Only the characters around her tell dangerous lies, leaving her to untangle them all and find out the truth. Each time a question gets answered, three more crop up to take its place. Low angles and well-framed shots ramp up the sense of unease as Katie grows uncertain of even Adam’s motives, heightening the feeling that she’s utterly alone in a huge house that seems to be more of a curse than a blessing. Dangerous Lies isn’t Oscar bait, but it absolutely delivers what its extremely straightforward title promises.
Gould whales on those points — could his eyes be any wider and more earnest? Who is this real-estate agent?
When his character suddenly dies, a lawyer (Jamie Chung) appears at his funeral, saying Leonard made a will just a few days prior, and left his house to Katie.
Why is Adam so obsessed with keeping the money in the attic?
Dangerous Lies doesn’t stack up to Netflix originals like The Irishman or Roma, but it still demands your attention. Vox Media has affiliate partnerships. Leonard isn’t long for the world, and what needs to come across before he goes is that he’s kind, and also that there might be somebody else in the house, given that Katie catches him wandering the house at night with a baseball bat. The film also has a leg up on its competition in that Scott and cinematographer Ronald Richard make up for its lack of depth by shooting the film as if it were a Hitchcockian mystery. Gould is an acting legend, familiar from movies like The Long Goodbye and Steven Soderbergh’s Ocean’s series. Dangerous Lies isn’t Oscar bait, but it absolutely delivers what its extremely straightforward title promises. These do not influence editorial content, though Vox Media may earn commissions for products purchased via affiliate links. Katie is devastated, partly because Adam is dead, but also because after hearing all the Dangerous Lies he suggested they attempt, she actually believed he …
The pacing has the added effect of making it hard to look away from the film, as so much is revealed so quickly — and has so little grounding in previous parts of the plot — that a poorly timed lapse in attention practically guarantees you’ll miss a vital piece of information. Dangerous Lies follows Katie and Adam, a couple who are struggling to make ends meet while Katie is working at a diner and Adam is going to graduate school. Katie finds him in the front yard of mansion, looking at the garden. / As it turns out, however, he isn’t sleepwalking through a Knives Out knock-off; he’s giving this drama-heavy, logic-light movie exactly the kind of performance it needs. Does Chesler really mean well? In Dangerous Lies, financially struggling Katie (Mendes) is a home care nurse for the wealthy Leonard (Elliott Gould). Dangerous Lies is streaming on Netflix now. He’s a cog in a machine that runs on juicy drama rather than subtle performances — which isn’t, as it turns out, a totally bad thing.
But the turn of events is too good to be true. Riverdale’s Camila Mendes stars in this mildly ridiculous, overpacked thriller. The 'Dangerous Lies' movie opens with a burglary. It seems like a stroke of good fortune for Katie and her husband Adam (Jessie T. Usher), who have been struggling with money. As the title implies, the Netflix thriller Dangerous Lies has a lot of twists and turns, but perhaps the most startling thing about it is that it briefly stars Elliott Gould. His recent work — Ruby Sparks, an Ocean’s 8 cameo, a run on Showtime’s drama Ray Donovan — makes it clear that he hasn’t lost his touch, but his performance in Dangerous Lies isn’t an addition to the Gould dramatic canon, so much as a sample of how he might carry off a Sesame Street appearance. — until Leonard’s unceremonious exit, making it easy to see just why Katie might believe that he would have left her all of his earthly belongings after knowing her for only four months. There’s no end to the dangerous lies the … There’s no end to the dangerous lies the characters tell, and they’re all overly dramatic in a way that adds to the film’s pulpy tone. There’s an actual detective investigating Leonard’s death, Detective Chesler (Sasha Alexander), but it’s up to Katie to do the legwork based on the vague, leading questions Chesler gives her. The realtor once again asks if Katie will sell the home to his client, but s… $59.99.
Netflix’s Dangerous Lies is full of exactly what it says on the tin, Walmart For the pair, it's a temporary arrangement until Adam lands a high paying job and Katie goes back to … The pleasure of Dangerous Lies isn’t finding out whodunit, but simply yelling, “What?” at your screen as increasingly unbelievable twists play out. As the protagonist, Katie is the only character whose motives are never in question.
When Katie tells him that the house isn’t for sale and that it’s unlikely her employer will sell it, the realtor continues to persist and gives Katie his card. For more information, see our ethics policy. Soon after Katie starts to work the elderly man, a realtor named, Ben Hayden, knocks on the door of the house to tell her that he has a client who’s ver interested in buying the mansion. The Walmart-exclusive Roku Premiere Plus can stream in 4K and includes a voice command remote. His delivery is deliberate and exaggerated, hammering home the fact that his character, Leonard, is a kindly old man who just wants what’s best for his caretaker Katie (Riverdale’s Camila Mendes).
When Katie inherits the house, Ben returns. As they discover a trunk full of money in the attic, and a shady real-estate agent (Cam Gigandet) who keeps showing up, badgering them to sell the house to his unnamed client, red flags start going up left and right. Dangerous Lies on Netflix is a new thriller out today starring Camila Mendes and Jessie T. Usher as a young married couple struggling to make ends meet who get caught up in twisty murder mystery…
Director Michael Scott, working in a moody color palette that often makes the movie look like an extended episode of Riverdale, keeps the surprises coming at a pace that ensures no one will think too hard about the fact that there aren’t really any clues to follow. Did the lawyer really speak with Leonard before his death? By that metric, Gould’s performance fulfills the exact parameters it needs to.