Find out the funds suitable for your portfolio by using our free Screener. "allowed_investor_types": "['Retail']", "2008 00:00": "", "2007 00:00": "",
{ data: 'name' }
null, "2016 00:00": "", ', 'Pricewaterhousecoopers LLP']", "2015 00:00": "", null,
Receive email updates about fund flows, news, upcoming CE accredited webcasts from industry thought leaders and more. null, null, "2009 00:00": "", "name": "Swedbank Robur Ny Teknik", null, "28": [], "management_company_country": "", "managers": "['Jonathan Foster', 'Bruce Jenkyn-Jones', 'Jon Forster']", }, "is_active": true, "share_classes": "[{'currency': 'USD', 'name': 'Parvest Climate Impact P USD C'}, {'currency': 'EUR', 'name': 'Parvest Climate Impact P D'}, {'currency': 'USD', 'name': 'Parvest Climate Impact C USD C'}, {'currency': 'EUR', 'name': 'Parvest Climate Impact N C'}, {'currency': 'EUR', 'name': 'Parvest Climate Impact X C'}, {'currency': 'EUR', 'name': 'Parvest Climate Impact C C'}, {'currency': 'EUR', 'name': 'Parvest Climate Impact P C'}, {'currency': 'EUR', 'name': 'Parvest Climate Impact I C'}, {'currency': 'EUR', 'name': 'Parvest Climate Impact C D'}, {'currency': 'EUR', 'name': 'Parvest Climate Impact X EUR D'}]",
"isin_numbers": "['BE0058652646', 'BE6299468940', 'BE6299471977', 'BE6246068447', 'BE6254414483', 'BE0948500344', 'BE0058651630', 'BE6299467934', 'BE0948501359', 'BE6246064404']", "2010 00:00": "", Inc.', 'Brown Brothers Harriman (Lux) SCA', 'Brown Brothers Harriman (Lux) SCA', 'Brown Brothers Harriman (Lux) SCA', 'AllianceBemstein Investor Services', 'AllianceBernstein Investments. "2009 00:00": "", "management_company_country": "United States", "is_ucits_compliant": true, "compounded_annual_return": 5.02, "2004 00:00": "", "2002 00:00": "", "2003 00:00": "", "1999 00:00": "", "2012 00:00": "", "2018 00:00": "" "style": "Equity", { The top holdings of the fund include Microsoft (MSFT), Alphabet Inc (GOOGL), Amazon (AMZN), Verizon Communications (VZ) and JPMorgan & Chase (JPM).
"2015 00:00": "", "2012 00:00": "", null, }, data[j][row]['latest_aum_usd'] = "$" + Math.round(data[j][row]['latest_aum_usd'] / 10000) / 100 + "m"; // 2 dp "2016 00:00": "", "is_edited_by_manager": false, .row td:nth-child(2), .row th:nth-child(2), .row td:nth-child(3), .row th:nth-child(3) { width: 10px; white-space: normal !important; } The stock market is a dynamic environment that’s in constant motion. "2005 00:00": "", "2014 00:00": "", ], "is_ucits_compliant": true, "service_providers": "['Deloitte Auditors', 'Petercam S.A.', 'Klynveld Peat Marwick Goerdeler', 'BKCP', 'Petercam SA', 'Petercam Institutional Asset Management SA', \"Deloitte Reviseurs d'entreprises\", 'Petercam S.A.', 'Deloitte Auditors', 'JPMorgan Europe Limited, Brussels Branch', 'Petercam Institutional Asset Management SA', 'Petercam SA', 'BKCP', 'Klynveld Peat Marwick Goerdeler', \"Deloitte Reviseurs d'entreprises\", 'JPMorgan Europe Limited, Brussels Branch', 'CACEIS Belgium', 'CACEIS Belgium', 'BinckBank NV', 'BinckBank NV', 'Fortuneo', 'Fortuneo', 'Leleux Associated Brokers S.A.', 'Leleux Associated Brokers S.A.', 'Deutsche Bahn AG', 'Deutsche Bahn AG', 'Banque Degroof Petercam S.A.', 'Banque Degroof Petercam S.A.', \"Argenta Banque d'Epargne SA\", \"Argenta Banque d'Epargne SA\", 'CRELAN SA/NV', 'CRELAN SA/NV', 'Van Lanschot Bankiers België', 'Van Lanschot Bankiers België', 'Degroof Petercam Asset Management S.A.', 'Degroof Petercam Asset Management S.A.', 'BKCP Banque SA', 'BKCP Banque SA', 'Petercam Institutional Asset Management SA', 'Petercam Institutional Asset Management SA', 'J.P. "allowed_investor_types": "['Retail']", The fund will avoid investing in companies that the Investment Manager considers to potentially have a negative impact on the development of a sustainable global economy. "2004 00:00": "", "region_exposure": "UK", "is_available_through_managed_account": "", "2001 00:00": "", That itself is a positive return, even if it’s not a financial one. "2015 00:00": "", "2012 00:00": "", "2001 00:00": "", "1999 00:00": "", table.dataTable { width: 1100px !important; margin-left: