ten singer

Sorn has mentioned that they hang out from time to time and Bambam has said that he wishes SM would let Ten hang out with them more! Ethnically means where someones ancestors (parents/grandparents/great grandparents/etc) are from whereas nationality is just like where you where born/grew up. Instagram: @tenlee_1001, Ten Facts: Thank you! About. Ten learns Mandarin from Renjun. NCT made their first live performance at the 16th Music Feng Yun Bang Awards in China. – He entered SM Ent. – Ten is ethnically Chinese but his nationality is Thai. Ten said he also speaks Japanese during “a cup of coffee pt 2”. But yeah, the news came out today for WayV and I’m so glad Ten finally has a fixed unit! Birthday: February 27, 1996 Ten is Thai but ethnically Chinese, someone please explain. – After quitting gymnastics, he started paying basketball. – He also can’t eat dear meat. Frontiers is excited to present a one of a kind release, the single 'Push Through'. Poll: Who is the most handsome GUITARIST in Korea (TOP10)? – He said he likes dancing net to Yuta. – Sub-Unit: NCT U, WayV I’m in tears. – Because he loves shopping so much, the members call him “Dandy”. – Favorite Color: Black Rosé (BLACKPINK) vs Chaeryeong (ITZY). . – Ten likes coffee.

Ten’s Chinese name is 李永钦 . (almost 60% of Thailand population has Chinese descent.

– Korean his parents are Chinese but he was born and raised in Thailand. the strict family fact is fake, it was for their role-play ten was just joking lol. Ten (WayV) Profile: Ten Facts; Ten’s Ideal Type (NCT Life in Thailand). He joined WayV and the supergroup SuperM in 2019. THIS WEBSITE USES COOKIES. – Favorite Number: 10 – Ten has sister, younger by 3 years, named Tern Kulisara Leechaiyapornkul (she’a designer). Before joining SM Entertainment, he auditioned for the television series Teen Superstar. – He speaks Thai, English, Korean, and Mandarin. Poll: Which is your favorite song in Dreamcatcher’s [Dystopia : Lose Myself] album. – He is also a member of SM Entertainment’s Supergroup, SUPER M along with WayV member Lucas and  NCT 127 members Taeyong and Mark. Ten’s favorite dessert is coconut ice cream. Thanks a lot! , yes. – If Ten were to date one of the members, he’d choose Johnny. This site uses cookies to guarantee its high functionality. Do you know more facts about him? Weight: 59 kg (130 lbs) For example my nationality is American, but I’m ethnically German/Polish since that’s where my grand parents are from. Yes, he is currently learning Mandarin from WinWin since he didn’t know Mandarin before he was announced to be in the Chinese unit. – He hates fruits and never eats them, he said he has a fear of fruits. – Education: Shrewsbury International School – Japanese Weibo: 威神V_TEN_李永钦 However, he definitely did learn English when he was young since he is fluent in it and Thai is already his hometown language , I know that he can speak Mandarin because he is gonna debut with all the Chinese members. – On the airplanes he chooses the entrance sits. Sorn has mentioned that they hang out from time to time and Bambam has said that he wishes SM would let Ten hang out with them more. I’m sorry I don’t understand what ethnically means? I kinda don’t get it.

– He loves shopping for clothes and he actually spends a lot on clothes.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=THecW3AZjyI, https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a64f641e90567ddb793fc0d9ab177bfe23fe439f4ef5599489b667a072cc2699.jpg, https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/589bb9f5e5af5b89815653e1f168318259b17202dd9fdf244dad510003e729af.jpg, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=byXjK6HFnJ4, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4iSTe1qUx-A, Jaehyun (NCT) Profile and Facts; Jaehyun’s Ideal Type, Doyoung (NCT) Profile and Facts; Doyoung’s Ideal Type. Kpop – Who wore it better? – His favorite drinks are Americano and orange juice. He is also friends with Nickhun from 2PM who is American-Thai. He actually learned all of these lanuaguages; Im not certain if he learned Japanese or not, but these are REAL facts. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/589bb9f5e5af5b89815653e1f168318259b17202dd9fdf244dad510003e729af.jpg Ten said on his sm rookies thing that he’s half chinese, half thai! (Boy Groups). – He loves surfing and snwboarding. Ten's Chinese name is 李永钦. Kpop Ships BY USING THIS WEBSITE, YOU AGREE TO OUR PRIVACY POLICY. Kpop Boy Group Profiles – When he’s sad he likes eating sweets. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a64f641e90567ddb793fc0d9ab177bfe23fe439f4ef5599489b667a072cc2699.jpg, He is close with Amber Liu from f(x) who calls him her son. Poll: Who is the best instrumentalist in ONEWE? – During school, he practiced gymnastics (he won a trophy and 5 medals). – He can play the guitar and the piano. 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British hard rockers TEN have an outstanding history of releases in their storied and revered catalog.

Best Female Singers of All Time - Top Ten List - TheTopTens – If he would have to introduce a member to his sister, he would choose Mark. 4.1m Followers, 23 Following, 194 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from TEN_+•10 (@tenlee_1001) – Nickname: TNT (Ten), Cute Devil Gary Hughes on Frontiers Records' unique single release!