Flying from the country, he encountered the plague at Pinczoff; three of his four children were carried off; and he himself, worn out by age and misfortune, died in solitude and obscurity at Schlakau in Moravia, about the end of 1564. Looking into the names of famous entrepreneurs who have turned their lives from misfortune to fortune can teach you a lot about being successful in business and with life in general. Some were born in this condition, some clansmen were depressed into it by crime, consequences of war or other misfortune; and strangers of a low class coming into the territory found their level in it. It is the constant misfortune of Ireland that the measures intended for her relief aggravate her distress. 3.
His private life and his administration were blameless, but it was his misfortune to reign in troublous times. The Lord has afflicted me; the Almighty has brought misfortune upon me.
And every few years a new lot is laid down and run over; so that, if some have the pleasure of riding on a rail, others have the misfortune to be ridden upon.
As usual with him, misfortune followed close behind; for he lost in quick succession his brother Wilhelm and another sister. For the second match running, we had the misfortune to have a no height in the pole vault. Our own misfortune or bad luck always get us laughing. The death of John, the only son of Ferdinand and Isabella, the worst misfortune which ever happened to Spain, opened the succession to all the crowns and coronets worn by the Catholic sovereigns to Charles of Habsburgthe emperor Charles V. Spain had the misfortune to be saved from timely defeat by the weakness of its neighbors. Pufendorf shared this misfortune, and was subjected to a strict captivity of eight months' duration. However, their lives were marred by poverty and, Even if short-term inhibition of GDP growth is on occasions necessary, growth foregone is nevertheless the very essence of social, I had looned and lazied my way through physical childhood and the, This helped me to be a great deal less judgmental and to avoid gloating at the, Some Vietnamese believe that spirits have the ability to bring good fortune and, Antony and Crassus invaded the territory of the Parthians easily, but to their own, Like the rest of the field, Woods was swinging on thin ice, knowing that the slightest false step or slice of, This paper examines Bedouin attitudes and practices relating to the evil eye as a cause of, He was rude, aggressive, invasive and just about as bumptious a little man as it's ever been my, Not able to work, he struggles to envision a future for himself and how his, Sport is opportunistic and participants capitalise on the, We have much greater hopes in the matter if the planet who receives the significator is itself free from, They also maintained that illness, poverty, business failure, or any other, Rather, their faith gave them direction in the face of persecution and general, Needless to say, losing one's source of income at a young age is a devastating personal, He wanders miserably through the woods and by a stroke of, She was a glamorous loser, a musical comedy tragedienne, a mixture of frivolity and, I'm pretty sure, however, that such a convergence of, The catastrophe into which the world has thrust the socialist proletariat is an unexampled, What is difficult about maneuver is to make the devious route the most direct and to turn, Your great State has never experienced the, I trudged up the walkway into the tiny undersized school that I had the, A small group of rituals known as maledictions can visit, Spiteful witches, hungry ghosts, and angry spirits are thought to inflict illness and, The announcement hushed the crowd but soon the hubbub returned and the, It is a simple story of an unfortunate who had the, The second superstition was that the skimmer would perform poorly and was vulnerable to, They ventured into sports much later in their life, having spent most of their formative years ruing their, I would not like to think that my survival was dependent upon the hope of, If you think our presence here is not warranted, you have the, They all seemed to be omens to me, harbingers of, They offer us a shoulder to cry on and place a comforting arm around our shoulders to lighten the burden of sorrow and, But fresh bean curd, or tofu, is not included as it is white and unlucky for New Year, as the color signifies death and, Most of the eleven essays here aim at remedying that spiritual and theological, Your husband seems determined that the third shall also incur some, It's quare and hard to see what purpose there is in, I have no doubt that there is a lesson which stands to be learnt from Alice's, The simple fact is these firms are businesses and they aren't in it for your benefit, they are in it to make money out of your, The biggest lesson that he's taken almost five years to teach me is to overcome, He must be somehow rejected in his own country and is now making everyone he meets pay for his, I decided to be happy every day no matter what comes, discomfort or, For too long people in Scotland have tried to see