Examples of legible in a sentence: 1. A few 18thC ledgers south of the church, the only legible one of 1786. This document, in every line of which madness is legible, convinced most thinking people that Eric was unfit to reign. In the top seam, faded but legible, was written Annie in very small print. THE MUSIC 117 musical items surviving, some barely legible. The printed page is rapidly becoming simply a way of making data briefly more legible.
Make sure your name is clearly legible: printing in capitals helps. The company's full name must appear in a legible form at all business premises.
Almost every photographic aberration is now, 23. The graphics are rendered beautifully with very legible letters and an intuitive layout. 34.his handwriting is barely Legible. Marking the damp wall with chalk proved difficult, but they were satisfied the arrows were legible. If the default background makes the text difficult to read, it may be a good idea to switch your mobile phone's backgrounds to something that makes the user interface a little more legible. You do not have a lot of space to work with and shorter engravings are more legible and attractive. Even the romanized names were typeset vertically in very small letters, rendering them hardly legible. In the course of this voyage he noticed that the signals were received better during the night than the daytime, legible messages being received on a Morse printer only 700 m. His knowledge of the Bible was such that he might have been called a living concordance; and on the margin of his copy of the Book of Martyrs are still legible the ill-spelt lines of doggerel in which he expressed his reverence for the brave sufferers, and his implacable enmity to the mystical Babylon. 32.the envelope was worn and the only thing that was Legible on it was the return address. police forces would rather see a stick on legible plate than a small plate which cannot be read. 8.so, from parsing the twitter feed, you know that you need to pipe it through sed first to get a real, Legible result. But commerce in the Eastern States is of no foreign growth, and of no adventitious seed; its root is of a fibre which almost two centuries have nourished; and the perpetuity of its destiny is written in legible characters, as well in the nature of the country, as in the disposition of its inhabitants. Yulian Mastakovitch is always saying, always insisting: 'Legible, legible, legible!'. They're legible but barely, approaching a very painterly monochromatic abstraction. 7. 18,261 of 1898) is what may be termed a magnifier, since signals so small as to be almost unreadable on direct record are rendered perfectly legible. You will want to change this if you're using something other than an NTSC TV set as your output device; though the code will still operate, it probably won't generate a. Travel light, if possible, and always verify that baggage identification is correct, legible and properly affixed to each bag. 27.ocr-b: an iso recognized machine-readable typeface that is designed to be more Legible to humans than ocr-a. 17.please ensure that your scanned documents are valid and Legible. Be very careful when filling out order forms, make sure penmanship is impeccable and legible. 36.additionally, using only uppercase letters allows msnbc to make its incredibly small buttons just clear enough to be Legible. italic script is fine so long as its Legible and easy to.
15.any word that's not Legible will be counted as wrong. 7.all the records shall be complete, Legible, true and intact. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. 426 223 The summer is almost nightless, print being legible at midnight, but in winter the days are only six hours long, though the nights are frequently illuminated with brilliant displays of the aurora borealis. Sentencedict.com try its best to collect and build good sentences.
an anxious mood that was clearly legible upon her face Recent Examples on the Web The statues, each representing a scene or story, form a legible text that imparts warnings and encouragements. legible inscription confirms that this is the place. 25.the handwritten words on the page, round and Legible in blue ink, are the marks of a mind that has already settled itself to composition. These only become legible in time to confirm your route in heavy traffic. The movements to be registered are transferred to the style or pen by one or more levers, and the pen in turn transfers them to the cylinder, where they appear as legible tracings. 3. 109 87 When completing application materials, write as legiblyas possible. Dates for registration will be considered to be met assuming that legible postmarks are on or before the dates and airmail is used. My handwriting isn't very legible. The watch remains highly legible underneath the slightly domed sapphire crystal, even at extreme angles. The summer is almost nightless, print being legible at midnight, but in winter the days are only six hours long, though the nights are frequently illuminated with brilliant displays of the aurora borealis.
42+3 sentence examples: 1. 37.records shall remain Legible, readily identifiable and retrievable. his speech became slurred. He looked down at the small scrap of paper in his hand, the spidery handwriting barely legible. This carload of torn sails is more legible and interesting now than if they should be wrought into paper and printed books.
