And, of course, the kids are interested when our kids come in, because they look a little different and there's a lot running around. He manages the city’s pension plans and currently holds 2.5 million Berkshire shares. You know, I'm not exactly sure where is too much but some places. Look at the college-educated unemployment versus, say, high school only, versus dropout, and you'll see that the education system is what's out of whack. THEY TACKLE ISSUES like THE ENVIRONMENT, FAMILY PLANNING, EDUCATION AND HUMAN RIGHTS. I think that people need some ideas. There's many ways to tax, there's many ways to spend. You know, if I spent the whole $40 or $50 billion on building the greatest tomb ever and people would come for a couple of hundred years. But that has not worked the last 10 years, and I hope the American public is catching on. HERE IN THE UNITED STATES… ITS NOT JUST THE FAMOUSLY RICH THAT ARE GIVING...IT'S THE RICH YOU MAY NOT RECOGNIZE. Why did you have to step in and secure the Yugoslavian nuclear materials? When you’re lying in the sun I didn't have any tax planner. When business comes back, employment comes back. You know, it's -- try to do as much as you can.
And I think that it has nothing, in my opinion, to do with being a master of the universe, but it does have a great deal to do with wanting to be a good citizen and a good community member. AMANPOUR: Proposition 1098 that was in Washington state to try to bring a wealth tax championed by Bill Gates, Sr., supported by Bill Gates, it failed. You know, they want to develop their own identity, their own excellence. And, you know, to have a bank, you have to have a bunch of money to get it going. And look when I lost that boy in the back of the classroom. GATES: Well, we looked around and saw that the greatest miracle that had happened for everybody on Earth is that as health had improved, it not only saved lives, it reduced sickness, let kids be able to learn. She shares her unique approach to reading in this lovely, personal talk about the magic of books. And it's got to be fixed. You can spend it on yourself or your family. adopted the Hindu greeting, Namaste. TURNER: I swear to God. ALONG WITH HIS WIFE MELINDA, THEY'VE CREATED THE LARGEST PRIVATE FOUNDATION IN THE WORLD WITH $35 BILLION IN ASSESTS WHICH THEY'RE FOCUSING ON IMPROVING GLOBAL HEALTH AND IMPROVING EDUCATION HERE IN THE UNITED STATES.
IN FACT, THEY'VE POURED IN NEARLY $15 BILLION DOLLARS. Photo by Spencer Platt, First, research shows that diversity inspires more innovative and resilient corporate cultures. I believe in honesty so I don't -- and all I'm doing is good so or trying to do good. I mean, I could build a pyramid to myself and I could kill tourism in Egypt. The Giving Pledge: Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, Ted Turner Talk Philanthropy (VIDEO) Over the summer, billionaires Bill Gates and Warren Buffett announced The Giving Pledge, a commitment to donate the majority of their fortunes to charity -- and to encourage other Americans to do the same. I've got a Ouija board. You can't have a democracy where only a third of the kids participate. And so if we're fortunate enough to be able to do more stuff…as a result of this. GATES: Well, by 2012 we should be very close on polio. They inform shareholders, but seldom try to educate them. STEYER: The invitation to me was a phone call from Warren Buffett. But it's -- I don't see any other choice that makes any sense. AMANPOUR: And does it trouble you that in terms of where American students are, in terms of university graduation, that they're now -- we've gone from 1, now down to 12 over the last several years? know? Or, three, you can use it in philanthropy. Typically, CEOs want the annual meeting to end as soon as possible.
You know, so I'm a huge believer that the thing that America can do, that America can focus on is creating new ways of both generating and using energy. Believe in Magik*. And I would be ashamed of myself if I didn't give some credit to them. I do know that business is coming back. In this uplifting and personal talk, learn more about how this new understanding of our place in the world is galvanizing people to take action in the fights agai... Green-minded architect and designer William McDonough asks what our buildings and products would look like if designers took into account "all children, all species, for all time.". You dread having to stand up in a company meeting and present your project. They pressed their palms together in front of their heart and bowed slightly. To enable Verizon Media and our partners to process your personal data select 'I agree', or select 'Manage settings' for more information and to manage your choices.
Did your hands shake?
But we've got a genius to the system that creates jobs. AMANPOUR: Are you disappointed that it got defeated? Absolutely. WARREN BUFFET JOKES BECAUSE OF HIS AGE HE'S BEEN ON THE NUCLEAR CASE LONGER THAN TURNER.
Not much. © TED Conferences, LLC. It's a vision that rewards the wisdom of workers, promotes work-life balance — and leads to some deep insight on what wo... Curtis "Wall Street" Carroll | TED Speaker,, A “living” amphitheater blooms, Edward Snowden gets graphic, and a new algorithm for Google …,,, The age of global plutocracy: Chrystia Freeland at TEDGlobal 2013,, Married and working together to solve inequality: Bill and Melinda Gates at TED2014,, Pop-Up Magazine: The engrossing talks of Session 8 of TED2015,, "We quite suddenly realized that we were looking at a general pattern": Q&A with Richard Wilkinson,, TEDxIIMKashipur - an independently organized event, Katherine Fulton: You are the future of philanthropy,, Elizabeth Lyle: How to break bad management habits before they reach the next generation of leaders,, Bill Gates: Mosquitos, malaria and education,, Ricardo Semler: How to run a company with (almost) no rules, Rittenhouse advises top executives to create resilient corporate cultures and sustainable shareholder value by following the principles of corporate candor. Some, you have lots of referendums.
But that also led to the stabilization of the population wherever good health was created. AMANPOUR: And how do you think the money that you and your wife have pledged to give away will make you a better citizen and will make the community a better place?