Lolita, once a novel about a man powerless to control his lusts and lorded over by a tragic teenaged sexual superhero, today feels like a literary invitation to rape the powerless girl intern whose attractions are claimed by the patriarchy in the form of a middle-aged, all-powerful white male.
Just add it to the to-do list along with climate change, income inequality, and racial justice. What shade of gray was that? I kept my eyes down and waited for my turn to play. I witnessed the growth of feminist voices in literature, politics, and pop culture. What stands out to me today is how precisely her fusion of pornography and politics predicts the present-day anxiety and confusion. I certainly lost plenty of editorial arguments and carried out my duties as a host to reflect the consensus of the team rather than my own megalomaniacal impulses.
Men and women have shared in this reexamination, even if their motives are vastly different—women looking for evidence of victimization, men looking back largely to confirm their exoneration. To make a long story less so, I put Intercourse down, got married, and over the next twenty years had five children, bounced from ABC to NBC, did a lot of freelancing, got a fellowship at the MIT Media Lab, and eventually landed back in public radio in 2008 to start The Takeaway. Would she put my foot on a meat hook and bash away at me with a bat? Being a misguided romantic, or being born at the wrong time, or taking the wrong cues from the sexual revolution of the Sixties, or having a disability that leaves one impotent at the age of nineteen—none of this is a justification for offensive behavior toward women.
Call me crazy, but I am convinced that if in a collective culture something is being hauled out as garbage in the crucial domain of human gender relations, social equity, and norms of love and mating, then something new probably needs to replace it. This was unbelievably hurtful, but there was nothing to be done. Former public radio host John Hockenberry (pictured) has been accused of sexual harassment by several female former colleagues; he does not deny the claims. My Emmy awards for work in television and my Peabody awards, framed pictures from travels all around the world, a signed statement of service from President Obama from my time as a member of his Commission on White House Fellowships, are all ghoulishly visible through plastic wrap and tape. According to Altaf, the Hockenberry piece was edited by Ellen Rosenbush, who is listed as editorial director on the site’s masthead, where Altaf still sits below her. I f you know anything about me, John Hockenberry, it is probably that I am a familiar voice from public radio. A four-time Emmy Award winner and three-time Peabody Award winner, Hockenberry has worked in media since 1980.
In Reading Lolita in Tehran, Azar Nafisi’s courageous memoir, Nabokov’s novel becomes a surrogate for all that is forbidden in religion-enslaved Iran. “And you should go lose weight.”. Less than a week before accusations about me appeared in the media, I was having lunch with people eager to produce a new program to replace Charlie Rose. Whatever theatrical talent I had, coupled with a distinct shortage of Mediterranean swarthiness in the Grand Rapids, Michigan, suburb where I lived, meant that a clumsy blond dork from the high school debate team would get the chance to play one of the most famous romantic figures in twentieth-century literature.
You likely know that I use a wheelchair because of a 1976 car accident and the resultant spinal cord injury, received in the twilight of adolescence at age nineteen. It was a claim that she always denied, but the radicalism of the argument ensured that she would become forever the unattractive feminist in overalls who believed that all heterosexual sex was a form of rape. Powered and implemented by FactSet Digital Solutions. But this isn’t only about me. I never sought or wanted a relationship with her other than as a contributor to our show, which, I believed, needed the voices of smart women. Need to create a login? When is it time to abandon a place to climate change? How is Lolita thought of today? HuffPost is part of Verizon Media. As a disabled man taking on “normal life” as an adult in the Seventies, I now see that my own confused sexuality needed some personal guidance long ago. I carried it on the subway once, and the impression that everyone was staring at me was so palpable that I got off at the next stop and went home by bus. You likely know that I use a wheelchair because of a 1976 car accident and the resultant spinal cord injury, received in the twilight of adolescence at age nineteen. As I look back on those events now, they seem to have contributed to a judgment that the collaborative adventure of journalism was a setting for powerful relationships that would include sex and romance as well as the heroic narrative of finding the truth. I recall those days with exhaustion. My own children often speak of a generalized and oppressive sexual tension over all encounters, dates, and flirtations. Nafisi finds within Lolita a useful guidebook for recognizing how complicit we might become in our own imprisonment. She says Hockenberry asked for her home address and sent one message with the subject line: "Need another dose of you.". I also reexamined movies I saw, books I read, conversations I had, and romantic and sexual milestones of all kinds. Oxford-educated museum curator who sparked fury for posting guide on vandalising statues is 'forced... Victoria Beckham and Gwyneth Paltrow lead celebrities handing over their Instagram accounts to black women... 'We do not accept these measures': Middlesbrough's mayor leads backlash against lockdown as town is placed... 'Wear mask. Dworkin dismissed biological imperatives regarding sex and insisted that humans should explicitly modify sexuality in manners and practice to reflect modern notions of equity and justice. Dworkin was infamous for arguing that the nature of heterosexual sex implied domination of women by men, and the provocative language she used to make that point caused people to conclude that she was equating intercourse with rape.