Scottish, After our brief jaunt across campus, we made our way to our hotel, where, It was almost a challenge, or perhaps even a test to see if, We feel deep sympathy for such children and lament their continuing, There are similarities with Smith, who also suffered the, The league game most definitely was there for the taking, and in many aspects we were the authors of our own, For example, one should not talk of death, dying or, The musicals of the '30s are enjoyable, in part because they don't dwell on, She was as classy as they come in the face of, While the haddock was formidably smokey, the mustard cream sauce was far less rich than some versions I've had the, However, should any over-eager young swain on her card have the, Our people, in order not to suffer again the, But after years of warning worshipers to avoid the seduction of material success, pastors are now sermonizing on the predicaments of sudden economic, She was now not quite a widow, which for a Bengali Hindu woman would be the most cursed state, but a woman who brings her family, And I'd like to quote another one of our ancient philosophical teachings which says that good luck always keeps company with, There could never be an apropos moment to suffer such an appalling episode, but the timing in his case serves only to highlight his, Not infrequently clubs are the architects of their own, In a poignant letter written in Syriac from prison to his son, Mara bar Serapion points out that those who persecuted wise men were overtaken by, In other words, they should not blame their, How many beautiful friendships may perish prematurely because of people losing contact this way, as a result of some virus or other computer, Consequently, you get an evening of light, frothy entertainment as you revel in the filthy deeds the schemers get up to and share their delight at the, Wasn't she the one who unleashed all manner of, I got off the coach with other passengers and was about 10 yards from the coach when I had the, Normally I'm not this philosophical when it comes to personal, A fine gymnast, cricketer and rugby player, Eric had a Welsh schoolboy trial as a fly half, but had the, After all, a fool and his money are soon parted, and the victims of these scams have brought financial, These gentlemen, said Clausewitz in brief, had the, We must do all we can to bring back a system where the person who is primarily responsible for his own misfortune must bear the full blame for that, Too often, free flowing emotions of sympathy dissipate with the initial fascination, without confronting the long-term consequences of, And in just one respect, Britain was the architect of its own, The lower gods can either assist people or bring, She rattled off countless fundraisers in the past to help individual residents struck by, For them, a childless marriage is considered a great, But religion also compels us to fight the unjust, prejudiced systems that cause and perpetuate that.
We learn from Ovid that Propertius was his senior, but also his friend and companion; and that he was third in the sequence of elegiac poets, following Gallus, who was born in 69 B.C., and Tibullus, and immediately preceding Ovid himself, who was born in 43 B.C. That is our common misfortune, and I shall grudge nothing to help you. Job is a righteous man, overwhelmed with undeserved misfortune; and thus the question is raised, Why do the righteous suffer? Further incursions made by the Danes in 998 and in 1015 under Canute probably resulted in the destruction of the priory, on the site of which a later house was founded in the 12th century as a cell of the Norman abbey of Lysa, and in the decayed condition of Wareham in 1086, when 203 houses were ruined or waste, the result of misfortune, poverty and fire. But it was not his Richard death that was the main misfortune, but the fact slain, that in the battle the Lancastrians gave no quarter to small or great, and that after it they put to death Yorks brother-in-law Salisbury and other prisoners. Misfortune had chastened him, and the last years of his rule were just and even benevolent, if somewhat autocratic. I intend to make some adverts encouraging people to look on the bright side and stoically endure misfortune. "The Lapps," says Castren, "have had the misfortune to come into close contact with foreign races while their language was yet in its tenderest infancy, and consequently it has not only adopted an endless number of foreign words, but in many grammatical aspects fashioned itself after foreign models.". And this misfortune has befallen me.
It was my misfortune to receive severe lacerations to three fingers. All around the castle people are being petrified, literally turned into stone-like monuments by an unseen force and poor Harry has the misfortune of being in the wrong place at the wrong time on more than one occasion. Now the rise of the problems of individual faith is the mark of the age that followed Jeremiah, while the confident assertion of national righteousness under misfortune is a characteristic mark of pious Judaism after Ezra, in the period of the law but not earlier.
