If you see this notation on your paper, you have a capitalization error. Site Map Capitalization. O ;/ Explanation of the Symbol Begin a new paragraph Capitalize a lowercase letter Use a lowercase letter The following tables list proofreading symbols every proofreader and copyeditor should know: Transpose Remove the fitting end.
Set as bold.
Proof correction marks (based on BS 5261 part 2) Instruction Textual mark Margin mark Comment No corrections on this page [ None ] Mark indicates that the page has been looked at.
Leave unchanged (‘stet’) InterColor consortium Often added to cancel an instruction wrongly requested. Copy Editing and Proofreading Symbols Symbol Meaning Example Delete Remove the end fitting.
Delete and Close up Deltete and close up the gap. Set as italics. The following list is taken from figure 2.6 of the 17th edition of the Manual.
Unless you know what these proofreading marks actually mean, using them to improve and develop your writing is absolutely impossible. Proofreading symbols are like a foreign language to most people; they are often considered to be an indecipherable series of squiggles, letters, and symbols that mean absolutely nothing to the regular guy or girl on the street. Insert question mark. The Chicago Manual of Style 16th edition text © 2010 by The University of Chicago. Insert apostrophe. Account Management, About the University of Chicago Press The Chicago Manual of Style Online © 2006, 2007, 2010, 2017 by The University of Chicago. The Chicago Manual of Style Online is the venerable, time-tested guide to style, usage, and grammar in an accessible online format. Check to see if … Part of Copyediting and Proofreading For Dummies Cheat Sheet . Find it. Insert exclamation mark.
Note that different languages use different … Proofreading marks were, and still are, the marks that a proofreader would use to show where there were mistakes in the text that needed checking or correcting.For each change in the text two marks were added to the page; one in the body of the text to show where the mistake was and another in the margin. By Suzanne Gilad . Marks come in two varieties, abbreviations and abstract symbols. Insert quotation marks.
Proofreading and Editing Symbols Proofreading symbols are used to identify mistakes and to state the needed correction, .-sted below are the most common proofreading symbols, along with explanation and examples of each. The Proofreading Symbols. ¶ Over 1.5 million copies sold!
Insert brackets. This article is a list of standard proofreader's marks used to indicate and correct problems in a text. As copyeditor or proofreader, you need to become familiar with the proofreading symbols so that you can make your edits understood. Wrong font. The Chicago Manual of Style is a registered trademark of The University of Chicago. About The Chicago Manual of Style Insert parentheses. Close up The tolerances are with in the range. / or lc Lower case The Engineer and manager agreed.
Terms of Use Write it. Insert The box is inserted correctly. Symbols are interleaved in the text, while abbreviations may be placed in a margin with an arrow pointing to the problematic text. These are usually handwritten on the paper containing the text. Privacy Policy ¶ It is the indispensable reference for writers, editors, proofreaders, indexers, copywriters, designers, and publishers, informing the editorial canon with sound, definitive advice.
# Space Theprocedure is incorrect.
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Cite it. The Chicago Manual of Style 17th edition text © 2017 by The University of Chicago.