Abkommen zwischen der Regierung der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und der Regierung der Republik Ungarn über kulturelle Zusammenarbeit, Tratatului privind relatiile de prietenie si colaborare dintre Romania si Republica Croatia, Treaty regarding the friendship and co-operation relations between Romania and Croatia, Treaty Between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Tatarstan "On Delimitation of Jurisdictional Subjects and Mutual Delegation of Powers between the State Bodies of the Russian Federation and the State Bodies of the Republic of Tatarstan", Tratat privind relatiile de prietenie si colaborare dintre Romania si Republica Slovaca, Tratat privind relatiile de prietenie si colaborare dintre Romania si Republica Belarus. official language; administrative authorities, Subject areas: Russian-Speaking Minorities in Estonia and Latvia: Problems of Integration at the Threshold of the European Union. ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿. 3, 19), Istanbul Summit Declaration 1999 (par. under article 22 of the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, Jugen TTT vs. Merihana Rustenov, Jordan Vasic and Zoran Vasic, Hajrizi Dzemajl et al. Report of the Working Group on Minorities on its tenth session (Geneva, 1-5 March 2004), Ex-Post Evaluation of Activities in the Field of culture; education; freedom of opinion; identity; language; official language; participation; proportion; public use of language; religion; right to vote; transfrontier co-operation, Etnobarometru: Relatii interetnice in Romania (extras din volumul "Relatii interetnice in Romania postcomunista" editat de Lucian Nastasa si Levente Salat), Identity perceptions and interethnic relations in Szeklerland. education; media; participation, Macedonia: Religious Law Successfully Challenged, Subject areas: Austria; France; Greece; Italy; United Kingdom. - SFI’s bidrag til baggrundsrapport fra transfrontier co-operation, Equal Treatment Commission (Commissie gelijke behandeling) The Netherlands, The Department of Saami and Minority Affairs, EXTRACT OF FUNDAMENTAL LEGAL PROVISIONS REGARDING RIGHTS OF NATIONAL MINORITIES IN THE REPUBLIC OF POLAND, Subject areas: Towards an implementation of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities, Subject areas: Geographically, all member States of the Council of Europe will be included. Minorities and indigenous peoples are already living with its consequences, from rising sea levels and higher temperatures to increasingly frequent extreme weather events such as severe storms. ügyeröl, A Nemzeti és Etnikai Kisebbségi Jogok Országgyulési Biztosának tájékoztatója az 1995-ös évrol, Report on the Activities of the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Rights of National and Ethnic Minorities – 1995, European Commission Against Racism and Intolerance: Second report on Iceland, Minority Languages - List of Source Material, Annex 1 to Ireland's State Report to Framework Convention, REPORT SUBMITTED BY IRELANDPURSUANT TO ARTICLE 25, PARAGRAPH 1OF THE FRAMEWORK CONVENTION FORTHE PROTECTION OF NATIONAL MINORITIES, Research Study ofTraveller Horse Owners The Influence of Family Horse Ownership in Young Travellers¿ Lives, A Lost Opportunity - A Critique of Local Authority Traveller Accomodation Programmes, 'Planning Issues for Irish Language Policy: 'An Foras Teanga' and 'Fiontair Teanga'' by D. MacGiolla Chríost (2000), An introduction to the Equal Status Act, 2000. Saboru Istarskog demokratskog sabora, 75 YEARS OF EDUCATION IN THE GERMAN-SPEAKING AREA OF EASTERN BELGIUM. The Database on Immigrants in OECD Countries (DIOC) provides comprehensive and comparative information for the year 2000 on a broad range of demographic and labor market characteristics of immigrants living in OECD countries. 238653-238655-238681-238710-240435 considering the requests to repeal, due to excess of power:
Bosnia and Herzegovina; Croatia, THE AGREEMENT ON SPECIAL RELATIONS BETWEEN THE REPUBLIC OF CROATIA AND THE FEDERATION OF BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA(ANNEXES), Jegyzokönyv a Horvát-Magyar Kisebbségi Vegyes Bizottság IV. demography; identity; language; proportion; religion, BILL ON PREVENTION AGAINST DISCRIMINATION (Draft), Subject areas: The Committee considers the response to this recommendation partially satisfactory and encourages the State party to strengthen its efforts to facilitate access to naturalization in order to further decrease thenumber of persons without nationality.