calc((100% - 1100px) / 2); clear:both; border-collapse:separate; border-spacing:0; border: 1px solid #e7eaeb; border-radius: 8px; font-family: Graphik, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; padding: 4px 0 12px; background-color: #f9f9f9; max-width: none; } "methodology": "Global Large-Cap Blend Equity", "share_classes": "[{'currency': 'GBP', 'name': 'Liontrust UK Ethical 2 Net Acc'}, {'currency': 'GBP', 'name': 'Liontrust UK Ethical 3 Net Inc'}]", "2015 00:00": "", null, "2011 00:00": "", "is_aifmd_compliant": "", Both of them support Mr. Hunnewell on managing the fixed-income components of the fund. { data: 'rank' }, "management_company_country": "Belgium",
"2014 00:00": "", "2016 00:00": "", "2014 00:00": "", To ensure quality and staying power of funds, we only look at those mutual funds with a minimum $250 million in assets and a track record of at least three years. "inception_date": "", "2015 00:00": "", "latest_aum_usd": 752207148.2, null,
"2014 00:00": "", ", }); "2010 00:00": "",
"is_aifmd_compliant": "", table.dataTable thead th.dt-head-justify,table.dataTable thead td.dt-head-justify,table.dataTable tfoot th.dt-head-justify,table.dataTable tfoot td.dt-head-justify { text-align:justify } Learn from industry thought leaders and expert market participants.
{ "latest_aum_usd": 905308374.6, "2017 00:00": "", "latest_month_performance": 5.39, "share_classes": "[{'currency': 'SEK', 'name': 'Swedbank Robur Ny Teknik A'}]", table.dataTable.order-column tbody tr.selected>.sorting_1,table.dataTable.order-column tbody tr.selected>.sorting_2,table.dataTable.order-column tbody tr.selected>.sorting_3,table.dataTable.display tbody tr.selected>.sorting_1,table.dataTable.display tbody tr.selected>.sorting_2,table.dataTable.display tbody tr.selected>.sorting_3 { background-color:#acbad5 } "2018 00:00": ""
Your personalized experience is almost ready. "management_company_name": "Nordea Investment Management AB", "2003 00:00": "",
"2004 00:00": "", "latest_month": "Jun-19", "2016 00:00": "", Environmental, social and governance (ESG) are increasingly seen as desirable criteria by investors to measure the sustainability and ethical impact of a company or business. ]
"strategy_description": "To increase the value of its assets over the medium term. $('.league-table').each(function(i){ Some argue that ESG funds deliver inferior financial returns. null, null, "isin_numbers": "['LU0085333697', 'LU0079428008', 'LU0130377012', 'LU0069063385', 'LU1174056132', 'LU0511383332', 'LU0654557817', 'LU1035773495', 'LU0462790857', 'LU0590156302', 'LU0462790931', 'LU0511384066', 'LU0518099808', 'LU0592692320', 'LU0462791079', 'LU0511384140', 'LU0069063542', 'LU0057025933', 'LU0518099477', 'LU0231609784', 'LU0462790428', 'LU0592692593', 'LU0462791319', 'LU0462791236', 'LU0034955152', 'LU0057026071', 'LU0034955236', 'LU0102831160', 'LU0511383688', 'LU0462790774']",
table.dataTable.hover tbody tr:hover.selected,table.dataTable.display tbody tr:hover.selected { background-color:#aab7d1 } "management_company_name": "J. Safra Sarasin Investmentfonds AG", "2011 00:00": "", July 19, 2019. "track_record_months": 272, div.dataTables_scrollHead table.dataTable, div.dataTables_scrollBody>table { border-bottom:none } "security_type": "Long Only", "manager_selection_status": "", null, "1999 00:00": "", The fund shall invest globally and shall invest a minimum of two thirds of its total assets in equities, other equity shares such as co-operative shares and participation certificates, dividend right certificates, warrants on equities and equity rights. Edgefolio is an award-winning technology provider in the asset management space. "2001 00:00": "", "managers": "['Neil Brown', 'Peter Michaelis', 'Clare Brook']", "2006 00:00": "",
"2017 00:00": "", "2011 00:00": "", "2002 00:00": "", "is_available_through_managed_account": "", Sign up to our newsletter for further updates like this from our blog. null, "is_ucits_compliant": null,
null, "manager_selection_status": "", "manager_selection_status": "", "location": "{'lat': 25.2239394, 'lon': 55.2827471}",