PubMed Central Therefore, it is the right time to answer the following two questions: What are the major lessons from Chinese NMEAP?
The data in the study were obtained from web-source, therefore the ethics and participatory consent was not needed, and this was approved by National Institute of Parasitic Diseases, Chinese Center for Diseases Control and Prevention.
For example, the entry-exit inspection and quarantine departments have screened each fever patient using rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) in airports or customs posts.
Local government officials support and prioritize malaria control and elimination when they are given specific malaria control and elimination targets. After 2004, each of the different cases from the Infectious Diseases Information Reporting Management System (IDIRMS) was closely examined and scrutinized. 2014;86:205–30. Out of 2675 malaria cases reported in 2017, 99.9% of them were imported cases with only 0.1% (n = 3) induced cases from blood transfusion reported in Jiangsu (n = 2) and in Guangdong provinces (n = 1).
Zhou SS, Zhang SS, Zhang L, Rietveld AE, Ramsay AR, Zachariah R, et al. Chin J Parasitol Parasit Dis.
2015;93:293–9. Current status of malaria in China. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2015. 2015;61:821–8. In reaching zero indigenous human malaria cases in 2018, Malaysia accomplished its goal 2 years ahead of schedule. COVID-19 is an emerging, rapidly evolving situation. However, the disease burden has sharply declined and epidemic areas have shrunk after the implementation of an integrated malaria control and elimination strategy, especially since 2000.
2006;24:1–3 (in Chinese).
The GTS recognizes progression towards malaria-free status is a continuous process, and not a set of independent stages. Xia ZG, Feng J, Zhou SS. Between 2013 and 2015, a total of US$51.6 million were predominantly allocated for diagnostic testing (58%) and management and other costs (28%). 2018;36:201–9 (in Chinese).
Chin J Parasitol Parasit Dis. The data could be obtained once the staff entered a user name and password, and choose the selection variables. Google Scholar. 5). We thank all the staffs in the provincial CDC in China. For example, since malaria incidence has been at the lowest level in 2009, the former Ministry of Health developed a new stratification of malaria endemicity at the county level, which stated in NMEAP that each of the counties in China was divided into 4 types, with its own strategy and interventions. Article Ensuring prompt malaria diagnosis, treatment and surveillance in remote, hard-to-reach regions played a key role in Malaysiaâs elimination success. Antimicrob Agents Chemother.
The indigenous and imported cases from 2002 to 2017 are shown in the right-hand column.
Great attention should be paid to non-residual foci, which refer to transmissions interrupted recently (within the last 1–3 years).
2008;26:401–3 (in Chinese). In comparison to the steep reduction of indigenous cases, the imported malaria cases constituted 16.2% of the total cases reported in 2004, but in 2017, this had increased to 99.9%. J Appl Prev Med. In addition to the active and passive surveillance for detection and treatment of febrile cases, the project conducted mass screening and treatment to clear the asymptomatic reservoirs of infection. [Current malaria situation in Turkmenistan]. Amplification of pfmdr1, pfcrt, pvmdr1, and K13 propeller polymorphisms associated with Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax isolates from the China–Myanmar border.
Malar J 17, 315 (2018). Chin J Parasitol Parasit Dis. The project also used vector control measures for interrupting human-mosquito contact, and information, education and communication (IEC) campaigns to increase demand for malaria services at community level. With the GFATM support, almost 1.4 million malaria cases were treated, 2.80 million insecticide-treated bed nets (ITNs), and 1.80 million long-lasting insecticide nets (LLINs) were distributed [41]. Terms and Conditions, Chin J Parasitol Parasit Dis. 2001 Jan-Mar;(1):37-9. To reduce the malaria burden on the China–Myanmar border, since 2010, county CDC staff on China side and Myanmar have carried out joint control and prevention work mechanism, particularly on information sharing, with regard to border-specific mobile population management and surveillance system, to lower the malaria incidence on the China–Myanmar border region. Fifthly, malaria elimination efforts have paid attention on the border areas since 2016, which was documented in the National Malaria Elimination Work Plan (2016–2020) issued by National Health Commission (NHC) of China with the interventions focusing on the clearance of active foci in Tibet and Yunnan provinces [19]. The different control and elimination phases are shown in different colours.
Both the IDIRMS and the NIMSM are private. Even so, the 1-3-7 approach could be considered a model for other countries.
This is especially impressive given that more than 5000 cases were reported in 2010. 2015;31:83–86.
