L'isola principale è piuttosto montagnosa; sull'unica zona pianeggiante, sulla costa nordoccidentale, sorge la capitale Edinburgh of the Seven Seas (chiamata dai locali The Settlement). [citation needed], In order to prevent the growth of the invasive mice population and extinction of the Albatross bird species, a 2019 Gough Island mouse eradication project was announced (Grundy, 2018). Sempre secondo questi accordi, quindi secondo le consuetudini degli isolani, ogni disoccupato ha il diritto-dovere di avere un lavoro non appena disponibile, i beni della comunità sono i beni di tutti e non esiste proprietà privata e persone che impartiscono comandi agli altri. The native bird species have slower generational output and exposure to the islands.
The island group is a constituent part of the British overseas territory of St. Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha. [41], Gough Island was inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1995, then named "Gough Island Wildlife Reserve". [113], There are eighty families on the island. [77] The subantarctic fur seal Arctocephalus tropicalis can also be found in the Tristan archipelago, mostly on Gough Island. I muschi e i licheni sono presenti nelle parti alte dei pendii. 264 isolani e 26 persone non residenti vennero trasportate dapprima sull'isola Nightingale, il giorno seguente a Città del Capo e infine furono trasferite in Gran Bretagna nell'ex base aerea della RAF di Calshot[19]. Gough and Inaccessible islands have been designated a World Natural Heritage Site, and conservation measures, such as restrictions in the harvesting of native wildlife, are in place elsewhere. Il 5 settembre 1836 la goletta americana Emily affondò nei pressi dell'isola e tre dei naufraghi sopravvissuti decisero di rimanere permanentemente a Tristan. What are the core competencies of San Miguel corporation? Il giorno successivo, constatati i danni e la formazione di una grossa crepa nel suolo del villaggio ne fu decisa l'evacuazione, prima su un'altra area dell'isola e poi, il 10 ottobre, fu deciso l'abbandono dell'isola[18]. La posizione fuori asse dell'isola è spiegata con la deriva verso Ovest, avvenuta negli ultimi milioni di anni, della dorsale, mentre il punto caldo che generava il magma è rimasto fisso.
[71], The endemic Tristan thrush, also known as the "starchy", occurs on all of the northern islands and each has its own subspecies, with Tristan birds being slightly smaller and duller than those on Nightingale and Inaccessible. 8 9 10. Nel 1853 William Glass morì e Alexander Cotton divenne il nuovo governatore dell'isola. )[21], che in inverno si copre di neve; la seconda vetta è il vicino Mount Olav (1 969 m s.l.m.). Due to Tristan da Cunha's isolated archipelago ecology, and increase of tourism with cruise ships and research vessels, more invasive species are set to be introduced to Tristan da Cunha.
Did Mac Davis steal Annie away from John Denver? Nel 1963, al rientro dall'evacuazione in Inghilterra causata dall'eruzione vulcanica, quattro donne di Tristan, ingravidate o con figli avuti da uomini di origine britannica, alleviarono decisamente la grave questione della endogamia nella popolazione. L'attuale edificio della St Mary's School a Tristan da Cuhna è stato costruito nel 1975 e ospita i ragazzi dai tre ai 16 anni[30]. While relocated to England and able to experience the conveniences of "modern" life, most islanders promptly decided to move back to Tristan da Cunha when geologists declared it safe two years later. [18] Lambert publicly declared the islands his property and named them the Islands of Refreshment.
On Gough the altitudinal limit of the community is about 400 m. In the lowlands of Tristan Phylica woodland has disappeared, again as a result of grazing, as well as by trees being used for fuel. It entered the population in the early 1900s, at a time when the island was visited by Russian sailing ships. This transformation process is greatly enhanced by the introduced grazing mammals (cattle and sheep). The island has been identified as an Important Bird Area by BirdLife International because there are 13 known species of breeding seabirds on the island and two species of resident land birds. [121] Tristan students doing post-16 education receive assistance from the Tristan da Cunha Association Education Trust Fund and typically do so in the United Kingdom and South Africa. L'Isola Inaccessibile e l'Isola Nightingale si trovano a 35 km in direzione SW dall'isola principale, mentre l'Isola Gough si trova a 395 km in direzione SSE. Tristan da Cunha hosts just 85 or so native flowering plant or fern species, but almost half of those, about 37, are found nowhere else in the world. Who is the longest reigning WWE Champion of all time? Il tentativo di colonizzare l'Isola Inaccessibile fallì.
Of the native flowering plants, 28 species, as well as 4 varieties or subspecies are endemic i.e. The lower part of this zone on Tristan is completely overgrown by alien species, notably Yorkshire fog (Holcus lanatus) and sheep's sorrel (Rumex acetosella). 15. Introduced Plants of Tristan da Cunha 7. [122], The Tristan Song Project was a collaboration between St. Mary's School and amateur composers in Britain, led by music teacher Tony Triggs.
It may also have been affected by the reduction in nutrient input as a result of greatly diminished seabird numbers due to predation by rats, and in the past by cats, pigs and other introduced mammals.
[76] While much of the marine life is unknown there has been an invasive species identified in the waters around the islands. M. Wace and M. W. Holdgate, CS1 maint: BOT: original-url status unknown (, Constituent part of Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha, Imperial Asiatic Company of Trieste and Antwerp, Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha, Wildlife of Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha, Overseas Countries and Territories Association, Education in Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha, Apostolic Prefecture of the Falkland Islands, The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket, Outposts: Journeys to the Surviving Relics of the British Empire, "Where is the Most Remote Spot on Earth? D'altra parte non esiste un porto, per cui il collegamento con l'isola dalla nave ancorata al largo avviene per mezzo di barche.
Il Sudafrica provvede a mantenere la stazione meteorologica sull'Isola Gough. [46], On 13 February 2008, a fire destroyed the island's four power generators and fish canning factory, severely disrupting the economy. La remota posizione dell'arcipelago rende difficili i collegamenti e i trasporti con il resto del mondo.
It began in 2010 and involved St. Mary's pupils writing poems and Tony Triggs providing musical settings by himself and his pupils. Nel 1849 sbarcò Andrew Hagan, che sposò Jane Glass[10]. Soltanto le baleniere continuarono a navigare in quelle acque[10]. Wind speed increases strongly with altitude, while temperature decreases.