Would it be possible to get the images for dewiki as a tarball?
I hope i will get help.
Forme de nom commun [modifier le wikicode] dumps \ Prononciation ?
Thanks. Thanks, No dump made today for frwiki, error saying “2010-06-09 21:36:14 frwiki (new): missing status record” ? Alright, I'm just trying to parse Wiktionary Data Dump provided by Wikimedia.
I'd like to know if its possible to obtain the entire English Wikipedia (with full revision histories) on a hard disk, and if so, how much this would cost, and what options are available, i.e.
Should I use the datetime or timestamp data type in MySQL? The last full dump I have is from last year and is of course now horribly outdated. @svick: Yes it's true #2 is easier to circumvent when using the API but these basic caveats also cover trying to parse the Wiktionary data dump files, even though this question doesn't ask about that approach. Could we get a dump of simple English wiktionary. Thanks, Could you please give me a dump of all wikipedia templates. This is needed for several wiki-projects in Russian. Regards, Please provide pages-articles.xml.7z for enwiki.
The last two dumps were unsuccessful or aborted. So If anyone had already parsed (or have idea about any tool to parse) into MySQL using PHP, Please share the details. I thought of parsing it using some PHP script but I don't have any idea about the XML structure to proceed. 1.1.
it would be great if we could get an up to date dump :D
:) Thanks!
You may have to edit: AdminSettings.php/AdminSettings.sample first.
Can this be checked? Is there a demand for that?
This is for a DVD distribution project and would be a one-off. to different pages in an easier way. Could you please tell me how to get the dump file for wikimedia commons or create a new one? It would be a great idea to have just the thumbnails of images available. I just followed this post (http://www.igrec.ca/lexicography/installing-a-local-copy-of-wiktionary-mysql/) but it didn't work out..:( If anybody have succeed in this process, please help. A python project which parses word content from Wiktionary in an easy to use JSON format. (Travaux publics & carrières) Sorte de gros camion, articulé entre le train avant et le train arrière, qui transporte les matériaux sur les chantiers ou dans les carrières. Thank you very much. Could you please make a dump of it? The status page at http://download.wikimedia.org/backup-index.html is useful for knowing what's currently being dumped and what was recently dumped, but doesn't let us know what's coming up. 08:07, 17 December 2008 (UTC)maggie. Dump generally refers to a place for disposal of solid waste. How could immunity to a lie detection ability work? thanks! It Latest dumps (all current pages and all main pages) at [5].
Thank you for your help. SQL dumps are available on the site as well, see all dump formats for the English Wiktionary: The overall file was a litte larger with more than 66 849 000 elements: Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow!
its most likely encoded into wikitext and not available as dedicated columns alredy. Please make a dump of wikiprotein.org.
Please make a dump (if possible split into parts less than 300M) of the images (actual images, not just their descriptions) used by ru.wikipedia.org. bzip2 /tmp/dump.xml. I would like to reiterate this request from the University of Nottingham, Uk. Dear administrators! I am planning to use it for research purposes only. There are no other enwiki dumps available in the web directory. I was wondering if anyone would be able to provide the following download on a DVD? 11:00, 16 February 2006, Full-history dumps of all languages are large.
The last dump was made on 11th of June 2008. The enwiki dump of 4/25/08 failed.
JSON structure Thanks.
your coworkers to find and share information. I woul like a dump of all Irish articles in English. Would it be possible to redump or point to an older but working version of the xml dump? See also deaf.
Swapping out our Syntax Highlighter. See also below. There is currently no DE Dump available. is recorded in American English by 1784. I suggest that the dumping system be improved to not delete a completed dump until a new, successful dump exists to take its place, to prevent this situation happening.-- 10:32, 2 May 2007 (UTC). the latest full enwiki dump (01/03/08) has gone 404? Yes, that's all, from this we find patterns that quite accurately spot articles that volunteers then check and fix. The last is many days ago an something failed.
Could you start the new process of dumping the latest zhwiki?
I am unable to understand how the English Wikipedia dump of July 16 : [4] has the page-meta-history.xml.bz2 file of just 5 GB. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers.
--Dhardy 21:57, 5 February 2008 (UTC).
Please can someone say if there is a problem with enwiki.
The structure of the file you have is exemplary (peeking into ca. Thanks, Hello, I am working on a research project to detect sock-puppetry automatically. Could the wikitravel dump be made available publicly for download on http://download.wikimedia.org? shouldn't have anything else. The last two dumps were unsuccessful or aborted.
is symptomatic of a need to exclude and even demonize. Is there a way of getting incremental updates so that the one from 3/15/08 can be augmented?
Please email me at noreply@moronicgaming.com (No use spamming it, i only read emails from people i know)
php dumpBackup.php --full > /tmp/dump.xml dumper \dœm.pe\ transitif 1er groupe (voir la conjugaison). contact me at krishnanveeraraaghavan@gmail.com. Moronic.
Thank you for help.
We are desperately trying to download a recent dump of wikipedia with revision history (pages-meta-history.xml.bz2), and none seems to be available. If you have access to a dump and could make me a copy, please get in touch by email to work out the details. How to dump my own WikiDatabase to be able to read it with WikiTaxi ? 2. I hope they don't have to be relied upon! pages-articles.xml.bz2 3.2 GB. https://fr.wiktionary.org/w/index.php?title=dumper&oldid=28596331, Mots en français issus d’un mot en anglais, Wiktionnaire:Prononciations phonétiques manquantes en français, Wiktionnaire:Prononciations manquantes en anglais, licence Creative Commons attribution partage à l’identique. Wish the dumping process would be sooner start. That might at least be feasible for now.