– Mr President, the situation of refugees and migrants facing potentially harsh winter conditions has always been a key concern for our Commission. Το ανάποδο αποτέλεσμα έχετε καταφέρει με αυτή την πολιτική σας. Uno dei migliori di Torti. Er bedeutet die Vernichtung der Würde des Einzelnen. Then you cannot play football! Io ho acquistato la versione da 30 ml usufruendo di un'offerta Just pagando 3 creme just da 30 ml al prezzo di 20 euro 20-feb-2019 - Esplora la bacheca Just Italia di . This is not about fighting a war; it is about creating a dialogue, and I think it is now on us and Mr Timmermans to create this dialogue and to stand up for the rule of law and for Polish citizens. Sin embargo, de poco sirven las medidas concretas si el proyecto europeo no cambia el rumbo. Con la fine dell'estate (sigh ), ho sempre un momento di sbandamento, la pelle impazzisce un po’ e devo utilizzare solo determinati prodotti “approvati”, e procedere delicatamente con l’esfoliazione. Mir als Mitglied des Petitionsausschusses dauert es manchmal auch zu lange, bis unsere Petenten eine Antwort bekommen. Es verdad que la Comisión ha puesto encima de la mesa 500 millones de euros, es verdad. Terza cosa: bisogna interrompere quel triangolo infernale che vede l'industria che inquina che finanzia anche i rappresentanti nelle istituzioni europee e nelle istituzioni locali e regionali che poi nominano però i direttori degli istituti di controllo. Last winter, the Western Balkans faced considerable difficulties due to cold weather and heavy snowfall, especially in Serbia. C’est bien de vouloir favoriser le transport combiné fluvial ou ferroviaire alors que le dumping social a multiplié sur la route le transport de marchandises. Έτσι, στο τέλος έχουμε μια μείωση του κόστους, ακριβώς λόγω της μείωσης του μισθολογικού κόστους επειδή δεν τηρούνται οι διεθνείς όροι σε σχέση με την εργατική νομοθεσία. La consistenza è ovviamente non ha a che fare con quella da balsamo, è un prodotto molto più “budinoso” e solido, ma l’effetto districante è davvero notevole, mi ha soddisfatto in pieno in questo senso. Sodium Chloride, Helichrysum Italicum Flower Extract, Linalool, Limonene, Hexyl Cinnamal, Citronellol. Inequalities and poverty make our societies vulnerable and they jeopardise the overall competitiveness of the EU economy. Dlatego też myślę, że Pani Komisarz bierze pod uwagę, że ważne jest tempo wprowadzania zmian, tak aby umożliwić firmom w Europie przekwalifikowanie i dostosowanie się do nowych wyzwań. 77492, C.I. Gunnar Hökmark (PPE). chiaramente percepibile la menta in apertura, una delle più buone sentite per me! Secchiate di cannella e chiodi di garofano, su base dolciastra, vanigliata. Well, I have to tell you, I thought that it should never happen in Europe, and that it should never happen also in Poland; certainly not in Poland, because we do not have to give lessons to Poland. "311-This is basically the #NWO's dream ☝️ Create a generation of easy to manipulate people with no bonds to families. Lo vedo adatto a tutte le età, non soltanto alle giovanissime. Izaskun Bilbao Barandica (ALDE). V Evropi je z avtomobilsko industrijo povezanih kar 12,6 milijona delovnih mest, v Sloveniji je v njej zaposlenih 24.000 ljudi. Kanske behöver ni fundera lite mer och skriva betänkanden. The second is on a possible revision of the Written Statement Directive, which would increase the protection for the most precarious workers, including digital workers. János Pál pápa emlékművéről távolítsa el a kereszt krisztusi szimbólumát. Jacek Saryusz-Wolski (NI). Gli esperti sono qui con l'elenco delle Profumo Da Uomo più votate disponibili negli Stati Uniti per il 2021. Το εκμεταλλευτικό σύστημα που υπερασπίζεστε σημαίνει εργασιακή γαλέρα, ουρές ανέργων, μόνιμη ανασφάλεια, πλειστηριασμοί, άνθρωποι να ψάχνουν στα σκουπίδια. Pedimos al Gobierno griego el fin de la política de contención y traslados urgentes al continente que permitan un tratamiento digno y evitar una nueva tragedia este invierno, y exigimos al resto de gobiernos europeos, de una vez por todas, un mínimo de solidaridad que alivie la presión sobre Grecia y que dé una salida digna a estos miles de seres humanos que no han cometido ningún delito y que