'I have no excuses.'. I found the women described in Reading Lolita in Tehran refreshing pioneers of intellectual freedom and stewards of reinvention in their potentially unshackled nation. There is an element to all this that feels generational, and tripping over the increasingly incompatible languages of the young and the old is hardly unmapped territory. Hockenberry has not denied any of the claims, and apologized in a statement he made through his publicist. John Hockenberry was born in Ohio on June 4, 1956.Journalist and author who hosted the Public Radio show The Takeaway which airs in New York. Again, I do not dispute the sources of the anger from centuries of gender inequality. And a year of trying to find a road back from personal and public shame. I looked for everything in her writing that would make for an incendiary on-camera interview. I suspect I was exactly the type of person she had in mind when she spoke about the people who reacted to her book when it was originally published in 1987: People who have not read it, reduced to slogans by journalists posing as critics or sages or deep thinkers, treated as if it were odious and hateful by every asshole who thinks that what will heal this violent world is more respect for dead white men. Get help here. In 2018 the most heinous obscenities are all about children.
Former NPR host John Hockenberry has been accused of sexual harassment by several women, who say he kissed them without permission. To that I can add that above all I believe this crackpot-sounding imperative to reinvent romance is a mission I hope to be a part of. Did I gain anything from that early Mother Earth candor about vulvae and clitorises? The clichés of network sexual drama were well known in the Nineties when I began in television. I would give anything to know what Dworkin would say about what’s going on now. Everyone was conscious of being thought of as the male correspondent or executive who played around after work (whether single or married) or the woman producer or executive who did the same. Panic buyers are snapping up Christmas puddings 13 weeks before the big day as flour... Assassin who crept into family home and shot dead mother-of-nine, 53, and her sleeping nephew, 21, in... Bumping along nicely! Alcohol and drugs dull the awkwardness, and to my great surprise my own progressive teenagers and their peers (both boys and girls) report they quite often have no clear indication where things are headed or whether anyone has made a decision.
Father of Jonathan Hockenberry; James H. Hockenberry; John Hockenberry; Elizabeth Andrews or Anders; David Hockenberry and 6 others; Samuel Hockenberry; Unknown Hockenberry; Jay Hockenberry; Asel Hockenberry; Johnathan D. Hockenberry and Mccalroy Hockenberry « less I hope that in offering some kind of context for my misfortunes I can also provide a basis for the beginning of a constructive conversation about sexuality in the twenty-first century. Only one of my accusers reached out or responded to my heartfelt queries. Iunderstand that I have to confront bad judgments and mistakes I made in my personal and professional lives. For nearly all my adult life, the memory from my senior year of high school of being cast as Zorba in the musical based on the classic novel by Nikos Kazantzakis has been a proud one. To enable Verizon Media and our partners to process your personal data select 'I agree', or select 'Manage settings' for more information and to manage your choices. “All revolutions have their overcorrection.” These are difficult realities to accept, let alone argue with. Time to get to work. Legal Statement. As I listen I am horrified but thinking with a tiny sliver of parental relief: a more effective form of birth control I cannot imagine. Any content that suggests child sex trafficking is categorized as extreme criminality, even while everything else is permitted in the banal world of pop culture and twenty-first-century online porn. I deny directing my strict editorial demands only at women employees. "', She said he told her: 'I just want to kiss you because I'm so thankful.'. My respect and regard for these women did not ever become persistent sexual demands. . In this view, which is the predominant one, maleness is aggressive and violent; and so fucking, in which both the man and the woman experience maleness, essentially demands the disappearance of the woman as an individual; thus, in being fucked, she is possessed: ceases to exist as a discrete individual: is taken over.