make it good game walkthrough

get tube look on wardrobe wait (until joe returns - it's a long wait so feel free to talk to William or do something else while you wait) Answer: Rung, Clue: "Escape set of stairs (6)" show shaded sheet to joe Analysis: Make It Good is a superb piece of interactive fiction on many levels. Make It Good is a dark, noir-esque detective mystery (interactive fiction) from Fail-Safe author Jon Ingold. The story begins sitting in your car just outside a typical suburban dwelling.

get scrap cut pain It opens the suitcase on top of the wardrobe in the guest bedroom. For purely bad endings: you can get Anthony to knock you out by pouring whiskey on the ground in front of him, you can pass out from drinking the whiskey, you can carry the bottle of whiskey up to the door when you knock, attack any of the suspects, or walk off the end of the road. wash knife

n If you could tell me some of your recommendations that... For all systems. This game is great! I called that number and got a girl named Jenny and got her to put him on the phone.

I don't know if that actually helps, but it's possible. Make It Good happens to be one of those stories. Any ideas?

just noticed that someone already asked this. You frame Emilia into confessing; Angela's the real killer, you run out of time/clues/are accused by Anthony. Can I get a confirmation on that? The posted walkthrough still needs to have the correction inserted, as mentioned above: ask the maid about the window to induce angela to confess (just checked), although this might also work. put knife in wound Use our game submission form. a key for the black box in the locked cupboard. Each non-player character moves about the house on their own, has their own motives, their own knowledge of the situation.See the full review, Gaming EnthusiastI’ve always had a soft spot for a noir detective stories but even if you don’t, Make It Good by Jon Ingold from 2009 may perhaps change your attitude.See the full review. Each clue-strand offers a number of new leads you could pursue, creating this beautifully organic structure that doesn't feel like solving a linear puzzle, it feels like exploring a story from the inside out. Here goes: Clue: "Heavily criticise pain, and do it with style. All games mentioned or hosted and images appearing on JayIsGames are Copyright their respective owner(s). Is it really that suspicious someone would have dirty laundry on their floor? You need to talk to Angela about the photo *twice*, and then about the window, and she'll admit to having closed it. I'm very interested in hearing truthful accounts of at least somewhat difficult games (or games that don't solve themselves at least) solved completely without recourse to hints, walkthroughs, etc. You are cast in the role of a down-on-his-luck detective struggling to solve a murder case or risk losing his job. You can also try to mess with Joe while taking the footprints, or get caught trying to frame Joe and then giving him an attitude. It will catch. out get letter opener get incriminating photo out go to study n x dresser

But as Chief Detective for a quiet burgh on the outskirts of L.A., you've got other fish to fry. But doing a little bit of digging, I found what I was looking for at the website IPlayIf. put knife in briefcase Answer: Flight, Clue: "Slung carelessly in the chest (5)" I got frustrated with the conversing with the game and just typed "strangle angela". When you ask Angela at that stage she lies and says it is closed. wear gloves u put sheet on marks But each step forward in the story feels like an epic leap ahead. You just need to ask Angela about the photo directly after showing it to her. n Now that I try to go there again it's stopped working. Hitler's rolling, too; this time through Austria. Retrieving story file... Any ideas?

SPOILERS FROM HELL, DO NOT READ IF YOU WANT TO SOLVE THE MYSTERY ON YOUR OWN! go to living room (repeat until you are permitted to do so) When interrogating the characters, it has been made clear that Emilia's boyfriend Anthony has a sprain, so I wonder if this clears him of being able to climb the roses to the window? It doesn't take long for you to realize Make It Good is much more than finding clues and putting them in the right order. Thank you for the walkthrough - I've managed to tweak it so I could finish, namely by opening the window before Joe arrives. I was too drunk or hung over to realize that when I talked to him during regular gameplay.

Games that most resemble an Infocom work by David CornelsonIf you've played a game that "feels" like an Infocom game, add it to the list. take note To play, you'll need a Z-Machine Interpreter - visit. You can also wash off the letter opener in the bathroom and replace it before Joe gets there. The maid mention's her boyfriend's drinking problem, so maybe I can use that?

You can frame the maid by doing all the same things but arresting her before Anthony gets here. e give envelope to jack But I'm beginning to suspect that.

That should get the suitcase down - inside is a great piece of evidence! unlock suitcase Bit of an odd easter egg. I'm no good at these games but I'd like to be. CheatBook-DataBase 2020 is a freeware cheats code tracker that makes hints, Tricks, Tips and cheats (for PC, Walkthroughs, I am sitting or seated in my car, but I am certainly not "sat" in it. You can then open it with the pencil (found in the study).

"ask angela about window". Anthony, but because he never gets home, I have no way to accuse him. s (this should be before 4:00 pm, so body is still present) get frame s September 18, 2009 12:01 AM. go to garden my bad. go to master bedroom analyze key How to Do a Lets Play Walkthrough. :).

Make it Good is a game whose red herrings are more fascinating than many other games’ primary plotlines. He always accuses me before I can do anything.

eat pills open window put knife in briefcase put knife in wound There's a great easter egg that I've never seen anyone mention in discussing this game: Joe's newspaper contains a crossword that you can play and solve. I wonder if I'm the culprit? No link dropping, no domains as names; do not spam, and do not advertise!

If you could tell me some of your recommendations that... Interactive Fiction Top 50 of All Time (2011 edition), Interactive Fiction Top 50 of All Time (2015 edition), Interactive Fiction Top 50 of All Time (2019 edition). n put whiskey in case tell jenny anthony You can also drive off or wait until it gets too late, or call Anthony and let him talk to Joe and you'll lose the case. -Jay]. tell jenny police Free Online Games | Casual Games | Browser Games | Mobile Games | Indie Games | Flash Games, Surgeon Simulator | Cut the rope| The House | Super Hexagon | The Binding of Isaac | Pony creator | Dojo of Death. go to passage After failing after getting 99% of the way to a conclusion, I discovered that. Have you ever seen those amazing gaming videos on YouTube? All other content is Copyright ©2003-2020 Spoken to Emilia about it being fake? If Angela is not caught in the lie about the window, the solution will fail. I get the impression she went out of her way to hide it, but even after unlocking it I've got nothing from the clothes. The entire fun of this game is in figuring out the mystery yourself, but it's very difficult to get all of the pieces exactly right even if you know the general ideas, so here are the specific instructions. go to study (repeat until reached) If it's any consolation, there is an epilogue sequence that reveals the real murderer. eat pills go to kitchen The policeman was giving me a hard time, so I tried to spit on him and it translated to something VERY similar, and then did it figuratively. u s I told joe to analyse the red spot in the guest bedroom, and he just says he doesn't have time for my stories. ask maid about anthony I laughed out loud when he actually tried to do it. Check us back often! ask maid about anthony Everything is fine now, and I expect it to remain that way, as fewer people are opening the links each day.

w go to maid's room

"Ask about Anthony" doesn't work, and she doesn't care when I "talk about murder", she just keeps asking me who I am, and I don't know how to tell her that. n knock Posey - kerb is a British spelling for curb. search pot The murky, gritty feeling the writing style imparts sets a brilliant mood for the game. go to garden (repeat until reached) wear maid's shoes That's life. I am looking for a murder mystery text game. 20 people found the following review helpful: 6 of

Make it Good Walkthrough: ----- Complete command-by-command walkthrough is below. asK angela about photo Answer: Ado, Clue: "Crush the third letter and race to the church (6)" Well, I solved it (Yay xD) and decided to post the answers for any people who are having trouble or just want to see what the answers are. tell jenny police d