requieren de nuestra protección. Może trochę źle się składa, że pierwszy i drugi pakiet idą prawie równolegle i czasami w debacie nam się nakładają. Z mojego punktu widzenia to jest bardzo, bardzo istotne. Cosa dite ben fornita di mezzi?? In terms of broadening the scope of the environmental implementation review to other policy areas in the future, we find it essential that environmental challenges are tackled in a comprehensive manner and that all relevant policies are taken into account. – Nie, nie traktujemy Unii Europejskiej jako dojnej krowy. Vi diskuterar just nu hur framtidens transportpolitik i EU ska se ut. Riassume le componenti fondamentali dell’essere umano: ha la ragione, le aldeidi, qualche sfumatura floreale, ma è un animale, cuoio, muschio di quercia e patchouli. Mi fa piacere sentire che c'è già un'apertura, come ha detto il Commissario, anche perché non è pensabile oggi non considerare l'impatto del cambiamento climatico. Vím, že to v dohledné době není realistické, ale měli bychom o tom do budoucna uvažovat. De Commissie heeft inderdaad werk gemaakt van het aanboren van nieuwe afzetmarkten in Mexico, India, Japan en Canada. – You tackled a very important point, but I think Mr Timmermans said it best: this work will never end. Poi proseguo la routine solita, solo raramente faccio qualche trattamento tipo maschera Overnight o in crema (che quindi va a sostituire la vera e propria crema viso), di solito solo se ho campioncini. Per recensire questo profumo basta partire dal nome, Pure Poison: azzeccatissimo. They are supposed to phase out cross—border harmful corporate tax regimes in Europe. 14 LU X U RY files W I N T ER 20 /21. President. Robert Jarosław Iwaszkiewicz, w imieniu grupy EFDD. According to the Flash Eurobarometer survey of March 2016, 9 out of 10 EU citizens are familiar with their status as European citizens and their right to complain to the Ombudsman. At this preliminary stage of our assessment, the Commission already notes that certain issues in connection with the new draft laws could raise serious concerns. Dolce ma fresco, estremamente femminile. – Madam President, ‘very, very good proposal’, although he might not be so happy with the implications of the new anti-dumping measures Parliament voted for today. Например седмичната почивка да бъде в хотел, при условие че няма паркинги в държавите членки, и тези шофьори трябва да избират дали да нарушат директивата или да си пазят товара от нападения на мигранти или организирани престъпни групи. Per questo, ritengo imperativo intervenire sulla spesa sociale, affrontando il problema della povertà attraverso il sostegno alle famiglie, garantire l'accesso universale gratuito al servizio sanitario e introdurre un reddito minimo dignitoso per tutti. To tak naprawdę nie zaszkodzi Polsce. Adoro Jil Sander e questo è una pietra miliare dei vintage.. L'unica "pecca" se così posso chiamarla è l'evoluzione, dopo circa un'ora emana molto storace (una resina usata dagli antichi egizi) che gli conferisce un che di denso,medicinale, che non è proprio "solare" ma più unguento per massaggi riscaldanti. Es ist auch unbestritten, dass der Verkehrssektor insgesamt sauberer werden muss. Ik kan hier vandaag niet anders concluderen dan dat de uitvoering nog veel te wensen overlaat, zeker waar het gaat om de situatie op de Griekse eilanden. •Fango termale ad azione detossinante e rimodellante, abbinato alla thermolipolisi va a. Elmar Brok (PPE). I sincerely hope that today we can send a strong message to our Polish friends and citizens: we want you in the EU, Poland has always been part of Europe and always will be. Finally, let me stress that the Commission is making sure it abides by the highest standards of ethics and integrity, including by updating them when necessary. Por el otro, necesitamos unos sistemas de finanzas públicas sólidos que sirvan de apoyo a los que más lo necesitan y que garanticen una igualdad de oportunidades. Negotiations to allow for such deployment are ongoing both with Serbia and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. Do not offend the speakers before you. If you want to vote in favour, use my first excuse, if you want to vote, against use my