In 2016, 91 countries reported a total of 216 million cases of malaria, an increase of 5 million cases over the previous year, while the number of malaria deaths reached 445,000 [1]. Malaria was once a great challenge for the public health system and after sustainable efforts, the occurrence of indigenous malaria has been steeply reduced, and malaria-epidemic regions have been substantially shrunk between 1950 and 2017. Chinese achievements in malaria control and research. Each year, the NHC organizes panels of experts on malaria elimination to supervise the elimination process for endemic provinces. Preparation of malaria resurgence in China: case study of vivax malaria re-emergence and outbreak in Huang-Huai Plain in 2006. The government mobilized social and financial resources for malaria control and elimination. Am J Trop Med Hyg. In this review, the lessons were distilled from the Chinese national malaria elimination programme and further efforts to mitigate the challenges of malaria resurgence are being discussed. Michelle SH, Jimee H, Amy RT, Liu YB, Adam B, George DS, et al.
The central government unified command scheduling, to mobilize social resources to participate in the prevention and treatment of malaria. Why is it important to study malaria epidemiology in India? See this image and copyright information in PMC. There were approximately 30 million malaria cases yearly nationwide prior to 1949, and the incidence peak occurred in 1970 (2961/100,000). Assessment of malaria control consultation and service posts in Yunnan, P. R. China. Zhang L, Feng J, Zhang SS, Xia ZG, Zhou SS. Cheng Z, Wang D, Tian X, Sun Y, Sun X, Xiao N, et al. The findings from this review can probably help improving malaria surveillance systems in China, but also in other elimination countries. 2016;5:75. The Middle Five Provinces Malaria Joint Control and Prevention Programme (Jiangsu, Anhui, Shandong, Hubei, Henan) was launched in 1974 and the Southern Three Provinces Malaria Joint Control and Prevention (Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan) was launched in 1992 [32,33,34]; these are typical models for regional cooperation to greatly reduce malaria incidence in these regions. Methods: Countries that progress towards UHC will make progress towards other health-related targets, such as end of malaria epidemic by sustained surveillance and prompt response for each malaria foci. Feng J, Liu J, Feng X, Zhang L, Xiao H, Xia Z.
From 1950 to 2017, the occurrence of indigenous malaria has been steeply reduced, and malaria-epidemic regions have substantially shrunk, especially after the launch of the national malaria elimination programme. There were approximately 30 million malaria cases annually before 1949 with a mortality rate of 1%. Within 48 h of onset of fever, 38% cases were diagnosed and 84% cases were diagnosed within 5 days of onset of fever. This paper describes results of an integrated case management and vector control strategy for reducing malaria cases in 1233 villages over 3 years in district Mandla, Madhya Pradesh, India. 2016;16:986–8 (in Chinese). Lancet.
From 2018, the NHC will organize national expert panels from related departments to conduct sub-national malaria verification on the endemic provinces. Google Scholar.
Malaria transmission occurred mainly in areas where resources are limited, and local health systems are weak and cannot provide adequate diagnosis and treatment. 1) [6]. From the foundation of the People’s Republic of China in 1949 to reaching the goal of malaria free in 2020, the transmission of the disease can be primarily grouped into five phases: (i) transmission not known (1949–1959); (ii) outbreak and pandemic transmission (1960–1979); (iii) decline with sporadic distribution (1980–1999); (iv) low transmission with re-emergence in central China (2000–2009) [4]; and, (v) the elimination phase (2010–2020). JF and HT conceived the study and drafted the manuscript. Transition from control to elimination: impact of the 10-year global fund project on malaria control and elimination in China. Reactive case detection, targeted anti-malarial administration, indoor residual spray, and information, education, and communication activities can be chosen in the response activity, non-residual or cleared up focus [22]. 2015;59:2554–9. The red zones represent the areas where indigenous cases occur (the county level).
For instance, in Liaoning and Hainan, after malaria transmission was interrupted for 4 years, officials reported 2 local P. vivax and 6 local P. malariae cases, respectively, in 2015 [6]. These documents helped staff members to make appropriate decisions when malaria was at epidemic proportions or even if there was an outbreak during control and elimination phase. 2017;6:108. In 2013, when clustered migrant employees returned from Ghana to Shanglin County of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, about 1000 imported malaria cases found from migrants, significantly lifting the nationwide reported malaria numbers that year [48, 49]. Malar J.