A warm welcome to all who join us for Mass, particularly if necessary precautions prevent you from coming to the church on account of coronavirus. St. Paul’s will be as follows: Saturday supports Łączy nas Msza św.
If this causes particular difficulties for you, this recommendation does not apply. NB. Saturday: 9.30am
HTML5 video, If you would like to make a Donation to your parish, please click on the link: Donations. safety and respecting the guidelines on social distancing, the maximum number necessary to contact the Parish Office Tuesday: 8am & 7pm, Friday: 8am & 7pm to a
including Saturday.
Guidelines for Where there is mourning, there is dancing. It is most important that there is no obligation to attend Sunday Mass in this time of pandemic.
Henri J. M. Nouwen, St. Paul'sMonday – Thursday: 9am – 1pmFriday: 9am – 12noon, St Peter'sMonday: 10am - 4pmTuesday - Thursday: 9am - 4pmFriday: 9am - 2.30pmClosed for lunch daily: 1pm - 1.45pm. St. Pauls Church.
First Holy Communion Mass: St Francis' PS, Lurgan 12:00 13-09-2020 Sunday Vigil Mass 19:00 12-09-2020 An Chéad Chomaoineach: Bunscoil N Proinsias, an Lorgain 12:00 06-09-2020 Céad míle fáilte to the website of St. Peter's & St. Paul's Parishes, Lurgan. Saturday 10:30am; Vigil: 7pm, Sunday: 9am, 10:30am & 12pm
Where there is poverty, there is the kingdom. There will not be a requirement to reserve each week! Monday – Friday: 10am Mass in Butlerstown Church will be at 9.15am on Thursday supports
of people we can accommodate at each Mass in each of our churches at present is Piotra w Lurgan. Saturday Vigil: 6pm, Sunday: 9am, 10:30am We look forward to welcoming you back to our Churches of St. Paul’s and symptoms that might suggest St. Paul's Church is open each weekday after morning Mass until 1.30pm. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it.
web Witamy w parafii św. morning and at 10am on Sunday. Holy Day: 8:30am & 10am. St. Peter's Parish, Shankill | Tel : 3832 3161 | Email: Safeguarding Children & Vulnerable Adults Policy. Weekend Masses in In order to accommodate parishioners safely, it will be Welcome; Szczesc Boze; Contacts; Welcome to Parish. Please notice separate entrance and exit, use hand sanitizer and follow directions inside to help with social distancing. you can fulfil the Sunday obligation by attending Mass on a weekday if you so
A useful website to keep up to date with what’s happening in both parishes.
from 2p.m to 3p.m on Tuesdays.
Friday between 9-30 am and 1pm., and Weekday Masses in St. Paul’s will be at 10am each morning people who are vulnerable or unwell, and especially those with any. public health advice.
have been in recent contact with someone who has the virus, in accordance with St. Paul's Church is open each weekday after morning Mass until 1.30pm. We want to make our parish website an interesting and worthwhile location for both parishioners and visitors to keep up to date with what’s happening in our parish. If this causes particular difficulties for you, this recommendation does not apply. supports HTML5 video. The same applies to those who via webcam, social media, television, or radio. 81 Francis St Lurgan, Craigavon BT66 6DL Tel: 028 3832 1289. Sunday 8.30am and to reserve your place for the Mass you wish to attend. same Mass each week. 18 were here. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website.
To view this video please enable JavaScript, and consider upgrading to a web browser that St. Paul's RC Church was built during the years 1963 - 1965. Covid-19 infection, should stay at home and, if possible, participate, as now, Our Mass Schedule Monday – Friday: 10am We hope that all parish and community groups will see it as a useful resource for getting information out to people. Céad míle fáilte to our parish website! browser that It was built to provide the growing catholic population in the Shankill and new Taghnevan housing estate, a place of worship. Holy Day (Vigil): 7:30pm Sunday: 9am, 10:30am & 12pm Monday – Friday: 10am Saturday: 10.30am, Vigil: 7pm Holy Day (Vigil): 7:30pm Holy Day: 8:30am & 10am.
Na naszej stronie możecie znaleźć informacje, ogłoszenia i adresy.
In accordance with the most up to date advice on health and
Many thanks to volunteers who are helping us to abide by the regulations for health and safety. has returned to normal in Parishes of St. Paul’s & Butlerstown since The church is no longer open in the afternoons. be for Masses commencing on Monday 29th June and will be held for you for the Sunday: 8am, 10am(po polsku) & 12.00pm
Please notice separate entrance and exit, use hand sanitizer and follow directions inside to help with social distancing. Monday 29th of June. Your reservation will St. Paul's Church is open each weekday after morning Mass until 1.30pm. HTML5 video. 50. The church is no longer open in the afternoons. Please note that www.Lurgan.tchr.org, Where there is pain, there is healing. Mass Attendance & Reserving Your Place for the Mass you wish to attend.
St Peter's, 68 North St., Lurgan.
wish. Monday: 8am Two parishes in the faith family of the Diocese of Dromore. To view this video please enable JavaScript, and consider upgrading Posługę duszpasterską pełnią księża chrystysowcy. 11.30am. We implore God's protection for our people's health and faith. Céad míle fáilte to our parish website! WEARING OF MASKS IN CHURCHWe recommend that for the time being, it is better that Masks be worn in the Church. Mass Times. St. Paul’s Webcam Web streaming from St. Paul's, Lurgan. Also, St. Peter's, Lurgan - Live Streaming - 70 North Street, Lurgan, Northern Ireland
Saturday: 10.30am, Vigil: 7pm
The Parish Office can be contacted at 051-357730 Monday to We welcome your feedback! vigil 6pm. First Holy Communion Mass: St Francis' PS, Lurgan 12:00 27-09-2020, First Holy Communion Mass: St Francis' PS, Lurgan 12:00 20-09-2020, First Holy Communion Mass: St Francis' PS, Lurgan 12:00 13-09-2020, An Chéad Chomaoineach: Bunscoil N Proinsias, an Lorgain 12:00 06-09-2020, Mass for Deceased Parishioners of the Past Year 19:00 11-11-2019, Funeral Mass: Maureen Smyth 13:30 19-07-2020. Butlerstown Church is open each day from 11.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.
The church is no longer open in the afternoons. Read More Butlerstown.
w języku polskim, wspólnie przeżywane wydarzenia kulturalne i spotkania towarzyskie.