second. Αντίθετα, ενθαρρύνουμε, στηρίζουμε πολιτικά, αναλαμβάνουμε πρωτοβουλίες και χρηματοδοτούμε την επανεγκατάσταση των προσφύγων. The onus will not be on MEPs. Rupert Matthews (ECR). Davvero carino questo profumo da utilizzare tutti i giorni per commissioni veloci perché non dura moltissimo e non opprime. Bent u niet beschaamd, dames en heren? . I strongly believe that social minimum standards at EU level are a solution to the problem of extreme inequality and poverty, including the working poor, and these common standards should include at least minimum income agreements, adequate unemployment benefits and certain public services. Universal credit has been a disaster: people have to wait six weeks for their benefit payments to come through. We need to be ready for the future and to design a system that is effective but fair to all. В опит да помогне на тези фирми Комисията предлага неща, които могат да застрашат живота на шофьорите и на всички участници в движението. En Samos y Lesbos, preparadas para acoger a 3 000 personas, se amontonan más de 8 000, sin acceso adecuado a agua, alimentos, atención médica o incluso un techo. Non posso che essere d'accordo. – Señora presidenta, nos alegra que se reaccione por fin a los problemas del dumping en sectores industriales clave en nuestra economía, como es el del acero, aunque con menos determinación de la necesaria, por desgracia. Sulla mia pelle è molto persistente ed ha una buona proiezione, oltretutto mi sembra che il costo sia anche accettabilissimo. Bogusław Liberadzki (S&D). Sicuramente ho notato che funzionano molto bene due cose: Con questi propositi svolgo la mia normale Beauty Routine, anche quest’anno ho differenziato la Routine “Everyday” dei giorni lavorativi, da quella della “Domenica” o comunque festiva, che in qualche occasione è il trattamento che faccio di sabato, o un giorno in settimana festivo, insomma, quando ho l’occasione di una coccola in più, mattina e sera. Στον σοσιαλισμό οι λαοί έζησαν μονιασμένα και ειρηνικά για δεκαετίες. – Mr President, let me repeat what I said earlier, I have to say the Spanish translation of ombudsman is the one that appeals most to me ‘defensor del pueblo’, which is a very nice expression of this function. Een top die hopelijk achteraf bekend zal staan als een van de markeerpunten waarin wij afscheid nemen van een EU waarin het louter draait om markt en munt. No, niemieckie media. Alors, attelons-nous au niveau européen, comme au niveau national, à y apporter des réponses concrètes. Kluczowe jest stanowisko Stanów Zjednoczonych w sprawie negocjowanych umów, a jak wiemy dziś nie jest to stanowisko dla nas interesujące. Také bohužel nemohu souhlasit se zavedením evropské záruky pro děti, tzv. So what is relevant today as the world faces threats from other unelected totalitarian regimes? – Κύριε Πρόεδρε, η έκθεση ζητεί διαφάνεια. Das geht nicht! To dzięki ludziom kochającym ojczyznę, których nie udało się zmusić do emigracji, wybrano rząd, który próbuje zreformować praktycznie wszystkie dziedziny życia, także sądownictwo tworzone jeszcze za czasów reżimu komunistycznego w PRL, co nie podoba się opozycji, która nigdy nie miała takiego poparcia, i Komisji Europejskiej – powołującej się na poszanowanie ludzkiej godności, demokrację, równość, praworządność, prawa człowieka, tolerancję i sprawiedliwość. Alcuni lo associano a Montblanc Legend Spirit, ma per me questo è più buono, perché il Montblanc è praticamente un bagnoschiuma fatto profumo. Dank u. Enrique Calvet Chambon, en nombre del Grupo ALDE. Szanowni Państwo! Rosa, vaniglia e quel tocco gourmand perfettamente riconducibile alla nota di caffè. – Stimate coleg, sunt total de acord cu ce ați spus dumneavoastră, însă aș vrea să vă întreb legat de ultima parte a discursului dumneavoastră: credeți că prea multe reguli - și mă refer acum la propunerea făcută de domnul comisar - legate de posibilitatea întâlnirii eurodeputaților cu cetățenii, cu asociațiile profesionale nu creează un obstacol în comunicare? Years of austerity politics have only made things worse, in particular in my country, as well as in Greece, Portugal, Spain and Ireland. There are millions of witnesses from Central and Eastern Europe who could give testimony on what