145-148 of the Law of local public administration, Subject areas: eingeborene und in Stämmen lebende Völker: non-discrimination; identity; fair trial, Sotiri Bletsa case - Athens Court of the First Instance's Decision No 11263/2001, Subject areas: Albania; Andorra; Armenia; Austria; Azerbaijan; Belarus; Belgium; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Bulgaria; Croatia; Cyprus; Czech Republic; Denmark; Estonia; Finland; France; Georgia; Germany; Greece; Hungary; Iceland; Ireland; Italy; Latvia; Liechtenstein; Lithuania; Luxembourg; Macedonia; Malta; Moldova; Netherlands; Norway; Poland; Portugal; Romania; Russian Federation; San Marino; Serbia and Montenegro; Slovakia; Slovenia; Spain; Sweden; Switzerland; Turkey; Ukraine; United Kingdom; Vatican, Minority groups: PURSUANT TO ARTICLE 25, PARAGRAPH 1 identity; non-discrimination, Subject areas: by Croatia, Committee of Experts’evaluation report on implementation of the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages in Croatia, Committee of Ministers' Recommendation on the application of the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages by Croatia, Application of the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages (Communication Engl. Jelentes 2003. Minorities are all national cultural, ethnic, religious and linguistic minorities whose minority status has been recognised by national legislation or by internationally binding declarations as well as minorities that define and organise themselves as such.
¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿ N: 1 ¿¿ 1996 ¿. 38/98), Art. The Freedom of the Press dataset offers scores of press freedom for the years 1980-present. administrative authorities; administrative boundaries; culture; demography; education; identity; language; non-discrimination; official language; participation; public use of language, Subject areas: Declaration on the Principles of Co-operation between the Republic of Hungary and the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic in Guaranteeing the Rights of National Minorities (May 31, 1991) The Government of Slovenia signed the Declaration on November 6, 1992. 24.
Etniske minorieteter- et nyt proleteriat? 47/135, annex, 47 U.N. GAOR Supp. - Horvátország 1991. december 15-én csatlakozott a Nyilatkozathoz, Szerzodés a jószomszédság és az együttmuködés alapjairól a Magyar Köztársaság és Ukrajna között, SMLOUVA mezi Ceskou a Slovenskou Federativni Republikou a Polskou republikou o dobrem sousedstvi, solidarite a pratelske spolupraci, Treaty parties: ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿, A romapolitika sarokpontjai és administrative authorities; freedom of association; identity; religion; right of association.
The International Migration Database includes information on migration flows, stock and other aggregate measures. 21-25: The Stephen Lawrence Report, Newsnight, BBC2, 10.30pm, 19 August 1999 - Transcript of interview with Home Secretary Jack Straw, Raising the attainment of minority ethnic pupils - School and LEA Responses. magyar médiában, The Romanian ? ülésérol(2006. június 16. View updated data for each state. November 1990. - Szlovénia 1992. november 6-án csatlakozott a Nyilatkozathoz, Sporazum o zagotavljanju posebnih pravic madž arske narodne skupnosti v Republiki Sloveniji in slovenske narodne manjšine v Republiki Madž arski, Tratat de buna vecinatate, prietenie si colaborare intre Republica Moldova si Ucraina, Treaty on Good Neighbourly Relations, Friendship and Cooperation between the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine, Agreement for friendly relations and cooperation between the Republic of Moldova and the Republic of Bulgaria, Tratat cu privire la relatiile de prietenie si cooperare intre Republica Moldova si Republica Bulgaria, Suomen tasavallan hallituksen ja Venäjän federaation hallituksen välinen SOPIMUS yhteistyöstä kulttuurin, opetuksen ja tutkimuksen alalla, Treaty parties: a finnországi svéd nyelvu és a dél-tiroli Harju Maakohtu taotluse, tunnistada Kohaliku omavalitsuse volikogu valimise seaduse § 3 lg 3 ja § 26 lg 7 p 1, Keeleseaduse § 5 lg 1 ning Vabariigi Valitsuse 16. juuli 1996. a maarus nr 188 "Riigikogus ja kohaliku omavalitsuse volikogus tootamiseks vajaliku eesti keele oskuse taseme kirjelduse kehtestamine" osaliselt kehtetuks, läbivaatamine. 16 ON CROATIA’S PROGRESS IN MEETING INTERNATIONAL COMMITMENTS SINCE NOVEMBER 2004), Subject areas: Czech Republic; Germany, Jegyzokönyv a Magyar-Szlovák Kisebbségi Vegyes Bizottság II. by Liechtenstein, Resolution ResCMN(2005)8 Minority Languages in Spain: the Role of Euskera and Catalan in Creating Alternative Nationalisms, Völkerrechtliche Verpflichtungen zum Minderheitenschutz umsetzen, A magyarországi nemzeti és etnikai public use of language; official language; language; identity, EU Enlargement and Latvian Citizenship Policy, Latvia. demography; identity, ALBANIANS AND THEIR NEIGHBORS: UNFINISHED BUSINESS, SPORAZUM O POLITICKIM I PRAVNIM OKVIRIMA SAMOUPRAVE VOJVODINE I NACIONALNIH ZAJEDNICA KOJE ¿IVE U VOJVODINI, Ethnic Cleansing in Kosovo: An Accounting, CATASTROPHE IN THE BALKANS: SERBIA¿SNEIGHBORS AND THE KOSOVO CONFLICT, Subject areas: 1): CERD General recom.