific suspect with a specific evidence stain. inadvertently coming across an incriminating object, the u.s. supreme court has __________ regarding plain view and open view. In a courtroom situation, DNA testing functions to.
What problems exist with eyewitness testimony/identification? c. establish that the odds of a fake match are astronomically high. what are the two basic factors in determining whether property is abandoned or not?
neither custody without interrogation nor interrogation without custody, Before Miranda, the sole test for the admissibility of a confession was, A change of venue, sequestration of the jury, continuances, "gag rules" and controls on the media are all mechanisms which, under certain circumstances, judges may use to. A suspect is not entitled to Miranda warnings before being put into a lineup because, there is no interrogation or testimonial evidence from the suspect, Due process requires that identification procedures be basically.
Which of the following is not a problem with DNA evidence?
Welcome to Sciemce, where you can ask questions and receive answers from other members of the community. Which of the following issues has not been directly addressed by the Court?
When are the results of each admissible in court and under what circumstances? establish that the odds of a fake match are astronomically high. establish that the odds of a fake match are astronomically high. Which of the following warnings to suspects is not required by the Miranda decision? for scientific evidence to be admissible at trial, Under the Fourth Amendment, courts have interpreted the term "houses" to include, both temporary shelters and hospital rooms.
The source of the right to confront witnesses is the, the area to which extends the intimate activity associated with the sanctity of a mans home, and the privacies of life. Management Fundamentals: Concepts Applications, & Skill Development, Aging Matters: An Introduction to Social Gerontology, Diagnostic and Statistic Manual of Mental Disorders, Medical and Psychosocial Aspects of Chronic illness and Disability, Essential Repertoire: For the Developing Choir, Essential Musicianship: A Comprehensive Choral Method Book Two, The Rise and Fall of Modern Black Leadership. A person does not retain a reasonable expectation of privacy in trash once it, Items that are abandoned and those that are in plain view are similar in that, neither is protected by the Fourth Amendmen. a person who has not been formally charged with an offense is not entitled to a lawyer during a lineup, after being formally charged with a crime, a suspect in a lineup or other confrontation is entitled to have a lawyer present, one-on-one confrontation between a suspect and a witness to crime, a form of suspect identification where a victim or witness is shown photographs to try to identify the suspect, compares suspects DNA with DNA recovered during the investigation. must inform a suspect of their right to remain silent and may vary slightly from the wording of the Miranda decision. the giving up of a thing or item absolutely, without limitation as to any particular person or purpose is the definition of.
In a courtroom situation, DNA testing functions to. Which of the following identification procedures is generally the most likely to be suggestive?
In a courtroom situation, DNA testing functions to a. provide jurors with a standard of evidence that they are legally required to accept as proof of guilt (orinnocence). From a defendant's perspective, the best kind of immunity to have is _____ immunity.
The Miranda warning is not required when confessions are made to private citizens acting on their own, because, the Fifth Amendment limits only government action, Before Miranda, the courts decided on the admissibility of confessions and admissions on a case-by-case basis, based on, Miranda has drawn a "bright line" rule for the admissibility of confessions by making them automatically inadmissible unless, prior to questioning, the suspect, has been given certain warnings and waives his or her rights, Miranda warnings must be given to any suspect who is, in police custody and interrogated by the police. Which of the following is one of those situations? In a courtroom situation, DNA testing functions to a. provide jurors with a standard of evidence that they are legally required to accept as proof of guilt (orinnocence) asked Apr 30, 2017 in Criminal Justice by Khamseen. establish that the odds of a fake match are astronomically high. is insufficient to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, A defendant's waiver of the right to counsel is sufficient as long as it is, A statute that prohibits prosecution for a crime if the person is not prosecuted within a certain amount of time is called a statute of, At a jury trial, for purposes of double jeopardy, jeopardy attaches when, At trial, the defendant testifies in his or her own behalf.
In a courtroom situation, DNA testing functions to, establish that the odds of a fake match are astronomically high, given current skepticism about the reliability of eyewitness evidence, the pressure is on for police departments and prosecutors to ensure that identification procedures are, Police may not seize abandoned property if, illegal police activity caused the abandonment, an officer's activity in looking at an item from a place where the officer has a right to be is covered under the, even if the property is abandoned, police will not be allowed to use the property as evidence if, the abandonment is the result of unlawful police activity. how many factors are there that determine whether an area is considered to be part of the curtilage? What has been done to address the problems with eyewitness testimony/identification?
In a courtroom situation, DNA testing functions to. procedure is fair.
Which Constitutional rights are involved in lineups, showups, photo arrays and other methods of identifying suspects? Since items in open fields are not protected by the Fourth Amendment guarantee against unreasonable searches and seizures, they can be seized by an officer without a warrant or probable cause. If a prosecutor or defense attorney used peremptory challenges to remove potential jurors solely on the basis of that potential juror's race or gender, it would be a violation of. b. positively link a specific suspect with a specific evidence stain. In a courtroom situation, DNA testing functions to.