happened in that part of Europe between the end of World War II and 1989. OK? Oburzające! poi cambia e diventa zuccheroso e mandorlato ma non talcato in senso stretto. – Panie Przewodniczący! We have agreed that we will communicate with our public responsibly. Obzvláště pak vítám výzvu ke společnému zasedání Rady, na níž by se mělo jednat o nových problémech s možnými přeshraničními dopady. Deshalb rate ich dazu, sich nicht verrückt machen zu lassen, auch nicht künstlich zu verlängern, in die neuen Technologien zu investieren, all die Hebel zu nutzen, die wir heute schon haben, um letztendlich dann dadurch den Verkehr emissionsärmer zu gestalten. Ali smatramo da su razotkrivanje istine, osuda kršenja temeljnih ljudskih prava, zadovoljština žrtvama i njihovim obiteljima preduvjeti odgovornog suočavanja s prošlošću. The ideology that inspired the Bolsheviks caused this human tragedy. Mindeközben nagy zűrzavart okozunk az autóiparban. Eu văd aceasta ca o îngrădire a comunicării între noi, cei aleși - nu e vorba de comisarii numiți, vorbesc de eurodeputați și de cetățeni și asociații profesionale. Αυτή είναι ανισότητα. Molto più dolce, intrigante e portabile per me, un buon profumo particolare. Nie chodzi o wartości, tylko chodzi o władzę, prawda, kto ma władzę. Jeżeli Europa ma nie zginąć pod ciosami własności wspólnej, to musimy się jej wyrzec. For people who don’t know what zero—hours contracts are, it is where you go to work one day and you wait for a phone call to tell you whether you are needed in work the next day. Birgit Sippel (S&D). Die heeft nog weinig aandacht gekregen in de pers, maar dit is een sector met heel veel passagiers en heel veel veiligheidsvraagstukken. To be very clear: the Minister of Justice in Poland is also Chief Prosecutor and the Chief Prosecutor now has full discretionary powers to appoint and dismiss presidents of courts. In addressing the cross-cutting issues, we should avoid working in silos and ensure that all relevant parties are involved in discussions. 77266), Iron Oxides (C.I. Je tedy velmi žádoucí, aby pozice Evropské parlamentu byla co nejprogresivnější a mířila do budoucnosti, ve které nejsou zájmy občanů a planety dány na druhou kolej. I particularly welcome the focus on public procurement. Például Magyarországon a fiatalok munkanélkülisége is látványosan csökkent, ez azonban nem lehet ok arra, hogy idő előtt elvegyük az ifjúsági garanciából finanszírozott forrásokat. – Ho ricevuto dal gruppo ALDE una richiesta di nomina di una commissione. Avete mentito ai vostri elettori e non volete confrontarvi sui problemi concreti. The report also touches upon access to documents and publication of information. The European Union cannot function if Member States start saying ‘We pick and choose which rules we have adhered to, are applicable to us, yes or no’. Volgens mij bestaan er ook instrumenten, zoals het TEN-T-programma, om dat vanuit de EU te ondersteunen. Mais la question de l’égalité des sexes par rapport à l’emploi se pose avec une acuité toute particulière, car ce sont les femmes qui sont les premières victimes du marché de l’emploi, non parce qu’elles sont inférieures aux hommes, mais parce que la société, dans son ensemble, n’a pas encore intégré la notion d’égalité hommes-femmes. Het feit dat er 12 000 vluchtelingen en migranten vastzitten op de Griekse eilanden terwijl er maar voor 5 000 mensen opvang is, hoeft helemaal niet zo te blijven. Su di me non riesco a tenerlo più di 10 min poi corro a sciacquarmi il braccio.. Opprimente e polveroso come se mi sbattessero un panno swiffer sotto il naso.. Tossendo lo uso come deo bagno. The rights you now claim for yourself as a majority might not be granted to you once you no longer are a majority. We draw inspiration, honourable Members, from your work as you reflect the concerns of the citizens that you represent and it is my role also to try to deal with similar concerns of citizens. Finally, the thing is that we should also consider if we want our former colleagues, politicians, to become members of the Court of Auditors. The product being used was glyphosate – Roundup – to kill this invasive alien species. Los socialistas hemos conseguido introducir este debate en el