We are proud to release our highly requested Overwatch University Discord Server! Discord community for Overwatch gamers to find party members or generally hang out! In order to use our server, you will need to have a verified email address with your discord account. So Ahzu, a masters player and another known as Satellites, a top 500 player, is remaking it! We've been working on this for most of today.
This means that every submissions we find irrelevant to the very purpose of the subreddit, which is to facilitate healthy discussions about the game in an educational-focused enviroment, will be removed. While I find a lot of these characters fun to play, I never really feel that impactful, especially on genji. ... last night i joined a pretty strange game of overwatch. I don't care about rank or serious matches.
Just... make sure you're having fun.
I climbed from gold to DIAMOND last season (peak was only like 3016 though lol, but it was solo queue) and now I find myself losing WAY more than I win and am now currently barely in plat (2601). New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the OverwatchUniversity community, Continue browsing in r/OverwatchUniversity. I know I can push past that as I think I’m a pretty good support character. Thanks.
I wasn't having fun.
You can also just ask for a vod review on this sub.
r/OverwatchUniversity is a community dedicated to the helping and discussion of Overwatch gameplay-related content! Submissions to Overwatch University are not only required to be related to Overwatch gameplay, but also to the educational aspects surrounding it.
I never got a response on the thread I saw yesterday, so I'll ask here again: Do you see enough of a need for this, vs having additional channels in the already existing r/Overwatch server? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7AKcErrZxQ0&ab_channel=Kunii, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wb8H0T0iUU0&ab_channel=Kunii.
Then, yesterday, my friends were playing ow and asked me if I wanted to join. If anybody would be willing to give feedback on either of these VOD's I recorded while playing tonight I would greatly appreciate it! The community is already proving to be massive, so we thought we'd offer a more focal place to discuss strategy, tips, etc.
Don't expect overwatch (or the people who play it) to be perfect.
Any game is made for people to enjoy it. I need to know if there are any coaching discord servers that you can link me in the comments of this post, or if there are any GM/masters people that can coach me (just click on my reddit profile picture and press 'start chat' if interested in this direct coaching, discord links go in the comments) All comments are greatly appreciated. After all, that's what videogames are made for. I mentioned this last time but Overwatch is my first serious experience with trying to play an FPS game.
As more resources are made for Overwatch, we will add to this list. Ok, this is not about how you get out of gold/plat. They have a fantastic roster of coaches and a cool discord community, DM me for link, More posts from the OverwatchUniversity community, Continue browsing in r/OverwatchUniversity. You can also click on the image on the Sidebar or above to go directly there!
We feel it's the same difference as having an additional sub dedicated to Overwatch.
Basically, I started hating it about a month and a half ago. However, I don't think this is the only thing keeping me in bronze.
Hello OU, due to high demand we have created the Guides & Resources Wiki Page in order to have a centralized place for easy access. Well sadly, the old owner disbanded it. Use the Discord if you're looking for a more live chat-room :). By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. I had a blast. In my experience, Discord servers with large numbers of people can spiral out of control and turn into utter chaos. r/OverwatchUniversity is a community dedicated to helping players improve and learn by providing a place where they can share and discuss strategies or ideas, ask questions, post guides and more!
I've been playing a lot of dps as an attempt to improve my mechanics for the long run.
Find a friend online, if you have to. The last time I was here I was struggling to get above the 500-600 SR range. Looking forward to chatting/discussing/talking with everyone! Just pure fun. | 6,144 members Thanks for the info, we're always open to ideas! If you don't, take your time. It felt like I opened the game for the first time, looking for good games and entertainment. I've been really struggling to feel like I'm having an impact on the game (at least a positive one that is). By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies.
Press J to jump to the feed.
It really felt great: no more toxic people, no tryharders, no rage.
Feel like we're missing something or would like to nominate a guide to be listed here? r/OverwatchUniversity is a community dedicated to helping players improve and learn by providing a place where they can share and discuss strategies or ideas, ask questions, post guides and more!
Thank you to anybody that takes the time out of their day to watch either of these! Thank you for visiting us and we hope to see you around! I don’t know any specific coaching discord servers but you can ask for coaching or ask questions on the official r/overwatchuniversity discord server. If you feel like you're not having fun, you're missing the point of a game. 3 years ago.
It's my first time working on setting up a Discord server for a community so there may be problems.
My discord priority is who ever is trying to kill me or will be trying to kill me. We also host other games like Among Us and Minecraft! Cookies help us deliver our Services. I mainly play tracer and mccree, but I'll also flex onto ashe and pharah. This season I’m playing more mercy as I feel I can sustain our team even if the other support isn’t very helpful. Please tell us if you experience any problems joining/communicating in any of the rooms.
Get a friend to play with you.
Just a note, since I know you are a mod here. Recently I’ve muted myself in voice as I feel like 80% of the time I’m the only one calling anything out, plus I feel like the second anytime anyone hears my voice (I’m a gay male and it’s fairly obvious) the voice chat has gotten really toxic.
Others I can't hit a shuriken to save my life.
r/OverwatchUniversity is a community dedicated to helping players improve and learn by providing a place where they can share and discuss strategies or ideas, ask questions, post guides and more! I play a good lucio, and have recently started Ana for the first time but only in QP. Hype! They're things I try to keep in mind but I still can't help but feel like these are things I should be worrying about once I have some more SR under my belt. In order to learn more about Discord and download it, visit the official website. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7AKcErrZxQ0&ab_channel=Kunii (Tracer and Ashe game), https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wb8H0T0iUU0&ab_channel=Kunii (Mccree and Pharah game). TLDR - I've played 200 comp games without moving.
(Special thanks to Milk_Drop). Please follow subreddit rules in the Discord Server and be sure to read the Announcement posted when you first enter.
Due to a high number of requests, we've made a discord server.
I need to know if there are any coaching discord servers that you can link me in the comments of this post, or if there are any GM/masters people that can coach me (just click on my reddit profile picture and press 'start chat' if interested in this direct coaching, discord links go in the comments).
By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. In order to learn more about Discord and download it, visit the official website. I've plateaued HARD in bronze as 1350 is where I placed this season and 200 games later... here I am. I just want to play a videogame and have fun, which is the purpose of a game itself.
I can't shake the feeling that I'm the main reason I'm losing games, and that there is something very basic I'm failing to comprehend. The point is, it's always good to take a break.