He directed most of his remarks to the sadness of those left to cope with "this untimely misfortune.". 2. Since I was incredibly nervous, it was my misfortune to be chosen as the first presenter. She heard Dunyasha's words about Peter Ilynich and a misfortune, but did not grasp them. She started from Valentia at the end of July, but fault after fault was discovered in the cable and the final misfortune was that on the 2nd of August, when nearly 1200 m. He was not depressed by this misfortune, especially as he was at the time closely engaged in the preparation of the Historical and Critical Dictionary (Dictionnaire historique et critique) . His term of office was marked by misfortune and misgovernment.
They do not represent the opinions of It is usual for the person to hope that, whatever topic is being discussed, it will be protected from failure or misfortune. The little boy is enduring the 4. In fact, to hear it described by those who had the misfortune of sitting through it, it was downright bad. Although he shared the misfortune of. It was his misfortune to be the scapegoat upon whose head parliament laid the accumulated sins, real and imaginary, of the East India Company. But hearing of his misfortune they retreated before Napoleon's advance along the right bank of the Danube to Krems, where they crossed the river and withdrew to an entrenched camp near Olmi tz to pick up fresh Austrian reinforcements.
This misfortune was also ascribed to the corn laws.
Although both kingdoms suffered, common misfortune did not throw them together. It was the misfortune of the country that there was no clear legal basis on which new institutions could be erected. "Dronushka," she said, regarding as a sure friend this Dronushka who always used to bring a special kind of gingerbread from his visit to the fair at Vyazma every year and smilingly offer it to her, "Dronushka, now since our misfortune..." she began, but could not go on. At one time it is a summons to do battle for the faith; at another, a series of reflections on recently experienced success or misfortune, or a rebuke for their weak faith; or an exhortation to virtue, and so on. Exactly four months after the battle of Corrichie, and the subsequent execution of a criminal whom she is said to have "loved entirely," had put an end to the first insurrection raised against her, Pierre de Boscosel de Chastelard, who had returned to France with the other companions of her arrival, and in November i 562 had revisited Scotland, expiated with his head the offence or the misfortune of a second detection at night in her bed-chamber. 4. Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. In the south, in spite of the hard-won victory of Albuera, the English attack on Badajoz had to be given up. It is Lord Dalhousie's misfortune that these benefits are too often forgotten in the vivid recollections of the Mutiny, which avenged his policy of annexation. Fear and hatred of Sweden, and the never abandoned hope of recovering the lost provinces, animated king and people alike; but it was Denmark's crowning misfortune that she possessed at this difficult crisis no statesman of the first rank, no one even approximately comparable with such competitors as Charles X. Misfortune in a sentence Misfortune 1. Misfortune comes on wings and departs nature qncorrupted by the errors of society), and, though as an individual and part of the whole not master of his fate, will yet have self-control even in the midst of misfortune and pain. She was right," he thought, remembering what the governor's wife had said: "Nothing but misfortune can come of marrying Sonya. If it has the misfortune to be systematized by an enthusiastic but dull and incompetent disciple, it may appear even absurd.
; and thus Christendom was brought face to face with the worst misfortune conceivable - the Great Schism (1378-1417).
It is thought that they are cleaning out any misfortune, while preparing for good luck to come to them in the upcoming year. 188+9 sentence examples: 1. The misfortune and misconduct of his parents were not the only troubles of Kepler's childhood. As any camper who has had the misfortune to experience an ill-fated camping trip knows, the key to success is preparation. Why isn't ABC gleeful over NBC's misfortune? Chapman's second brush with misfortune came the same year this first legal issue was resolved. Still, one must have pity on a young man in misfortune. His death at the age of thirty-eight, during the great plague, and while he was besieging Gibraltar, was a misfortune to Spain. How can one today not be sensitive to her terrible misfortune? Ferdinand, however, deserted the English alliance, and amid the consequent irritation against everything Spanish, there was talk of a divorce between Henry and Catherine (1514), whose issue had hitherto been attended with fatal misfortune. 2. To their misfortune the Scottish war once more recommenced, King Robert having refused to continue the truce. I'm sorry about your misfortune.