pleno pero, lamentablemente, una mayoría formada por grupos políticos tanto a nuestra derecha como a nuestra izquierda, han impedido que se pudiera aprobar una resolución en la que el Parlamento reclamara medidas concretas tanto a la Comisión como al Consejo. Gel di Sodio Ialuronato spignattato (anche contorno occhi) Essence 2.0 spignattata. Zgodilo se je pa podobno, kot se zgodi pri šahu, so bili pač prva žrtev na šahovnici in posledice se čutijo še danes. And finally, the Polish authorities should bring the two new draft laws on the Supreme Court and on the National Council for the Judiciary, proposed by President Duda, fully into line with EU law and with European standards on the independence of the judiciary and the status of councils for the judiciary. Strengthening the protection of whistle-blowers is an essential aspect of this. frågar jag. Merja Kyllönen (GUE/NGL). We cannot allow this situation to happen again. Despite the fact that he wants people to stand up against this government, he said, ‘remember, however, that the PiS electorate are our mothers, brothers, neighbours, colleagues and friends’. Παράλληλα, η επαναδιαπραγμάτευση του κανονισμού του Δουβλίνου, που προσβλέπει σε μόνιμο μηχανισμό μετεγκατάστασης, προσκρούει στις χώρες που αρνούνται την αναλογική κατανομή προσφύγων σύμφωνα με την αρχή της αλληλεγγύης. It has been the most important contribution of European politicians of the past three decades to keep the continent peaceful, free and prosperous. Dėl didžiulių atskiruose sektoriuose patirtų nuostolių ir dėl ateities nežinojimo ūkininkai masiškai traukiasi iš gamybos ir dažniausiai pereina prie augalininkystės, daugiausia prie grūdinės. They are a must. Тази революция е може би най-голямата морална катастрофа в историята на човечеството. The Commission is looking for real, constructive dialogue in order to redress the situation in Poland with regard to the rule of law. In Europa il costo del lavoro cambia da paese a paese. Por isso, a Comissão Europeia devia ser ainda mais ambiciosa no pacote para a mobilidade agora apresentado: mais ambiciosa nas prioridades, nas políticas e nas metas. So this is our chance to capture this market in a sustainable way. Markets and currency are important instruments, but not our end goals. Come socialista europeo ho sposato un'ideologia politica che pensa di poter coniugare libertà civili e politiche con maggiore uguaglianza contro il modello del socialismo reale, ma da italiano so quanto la storia del Partito comunista italiano in Italia sia stata una storia di battaglia e di progresso, e voglio ricordare che fu proprio quel Partito comunista italiano a eleggere qui da indipendente Altiero Spinelli. It shaped the moods in the EU and influences attitudes of our citizens. Pavel Telička, on behalf of the ALDE Group. We have eyes and ears. Let me point out where I do see a weakness in upholding the EU project. Das deutsche Fernsehen sagt das aber nicht. Mi ha totalmente deluso perché persino da bagnato non rimane minimamente sulla palpebra mobile! We live in a different society. Κωνσταντίνος Παπαδάκης (NI). Malgré ce dispositif de gestion de l’offre, qui doit malheureusement prendre fin prochainement, des productions comme les pommes, les pêches et les nectarines connaissent toujours de profonds déséquilibres. Thus it is our common responsibility to preserve the vital values of tolerance, protection, human rights and the rule of law. Guadrando le note, mi colpisce una piramide così comlessa e popolata, ma totalmente in armonia. Met resultaat. We moeten dus verhoogd inzetten op een betere implementatie, want anders blijken onze strikte normen in de realiteit alleen maar papieren tijgers. Violeta Bulc, Member of the Commission. De buitenwereld verwacht van ons dat wij snel en ambitieus ons werk doen. Mislim, da vsi ti napori, ki se vlagajo, morajo na koncu poleg seveda tudi emisij tudi ostalih elementov bistveno vplivati tudi na varnost. Ritrovo un campione intonso di cui ignoravo l'esistenza. Ich werde morgen auch gegen Ziffer 37 stimmen. Bogdan Andrzej Zdrojewski (PPE). We debatteren vandaag dus over het handelen van de Poolse regering en niet over het land of de bevolking. Benedek Jávor, author. Επιχειρείται, από