From the Sassanian period we find an alpha- of tic and very legible character in use, derived from Sassanian an hiavi, and closely resembling the younger Pahlavi found in books, is I e oldest known manuscripts are of the 14th century All.3, thi Although the existence of the Zend language was known to the an ford scholar Thomas Hyde, the Frenchman Anquetil Duperron, r~ 0 went to the East Indiei~ in 1755 to visit the Parsee priests, was e.g - first to draw the attention of the learned world to the subject. The text is everywhere perfectly legible, and is excellently represented in photographs by the marquis Ranghiasci-Brancaleone, published with Breal's edition. Be careful to choose fonts and ink colors that are legible. This is partly because its product, type, must be familiar if it is to be. 38.2 records shall be Legible, not allowed to alter, change only bar, bar to see bars before and after the change. 12.the names and dates on the gravestones were no longer Legible. Of course, to have a chance at being chosen, a Santa letter must be legible and have a clear return address. preponderatederating number are perfectly legible, but some are not in good condition. 3. 10.although the stone has been damaged slightly, most of the writing, in cuneiform script, is Legible. You should complete forms in black ink with legible block lettering. 23.there are small details that make a text type design more Legible. Thorkelin, an Icelander, made or procured two transcripts of the poem, which are still preserved in the Royal Library at Copenhagen, and are valuable for the criticism of the text, the MS. having subsequently become in places less legible. 24. 31.when you apply a background color, make sure that the text remains Legible on the form. It is an attractive design with easy to see legible dial. 11.most headlines are set too big to be Legible in the magazines or newspaper. 2. 2. ( of handwriting, print, etc.) Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. The inscription was still legible. All Rights Reserved. Her handwriting was so tiny it was barely, 9. His countenance was overlaid with legible meanings. Red ink can be too thin to be easily legible. Her handwriting is barely legible.
9.her handwriting is so bad that it is barely Legible. When presented for signature, the document must be in such a state that its terms are readily legible. 14.please ensure application is complete and Legible to avoid errors or delays in processing. You want to make sure your handwriting is clear and legible. Here are some tips for sending your work to us: All written work can be sent either in legible handwriting or typed. 6. 26.figures and figure captions-must be Legible. Her handwriting was neat and legible. He has/writes a good/legible
5. Their anxiety was legible upon their countenances. You must make sure the details on the front of the badge remain legible. The writer has examined some of these records and found them quite legible, contrary to some reports.
The specificity of the reagent for blood group serology should be of a print size which is clearly legible. 1.the size of the logo must be such that the details of the logo are easily Legible. Her handwriting was clearly legible. 5.do not use normal Legible words to name internal variables. 25. 19.the sign should be Legible and written in the native language to ensure full understanding. Copyright © 2016 sentencedict.com All Rights Reserved Contact. Examples of Legible in a sentence Despite the smudges from the fire, the lawyer was still able to read the legible will. We believe police forces would rather see a stick on legible plate than a small plate which cannot be read.
2.compose your notes in a concise and Legible fashion. 33.the text colour should ideally take into account the colour of the background on which it will appear to make it clearly Legible. Please keep letters as brief as possible, and, 17. 2. Examples of legible in a Sentence The document is not legible.
16.simply reproducing the current unstructured information set in a more Legible and transmissible format will not suffice. legible from a distance, say from 1.5m to 2m. The ring needs have an edge thick enough for the letters to be legible. 29.so it is clear that uml provided a nimble, Legible and also non-ambiguous expression pattern. 20.their initials were still Legible on the boxshaped rubber stamp at the top of the page. To make the image edge of multi-region segmentation more, 30. In order to justify the time spent on producing them, the copies should be consistently clear and, 28. Corrections to entries should be dated and signed and leave the original entry still, 29. 28.fax it to her and hope that the fax is Legible. 13.italics, block capitals and any others are welcome. 21.the sign was no longer Legible because much of the lettering had worn away. If you do not write your answers in a legible style, the teacher will ask you to write them over again. It's unlikely to be silver, as there are no assay marks, but the registered design mark is still, 27. 35. 22. The letter was torn and dirty but still, 10. Use a romantic script font or opt for elaborate filigree capital fonts paired with simpler, more legible fonts for the bulk of the printing. not Legible. Beneath it, scrawled in barely legible handwriting was " Love, Dad ". Danielle’s handwriting is too small to be legible. Even so, escape sequences are only barely, 15.