την πλευρά της Ένωσης, η παρέμβαση στα εσωτερικά μιας χώρας, με πρόσχημα τις κυβερνητικές απειλές εναντίον του κράτους δικαίου. – L'ordine del giorno reca la discussione sulle dichiarazioni del Consiglio e della Commissione sul piano invernale per i richiedenti asilo. Dziś z Polski zrobiliście sobie chłopca do bicia. Smatramo se odgovornima podsjećati i danas na to kako europsko društvo svoju budućnost gradi u skladu s europskom osudom svih fašističkih, komunističkih i totalitarnih sustava koji su u cijeloj Europi kroz proteklo stoljeće prouzročili tragična stradanja, progone, likvidacije političkih neistomišljenika. Latvijas zemnieki ir iekarojuši uzticamus tirgus. It seeks to spread chaos, to weaken our stability, to undermine the trust of people in our institutions, and to make us afraid of every upcoming election. Κωνσταντίνα Κούνεβα (GUE/NGL). There is sufficient time for the industry to invest in cleaner technologies and for the employees to transition their skills. Questo è inammissibile, visto che tutti sappiamo quelli che sono i dati, pesanti, che da quando ci sono le sanzioni l'Unione europea ha perso il 44 % del movimento economico verso la Russia. Cos e a cosa serve. Gestern wurde in vielen Redebeiträgen zu Malta eine direkte Parallele gezogen von Polen/Ungarn zu Malta. Rilassante e riconciliante, come un weekend! – Herr Präsident, Herr Vizepräsident! Das Thema europäische Arbeitslosenversicherung, wie es die linke Seite hier im Parlament gerne hätte, das ist, glaube ich, keine Lösung. Panely vaší výstavy byly čistou adorací komunistických symbolů a komunistického násilí. It is also for Italy, Spain, Hungary, etc. Davvero un ottimo lavoro e un'ottima alternativa a un prezzo imbattibile! Si tratta, sulla carta, di un profumo Legnoso Unisex, del 2011, e la caratteristica principale dei profumi di questa marca è di essere mono-nota, o almeno, a giudicare dalla piramide olfattiva, almeno incentrati su una sola nota. 77491, C.I. – Madam President, I would like once again to thank Parliament for the interest shown in this important initiative and for the questions and comments that have been made. Mark Demesmaeker, namens de ECR-Fractie. Nombre de pages: 490. Legnoso quanto basta per renderlo avvolgente,ottimo dopo una bella doccia calda. Již nyní automobilový průmysl vlastně jde tímto trendem. Jak wszyscy wiemy, transport to z jednej strony zanieczyszczenia, emisja CO2, ale z drugiej strony to są setki tysięcy miejsc pracy. Itt az ideje, hogy tettekkel mutassunk példát az újságírók védelme terén: a hatóságok vizsgálják ki az esetet és találják meg a felelősöket! Nie możemy jednak pozwolić, by pod hasłami nawołującymi do większej równości społecznej wprowadzone również zostało jawne naruszenie kompetencji państw członkowskich, do których to należą zagadnienia polityki społecznej. En consecuencia, está obligado a recibir y a escuchar a las asociaciones de víctimas y familiares de las más de 150 000 personas asesinadas por la dictadura franquista. De Groenen zien een trend van krimpende burgerlijke vrijheden. Fake news is ultimately about influencing, with a view to undermining, the democratic process. But I suggest we address this task rather honestly. Voorts is de richtlijn over de bus- en touringcarmarkt van groot belang. De er ret bange for åbenhed, har jeg lagt mærke til. The Minsk agreement has to be respected, and these other countries need help to resist the Russian influence. To są jakieś takie... Ja w tym widzę takie stare kolonialne nawyki, które tutaj się pojawiają. Προστατεύουμε τον ευρωπαϊκό τρόπο ζωής, ο οποίος μας χάρισε 70 χρόνια ειρήνης και 70 χρόνια καλής δημοκρατίας. Puro. Ale ten zmyślony świat kończy się tam, gdzie kończy się codzienne pranie mózgów. Ostatně právě projekt Východního partnerství byl zahájen v Praze v době českého předsednictví v roce 2009. It would be tragic that anybody who comes here looking for freedom and is legal would die because of the lack of warmth, clothing and comfort that they deserve. Tags: oiatildeumls essenza oiatildeumls amazonit oiatildeumls essenza. Ich hoffe, dass auf alle Reden und Worte bald Taten folgen, wie zum Beispiel die Umsetzung der fairen Verteilung der Flüchtlinge auf die Mitgliedstaaten. Jane Collins (EFDD). Mi è piaciuto molto. If we prefer to have professional auditors and accountants there to inspect our everyday dealings with financial matters, we should be also consistent. Deshalb sage ich: Wir müssen tatsächlich schauen, dass wir hier nicht das Kind mit dem Bade ausschütten, uns aber gleichwohl auch ambitionierte Ziele für die Zukunft stecken, um in Zukunft noch besser zu werden und den Verkehr emissionsärmer zu gestalten. Is the only one who is right the PiS government in this? Denn wenn er den Populismus mit den Kommunisten und mit der Revolution von damals vergleicht, dann ist das eine völlig unzulässige Annäherung an dieses Thema. Την ίδια ώρα, η άνοδος της ακροδεξιάς, των νεοφασιστών και των νοσταλγών του Χίτλερ στοιχειώνει την Ευρώπη και δείχνει ξεκάθαρα πως το τέρας του φασισμού αναγεννιέται. Dobbiamo essere in grado di trasformare questo solenne evento in un vero e proprio movimento, in grado di dotare finalmente l'Unione di una strategia sociale adatta alle sfide della modernità. Visitatori attualmente online: 153, Fragrantica in your language: The overall compliance rate is very high at 82%. Il mix di ambra e mirra da calore alla fragranza. Dita Charanzová (ALDE). That legacy continues in places like China, Cuba and North Korea. I dati chiaramente dimostrano che la crisi degli ultimi anni ha avuto un effetto drammatico sulla crescita delle disuguaglianze nelle sue più svariate forme: di reddito, di genere, di ceto, geografiche, intergenerazionali. We will call for Article 7 of the EU Treaty to be triggered. Ora, dopo il suo assassinio con un'autobomba, sappiamo che lo stesso popolo maltese è sceso in piazza per chiedere verità e giustizia. Tegen 2030 moeten onze lidstaten de uitstoot van de transportsector drastisch verlagen. – Señora presidenta, quiero felicitar al ponente por este informe, por el contenido y por el enfoque, que comparto, que plantea que la lucha contra la desigualdad debe ser una prioridad capital de la Unión Europea. In questa pagina troverai la mappa del sito di viabenessere.com. Dlatego uważam, że komunizm, jako ideologia szkodliwa dla jednostki, także dla tkanki społecznej, powinien być zakazany. Andor Deli (PPE). More generally, the European Union is looking into providing additional support based on the needs agreed with our partner countries. Ich bitte noch mal eindringlich auch die Kommission – ich glaube, der Kollege ist nicht hier. It seems that each and every time when winter approaches, we come up with this winter plan for asylum seekers. Non solo infatti è il primo, ma è anche il più innocentemente intenso e misterioso. Dit heeft als onvermijdelijk gevolg dat we de burger nog verder van Europa vervreemden. Българските комунисти извършиха едни от най-зловещите атентати в историята на човечеството: взривиха църквата „Св. We then must consequently show the same energy, passion and determination to defend what Europe is, to defend who we really are and to understand that collective prosperity is impossible without individual liberty. Então, como agora, estávamos perante esse complexo puzzle da chamada crise dos refugiados: falta de solidariedade europeia, falta de recursos humanos e meios financeiros, um sistema europeu comum de asilo periclitante e uma tragédia a acontecer perante os nossos olhos no Mediterrâneo. However, how it was implemented when it came to turf cutters and farmers has left a bitter taste which will not be removed for a long time. In Spanje worden rechters met regelmaat specifiek uitgezocht en onder druk gezet zodat de gewenste uitspraak volgt. It is very positive and whether it is for electric vehicles or for whatever type of renewable energy that may be used, I can see the real value in that and I can see it being very effective. – El punto siguiente en el orden del día es el debate sobre el informe de Marlene Mizzi, en nombre de la Comisión de Peticiones, sobre el Informe anual relativo a las actividades del Defensor del Pueblo Europeo en 2016 (2017/2126(INI)). I also think that the battery initiative is good, because there is so much potential in that area where Europe are not the leaders, but Europe can lead in that area.
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